Author Topic: Anyone hate Bono as much as I do lol  (Read 5163 times)


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Anyone hate Bono as much as I do lol
« on: November 22, 2006, 08:22:08 PM »
What a tosser.
Never bought a U2 album because of him
Anyone who thinks George Bush is a good bloke is deranged
He's one of these private equity blokes buying up the world, paying no taxes.

Hey Bono, pay some tax, contribute to your local economy and maybe some of it will drift out to people in need.



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Do we really need rockstars and their BIG FAT EGOS
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2006, 08:34:35 PM »
If you find a good rockstar shoot him before he turns out like thiis ;) LOL

The best part of this is the thing about how to hypnotise chooks lol

Hates to name drop as well  :wallywink

ANDREW DENTON:  Welcome to a special edition of ENOUGH ROPE.

BONO: Thank you very much. Thanks for having me.

ANDREW DENTON: Great to have you here. Now, on stage, you’ve described it as, you know, sometimes it’s like the sky splits open and God pours out. On a good night, is it that good?

BONO: On a good night. On a good night, playing outdoors is an amazing thing if it goes off. You know, where else are you going to get 70,000 people to agree on anything? If it’s poo, and it can be, I don’t think there’s a worse place to be in the world - in the back of a rock gig, you know, you can’t see the band. And we have tried with the staging of our shows to always make it, wherever you are in the house, there’s something special going on. And we’ve - I think we’ve broke some ground there, in the early 90s, with the B stage, which - you see now the Rolling Stones or others are using this kind of multimedia stuff that we did on Zoo TV and - and creating club gigs in the middle of stagings, which we do now on the Vertigo Tour.

ANDREW DENTON: When you’re out there in front of 70,000 people and it’s going off, what’s it like? Is it sort of Nuremberg Rally level?

BONO: No. I mean the Nuremberg thing we’ve - we’ve had some fun with that with - with Zoo TV, we took the pee out of that aspect of the rock show spectacle. We used, actually, Lennie Riefenstahl footage of the - the Hitler youth and, you’ve probably seen, we made a film of it here in Sydney. But, in truth, the people who come to a rock show are much more sophisticated than they are sometimes cartooned. They will not vote you for who you ask them to, they - they will boo and they will hiss if they don’t like what you’re doing, or, as they occasionally do with me, tell me to hurry up when I’m lecturing them about Africa.

ANDREW DENTON: Is that right?

BONO: Yeah. It’s - it’s great. We had an amazing moment in Chile actually, on the last tour, not this time, about Augusto Pinochet. It was a live telecast from the stadium where all the people lost their lives and were tortured. After I end - they was ousted by Pinochet in the military coup, so I asked the - just live on television, I said, “You know, General Pinochet, you know, God will be your judge, we won’t be your judge but at least tell these women,” they were all on stage, “where the bodies of their children are buried. Will you at least do that?” And the crowd divided in half and some started to boo and all the police that were protecting the thing just left the building. It was an amazing moment and people were shocked and upset but I actually wasn’t. I thought, “No, this is great.” You know, we have a real audience across the different political divides and they don’t have to agree with every position you take.

ANDREW DENTON: Has it ever got out of your control?

BONO: No. I don’t remember a show that - that is - sometimes it is - it’s a little terrifying, particularly in South America, actually. We’ve just come back from South America and it was pandemonium, it was just extraordinary, people out of the streets, you know, it was astonishing. Music means so much to them and the crowds at times are a little - you worry for them.

ANDREW DENTON: Because it’s - they’re so passionate, so over the top there…

BOB BROWN: Yeah, and just in case they lose it, you know.

ANDREW DENTON: I mean, do you see, what - we’re talking people up the top of lighting towers, that sort of stuff or…

BONO: Yeah. No. Occasionally - I think there was one occasion we had to talk somebody down from the top of a football - somebody had got up on the roof and was kind of dancing along the edge of it, for fun, and I had to stop the show….


BONO: …And try to, you know, hypnotise him like a chicken, you know, sort of, at a hundred yards.

ANDREW DENTON: You know how you hypnotise a chicken? You put him under your arm.

BONO: Are you a chicken hypnotist?

ANDREW DENTON: You know, show business is an inconstant business.

BONO: How do you do it, you…

ANDREW DENTON: You hold - you hold them under your arm until they sort of fall asleep.

BONO: I do that with the Edge. That’s - that’s how we record.

ANDREW DENTON: Is that right?

BONO: With that arm yeah.

ANDREW DENTON: That’s how you pacify him.

BONO: Yeah.

ANDREW DENTON: Talking once to Ron Wood from the Rolling Stones, he said the funniest thing he ever saw happen on stage was Keith Richards slipping on a frankfurter in Frankfurt.

BONO: That’s...

ANDREW DENTON: Do funny things happen…?

BONO: That’s very good.

ANDREW DENTON: It was, it made me laugh. Do funny things happen on stage with you guys?

BONO: I do remember we toured the world with a 40-foot mirror-ball lemon spaceship, which was a fanciful idea, in the mid 90s. We did have this mother ship and it would - and it was always in a way meant to go on. We were kind of secretly hoping it would, but there was a fantastic moment on the opening night as the spaceship opened and we descended from the spaceship down at the - down the stairs, into, you know, just a very dense - and dry ice and smoke, where Edge couldn’t find his effects peddle and we - he - I was down in the smoke with him and he was crawling around in the smoke looking for his buzz-box.

ANDREW DENTON: Difficult moment to recover from?

BONO: Yeah, very spinal tap, but I, mean, that was part of the fun of - Postmark it was called, was to be, you know, outsized and outrageous and all the other outs.

ANDREW DENTON: Is it true that you actually got caught inside that device at one point?

BONO: Yeah. Look, we had a kind of a lemon - a lemon failure, a whole lemon failure routine...


BONO: ...Where, if it got stuck, an emergency thing would go out over the audience, you know, “Lemon failure.”


BONO: “Lemon failure, lemon breakdown,” and, well, there was a drinks cabinet in there, there was - you know, it wasn’t too bad.


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Rockstars stay away from politics
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2006, 08:35:55 PM »
ANDREW DENTON: Can we talk about the politics of politics for a minute? This is the other half of your life, I guess, which is your activism. You’ve met many world leaders. Which one do you think is most deserving of that title?

BONO: I’ve - I have actually ended up with a lot more respect for politicians than I ever imagined. I mean, they work much harder than I thought they did. They’re paid a lot less than I am, and I’ve met so many that I - that I kind of admire, and - I know you spoke to Bill Clinton. He’s a really astonishing character, but one I’ve ended up thinking about a lot, I don’t know why, is Mikhail Gorbachev. I got to know him. It’s the strangest kind of a relationship to have with this - this man. We got on so well, and I had - a very preposterous moment happened to me when I had told him if he was in Dublin that he should drop out - on Sundays in our house is kind of, you know, it’s like a train station, people drop by, you know, it’s just one of those Sundays. Yeah, it’s open house and we were sitting down at the kitchen table, I think it was our little boy John’s birthday and there was a bunch of people around, there was a knock at the door, and I hadn’t told Ally that the President might be calling, so she just answers the door and there’s Mikhail Gorbachev, you know, once with his finger on the nuclear arsenal...


BONO: ...Standing with a four-foot teddy, I mean, almost bigger than him. And my wife, Ally, does a lot of work in Russia and Chernobyl and around. This is a really big moment, so she’s like, “Wow, please come in,” and we sat down and drank a lot of whiskey together, and I got to - I think I just - he really opened himself up to me.

ANDREW DENTON: Who did you find?

BONO: I just found a really mesmeric man. I asked him about having his finger on all of powers and he said, “You know, all my life I had thought about this and how stupid it was that this” - I think it was called MAD, actually, Mutually Assured Destruction - and he had said, “I knew always that I would never ever use that power.” And I asked him was he religious and he told me his parents were and that he had been brought up with some sort of Catholic influence in his life. And then finally I decided - I said, “Do you believe in God?” and he said, “No, but I believe in the universe,” and it was just an amazing - it was - it was - it was the way he said it - I knew he had thought very long and hard about it. I mean, there was a lot of Irish whiskey involved too. It was more like, “Do you believe in God?” “Well I believe in universe.”

ANDREW DENTON: Being Russian, he could probably drink you under the table right?

BONO: I’m - in fact, I know he can.

ANDREW DENTON: You know what a construct it is to be a rock star, a deliberate construct. How much more of a construct do you have to have to be a politician to lead your country, to be a Gorbachev or a Bush?

BONO: I don’t know but I just thought, you know, there’s this man who really personally dismantled the Berlin wall and - and - and pulled back the iron curtain, and I - maybe the reason I think about Gorbachev a lot and his constructions is because I - as I grew up in the 70s and 80s in Europe, the iron curtain was always going to be there, it was never, ever - there was never a thought that one day it wouldn’t, and so I use that in my own mind to think about things that we accept as givens.

ANDREW DENTON: Did George Bush surprise you when you met him?

BONO: Yeah. Yeah. I liked him a lot more than I thought I would. All I’m thinking when I’m meeting him is how I’m going to explain it to the band and…

ANDREW DENTON: And how did you?

BONO: But he’s very funny...


BONO: ...And that that took me aback and...

ANDREW DENTON: What’s George Bush patter?

BONO: I thought he looked rather enviously at my glasses and so I slagged him off, about, you know, his dress sense and… But I rode with him in one of those motorcades, those ridiculously long motorcades once, and he was waving to the people on the street, and I said to him - I said, “You’re pretty popular around here, aren’t you, Mr President?” And he goes, “Wasn’t always so.” He said, “When I first came to this town, people used to wave at me with one finger.” And so — so, he’s funny.

ANDREW DENTON: How did you explain it to the band?

BONO: I’m still explaining it to the band.

ANDREW DENTON: How did you break the news?

BONO: But the best way I can explain it to the band is that, over two initiatives, George Bush has signed a cheque worth 25 billion dollars for issues that I’m working on, which is really serious, 15 billion dollars on an AIDS initiative. And, let me tell you this, three years ago, four years ago, the idea that a conservative administration of the United States would pay 15 billion dollars to get anti retro-viral drugs to Africans was a preposterous idea. People laughed at me openly, and Democrats and Republicans alike. So, he delivered for me.

And Condoleezza Rice, who is the person who really worked that, you know, she deserves a lot of respect for that. But, you know, we’ve had disagreements too, and I’ve had, you know, contretemps with him and I get agitated when the money isn’t coming fast enough and, you know, occasionally he’ll tell me to, you know, turn it down and, “I’m the President, let me finish my sentence,” stuff like that.

ANDREW DENTON: What you share in common, of course, is faith.

BONO: Right.


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Rockstars stay away from religion lol
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2006, 08:37:37 PM »
ANDREW DENTON: You may come from opposite ends of the world in many ways but you share faith. Is religion the way to get George Bush to listen?

BONO: Well, he’s not simplistic. That’s a - another one is that people think there’s a lot of fundamentalists running America, that is not true, that is a cliché. I think Bush is a Methodist. They - I mean, I think he’s a very deep - he has faith but he - he’s not, from what I can see, you know, a raving loony party member of, you know - and we all know what they are.

ANDREW DENTON: The end of time speech.

BONO: It’s not that but I do think, yeah, it has been a way for me to explain myself to the conservative right, because I just won’t let them away with it.

ANDREW DENTON: You - though - the US has many critics around the world but you believe this is America’s time, if America wanted to step up to the plate?

BONO: Yeah. I - I think it’s all - I don’t think it’s about America. I mean, I think this is - this is a real moment in time where it is possible, if we want to, to be the first generation that says no to extreme poverty. And by “extreme poverty” we mean, you know, stupid poverty, you know, kids dying for lack of food in their belly in the 21st century, or whatever it is, 3,000 Africans, mostly children, dying every day from a mosquito bite. That is ridiculous.

We want to have our beaches and our barbies, we want to, you know, go to our rock shows, we all have a fantastic life. And no one has a greater life than a spoiled rotten rock star like myself but I can - I can’t really enjoy it the way I’d like to, knowing that this - that this kind of haemorrhaging of human life could be stopped and isn’t being stopped. And I think, you know, in a way, we shouldn’t be blaming the politicians, because it’s really - we have to give them permission to spend what is in the end our money. So, in Australia’s case, in fact, Europe, everywhere, we’re asking for point seven per cent of GDP. That’s what it will take to stop this. That’s less than one per cent.

I don’t know an Australian that I’ve met in the last week that isn’t up for that. It’s point seven, now - you’re at point twenty eight, I think, now and there’s talk of increasing by 2010. I would say, if you get to point five by 2010, you could be very proud as a nation, but push and push and push. Because you may think, “We’ll it’s just Australia, Australia’s just one piece of the puzzle.” Wrong. Everyone looks at everyone else. I know this. I’ve been in Gleneagles with Bob, you know, running around the golf course, you know, during the G8 meetings. Everyone wants to know what everyone else is doing and, even if Australia wasn’t in Gleneagles, the Canadians are looking at Australia, so this is a critical moment.

And, if you go to point five by 2010, I think that’s like 11 million people would have access to clean water, 18,000 deaths avoided to AIDS and TB. These are real lives, real numbers and what a real - what an opportunity to be able to do that. So, look, everyone knows how I feel about Australia but you have to give the politicians, whoever’s in power, permission to do this.

ANDREW DENTON: Have you spoken to John Howard about this?

BONO: I haven’t, and I’d like to when we get back.

ANDREW DENTON: Will there that opportunity?

BONO: If he’ll have me.

ANDREW DENTON: If he’ll have you. Have you asked?

BONO: I haven’t yet, no.

ANDREW DENTON: How’s that set up? Your people approach his people and, hopefully, it happens.

BONO: Kind of like how we met.

ANDREW DENTON: Yeah. That was in a bed. We can’t talk about that.

BONO: That’s right. No, I mean, it’s this - you do get the feeling like in Australia — that, you know, there’s just a - this is a new model, somewhere happening down here, you know something going on, new societies are being dreamt up, so - and you’re doing really well. It’s an amazing - even just coming, like, here, having not played here for eight years, you can see there’s a prosperity, the way people walk, it’s a confidence. Now, you don’t - you - with that, you should be the - the opportunity to lead the world outside of this hemisphere, to actually just to take some moral high ground - you can afford to now, and so that’s - I don’t want to be a boring hole and just go on, actually.

ANDREW DENTON: You say this to every country you visit.

BONO: What’s that? I - the only other country I think has the chance in leadership in terms of creating a new model as Australia would be Canada, and I’d argue similarly with the Canadians.


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There's only one Bob Geldoff - and one's enough - bugger off Bono lol
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2006, 08:39:45 PM »
ANDREW DENTON: The easy dismissal of you and Bob Geldof and others is that you’re celebrity activists, or whatever it is. I don’t think a lot of people understand the hard yards you’ve had to do to learn your subject and to sell the argument. Can you give us an insight into those early days when you had to study and then you had to work Capital Hill and you had to work the corridors of power?

BONO: Well, I hate losing. You know, I mean, it’s probably as kind of venal and kind of - I mean, I just hate losing. And the first fence that we could fall at was just not knowing the subject. So, I enrolled in Harvard University, essentially, all but physically enrolled, under a professor there called Geoffrey Sacks. And I went to him - I wanted to know before we took on this fight that we could win it, that it was possible to win, and he took me through the numbers, and that was helpful. I then went to visit - I went to visit the Council in Foreign Relations in New York. There was a man there called Les Gelp, and it had a very dramatic kind of atmosphere, because he’d lost his voice, and he said - he said, “I’m going to give you the names of 46 people who can stop you. I hope you have some time on your hands.” And he gave me the names of bankers and media barons, foreign appropriators, and I pretty much worked through the list. I mean, I just went to everyone, and, of course, they’d have the meetings with me just out of curiosity.

ANDREW DENTON: And they’ve seen the guy walk in, in the glasses, the rock star.

BONO: Yeah.

ANDREW DENTON: I’m assuming they’re not planning to give you a huge amount of time.

BONO: No. No. I mean, Paul Volker - this is the guy now who is old cold warrior, you know, trickle-down economies, all the things I hate, and he probably knows that when I walk in, and he doesn’t know how he feels about me, and he just says to me - he’s a giant, six foot four, talks like the Penguin, you know, out of Batman, “So, where you from? Ireland?” I go, “Yeah.” “Do you fish?” and I go, “No, I don’t fish.” He said, “You just stick to fishing,” and he said, “I hated this idea, I hated it in ’68, I hated it in ’72, I hated it, and I hate it now. What’s new?” And I said, “Well, people are looking for a really good idea for the millennium, and maybe this might be the hook we can hang it on.” That’s the difference.

This man really helped in the background, and ended up at a U2 show. You can’t imagine, Paul Volker, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, this - you know this - and we put him in the dressing room of the Fun Loving Criminals by mistake. Yeah. Man, there was a lot - there was a - let me say, there was a smoky atmosphere, and he went to make a speech at the - you know, the World Bank or something the next day, where he said he - and he tells the story. He said, “I went in there and I could smell something, and I want you all to know today I inhaled.” He told — so…

ANDREW DENTON: I wonder if the Fun Loving Criminals got…

BONO: These are probably not stories for your audience but you’ll enjoy them at least.


BONO: But there was hundreds of them.


BONO: Jessie Helmes, the old cold lawyer, you know, who, as I was leaving his office - and he was almost in tears at the end of the meeting, asking could he give me a blessing, a formal blessing, you know, as in the Jewish, you know - it was a big thing. And so he got up and he — he, you know - and this is somebody Edge really tried to stop getting into the venue when he came, when he eventually came to the U2 show, because he had personally dismantled a national endowment for the arts. And Edge has married into a very sort of American arts family, so he was furious. But he came. After the show, he said - he said, “It was amazing.” He said, “With their hands in the air, they were bowling like a field of corn.” And we’ve had the most preposterous and extraordinary people turn up at U2 shows as a result of this work.

ANDREW DENTON: I don’t know - but I don’t know if most rock bands would think that you’ve done the right thing, having Paul Volker and Jesse Helmes as groupies. Most are looking for the attractive brunette.

BONO: Well, we are too, and maybe they are too. Maybe that’s why they’re coming.


  • Guest
Longer post than i thought (putz moi) lol - oh well
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2006, 08:40:37 PM »
ANDREW DENTON: You’re such a persuasive advocate and you know better than anyone how quickly the media spotlight moves from one issue to another. How do you make debt relief and fairer trade rules the default position for world governments, if someone like you isn’t there to scream and shout?

BONO: Yeah. Well, as we were saying earlier, celebrity is - it’s at the kind of oppressive level, and it’s a pretty ridiculous thing, if we - if we’re honest. But it is currency, and I want to spend mine, you know, well. But, actually, I think what’s happened with myself and Bob is a little different. We have managed to - like those cartoons I see on children’s television, we have managed to sort of shape change and, you know, we’ve managed to get both sides of the barricade, and it’s much more glamorous, you know, to be on a barricade with a handkerchief over your nose and, you know, the Molotov cocktail. That sells albums. Having a sort of bowler hat on and a briefcase and being in those rooms, in the back corridors of power, whispering your arguments is not so sexy but it is really effective.

But I think it’s only effective when there’s people at the barricades too. And our access comes from our celebrity, but our power comes from the movement that we do not command, but certainly represent.

ANDREW DENTON: We live in an age where Sharon Stone is on an official visit to the Middle East and Michael Douglas is a UN peace messenger. Is that currency being devalued? The currency of celebrity, is it…

BONO: Could it be more devalued?


BONO: I mean, let it be, but what I’m saying is…we’re about to move - myself and Bob and others, are moving away from the need to live off this ridiculous thing called celebrity. We’re actually starting to get access because we represent a lot of people. That’s a different kind of power.

ANDREW DENTON: Criticism made of what you and Bob have done — not what you’ve done but the way people perceive it — is they - they go to this event, they buy the t-shirt, the revolution is just a t-shirt away, as Billy Bragg said, they think something’s being done, but still the hard work continues in the back rooms. Ultimately, though, are people good at writing cheques but not necessarily cashing them?

BONO: Yeah, the politicians love to write cheques and it is hard to get them to cash them. But, again, I answer you the same. It’s about the movement. The movements are there. They’re much more important than people like me and they’re made up of all kinds of people. You know - we’ve got - you know, it’s a - it’s a big tent, that’s what Bill Clinton said to me once. He said, “That it is a big tent. You’ve got rock stars, soccer mums, you know, religious folks.” You — actually, in some ways the politicians are much more scared of the soccer mums and the religious folks than they are the student activists and the rock stars. But when we all start hanging out together, they’re terrified…

ANDREW DENTON: You talk about AIDS, something that you’re very strong about. You said that one of the most significant meetings in your life was with Pope John Paul II, whose - and the Vatican’s policy on condoms, of course, has been one of the reasons AIDS has been allowed to spread. Did you talk with him about that?

BONO: No, we went to meet with Pope John Paul on debt forgiveness, which they were very good at, but it was interesting. An Irish person - a lot of people have very strong feelings about the Pope in Ireland, for and against, particularly women, because of his attitude towards condoms, and, of course, in Africa, condoms are a - you know, are a necessity. But the truth of it is - is I have learned a respect for conservatives that I wasn’t expecting to have. Don’t ask them, don’t ask nuns to give out condoms. Let’s get other people to give out the condoms. They can do something else.

The agreed-upon basis for assistance to the AIDS emergency in Africa is called ABC — Abstinence, Be faithful, Condoms. Everyone knows that, including the nuns. They just don’t do the C bit. Because, actually, it’s OK. It’s OK, you don’t - nuns don’t have to give out the condoms. Somebody else can do it.

ANDREW DENTON: As a man of faith, when you look at Africa, what’s your concept of a working God?

BONO: Look, on the God thing, I have to be really careful because I’m not a very good advertisement, and so I don’t want to sit there and - you say I’m a man of faith. I’m sort of, yes - there I am - I just can’t. You know, I just recently read, in one of St Paul’s letters, where it describes all the fruits of the spirit, and there was none of them - I had none of them. You know and…

ANDREW DENTON: You fulfil the Christian ideal though.

BONO: I don’t know. I don’t think so. I mean all the commandments are broken and the ones I haven’t I’ve probably wanted to. But, that said, I do have a faith, and it is - it is challenged on a daily basis by what I see in Africa, yes. And, yet, more than that, I have a sense that, really, people are the problem, you know, we’re the problem really. And we blame - God gets a lot of bad press.

You know, the tsunami was very eloquent in a way, responses, and there’s a - there’s a natural disaster, you know, all this awfulness done by Mother Nature, you know. It’s just dreadful. But in Africa you have an avoidable catastrophe of tsunami proportions every week, so I’ve kind of - I’ve gone through my shouting at God, I’ve gone through my angry phase but I finally end up looking at my own indolence and fighting with it, and indifference, because I have it too, you know, and I feel that I’m not alone in this. I feel there’s a generation of people - I kind of realise this isn’t something that we can really blame God for. This is - this is about us, really, and so that’s where I am on it.

ANDREW DENTON: Of course, your long-time friend and collaborator, Bob Geldof - what kind of a man is he in your life?

BONO: Well, he occupies the position really no other occupies because he lit the torch paper for me, and not just political activism in the sense that - what is achievable, but in so many ways had - how a - how a - how a singer can change shape. He probably thinks that his creative life is in one corner and then he has all this other stuff that he does. He’s really wrong. What Bob needs to know is that his is - his life is the creative life, it’s not just the music, he has made his whole life the work.

You know, we were talking about the Pope earlier. I just remember standing there with the Pope and I’d swapped my glasses for a pair of rosary beads, which I’m wearing now, look, these ones, the crooked - the crooked cross it’s called, Michelangelo designed it, right. So, I mean, I had my rosary the Pope had given me and I’m going, “That’s really great,” Bob’s there, “Listen, could I have another three? I have four kids, I and…” He's…really is remarkable and, you know, people say, you know, it’s good cop, bad cop, but I actually - both of us are very tough, and it’s whatever - by whatever means necessary.

I think we’re both into ultimate fighting. The only difference is that and I accept the rules of ultimate fighting, which is you can’t poke someone in the eye or bite them, and Bob doesn’t do that. So, I have seen him try to bite Prime Ministers and I’ve had to call up Tony Blair. I’m actually — literally, spittle coming out, invective coming out, and Tony reaching over to me, going, “I believe you’ve a greatest hits coming,” I mean, just as a - to get a break from Geldof.

ANDREW DENTON: Do you have a secret signal?

BONO: There is - there is…

ANDREW DENTON: …Just a sort of a…

BONO: There’s no - there is no off with him at all and he is our greatest poet. If media and music is the lingua franca, as he calls it, then he is our greatest poet.

ANDREW DENTON: A man you love?

BONO: I love him, yeah.

ANDREW DENTON: You were asked recently why you never took off the glasses and you said, “Because I don’t want to give - it would give too much away.” And the eyes are the window to the soul. Bono, what is it that you don’t want us to know?

BONO: There’s a lot.


BONO: I mean, I’ve got a - there’s many reasons for the glasses — posing, I’m sure, right up there, privacy, and I do like having one step of a remove, actually. I don’t think I have - I don’t think when I’m singing I hold anything back and I don’t think when I’m writing I hold anything back. But I think I’m allowed to hold something back in this kind of a set-up, and, as honest a man that you are and as honest as I’m trying to be, there is a natural insincerity in the kind of - in the set-up, and I’m trying to be much better at it, but I just need one step removed.

ANDREW DENTON: That’s a good answer. When Bruce Springsteen inducted you into the Hall of Fame last year, he marvelled at the fact that the band had been together 25 years and that what he called the "ticking time-bomb" that’s at the centre of every band, that you’d harnessed it, that it hadn’t exploded. When the four of you are in a room together trying to make the next thing happen, what stops the bomb going off?

BONO: We have this huge desire amongst us, the four of us, to not be crap. I think that’s really it, because we have this amazing life, you know, we really have got an incredible life, and the deal is - we feel it’s like a deal with those in our audience, and they don’t mind us having, you know - being able to take a break whenever we want, renting some fancy house on the harbour at Sydney, have all of that, just don’t be crap. That’s kind of the deal, so we always think when we go in to make an album, “Is this going to be the one where we’re crap?” Because we all remember great artists that we grew up with and we go, “Wow, where does - where does this all” - you know, suddenly there’s like three crap albums in a row. In U2, our vibe is, “Two crap albums and you’re out.” We haven’t done that yet.

ANDREW DENTON: As the biggest rock band in the world, with extraordinary shows and deliberate excess on occasions, particularly in the early ‘90s, have you ever looked at each other and asked yourselves, “Are we turning into wankers?”

BONO: I didn’t have to ask the question. At any given moment one of us is being a wanker, and it’s usually probably me, but…

ANDREW DENTON: But didn’t you say you got into the back of your own car?

BONO: Yeah. I was, yeah - coming home from tour is - it’s like re-entering earth’s atmosphere. And, yes, on occasions I have tried to pay at my local restaurant with a room key that’s a month old, or I have, yes, stepped into the back of my own car, which is really sad. You know, I used to think, you know, when I was a kid, “I’ll never change, never change. We’re going to be in the band, we’ll never change.” What a stupid idea. You should change and, as much as you fight off being rock stars, it’s like just, you know, run with it, and I’m kind of amazed we’re getting away with it.

I don’t think we were sort of designed to be rock stars. If you look at us as people, we’re not really - I don’t really - you know, we’re just we’re not that kind of people, and yet we are, I suppose, rock stars, which I find bizarre.

ANDREW DENTON: Well, if you want to lend it, I’m happy to take it over.

BONO: No, I think you’re - you’ve got a, sort of like different thing coming. You’ve got the - the - sort of the Bertolt Brecht revolution round the corner kind of a vibe.

ANDREW DENTON: He who laughs has not yet heard the news. You do walk a fine line, though, between politics and show business, and it’s not always easy. And the Zooropa tour in ’93, when you used to take live satellite broadcasts from besieged city of Sarajevo, so the citizens there could talk to your audiences around the world. There was one night where a woman looked into the camera and said, “I wonder what you’re going to do for Sarajevo. I don’t think you’re going to do anything at all.”

BONO: She did worse than that. She said - she said, “You know we’re going to die,” and she said, “Really, the best thing would just be if you hurry it up.”

ANDREW DENTON: What do you make of a moment like that?

BONO: It was - it was a remarkable thing. There was really no proper response to the siege of Sarajevo for a long time, and we were there just using what we had, to give access to these people to tell their stories. And sometimes it was very hard to continue a rock show after that, yes, and I know it really offended a lot of people.

ANDREW DENTON: I think Larry said, did he not, that if you had to be in the band 20 years just to play that gig, it would have been worth it?

BONO: Yeah, that was - that was really, really astonishing. He told me this — again, you probably won’t run on TV, but sitting in President Izetbegovic’s apartment, which was in a block of flats with a bicycle parked outside. And, you know, we took our shoes off, and we went in, with this wartime president, who was a scholar, and he told us the story of the burning - the burning library. One of the great libraries of civilisation was in Sarajevo, and he told us this amazing story. He said, for days, and even a week, later, after this bombing, words from these sacred manuscripts were just falling, still, through the sky. People were walking around Sarajevo with these priceless words just falling on them like rain. Amazing story.

ANDREW DENTON: That’s fantastic.

BONO: Yeah. Symbol of tolerance. I mean, that’s just, you know — Sarajevo, the reason why they wanted to break the spirit is kind of, in a way, pertinent to what’s going on today, because this was a city where all the different ethnic groups lived together quite well. That’s why they tried to break it. It was a symbol of co-existence, yeah.

ANDREW DENTON: You front the biggest band in the world. You’re heavily involved in global politics and activism - major responsibilities. Where do you find time to be a meaningful parent?

BONO: I have — we’re a very, very gypsy-like family, and my kids travel so well. In fact, this last year of touring we’ve never been as close as a family — and, you know, we’ve got a tutor for the - for the oldest kids; their school work went up. They’ve gone home since, and their headmaster says that their schoolwork’s gone up. They love the adventure of being on the road. I mean, I see people, professional people and people who work in, you know, factories and have to get up very early, at seven in the morning, leave the house and come home at nine o’clock at night. They’re the people who have the most difficult times, you know, to get time with their family.

I’m lucky. I’m at home in the morning. I’m on the phone, the kids are there. I really do have a great life in that sense. Now, I think mostly this is - Ally has organised this. I wouldn’t want to take too much credit for it, but I - but I have an amazing family life, and it’s elastic and it’s a little hectic, little chaotic. But it’s full of laughter and full of - you know, full of - and they’re great kids.

ANDREW DENTON: I’d like to close with a quote from one of your favourite poets, Brendan Kennelly, a poem called the Book of Judas, where he says, “If you want to serve the age, betray it.” What does that mean to you?

BONO: He is an extraordinary poet. The Book of Judas is an amazing epic poem. Well, the mores of this age we’ve discussed already, you know that it is acceptable that 65,000 Africans can die of AIDS - it’s not. You know, equality is always moving. …I mean, I’m thinking about it, that it goes back to this Jewish, you know, idea, back in the scriptures. There’s these Jewish sheep-herders, with poo on their shoes, standing in front of a pharaoh, and the pharaoh is saying, “You’re equal? You say you’re equal to me?” And they’re going “Yes, it says it here in the book, that’s what it says in this book.” And eventually, you know, they’re accepted as equal, but not women, or not blacks, and it’s a pain in the arse, equality, but right now, where we’re at with it is, if we believe that these people’s lives were equal in value to ours, we would not be letting them die like that.

I met this incredible man in the United States congress, Tom Lantos, and he was a survivor of a concentration camp, and he told me that years later it wasn’t the mistreatment in the camps and the brutality that used to haunt them, but the thing that haunted him were the blank stares of the faces as they were being loaded onto the train. And I knew this was a very heavy thing to bring up and I said, “I don’t bring this up lightly but is there some analogy here?” And he said, “Oh no, it’s worse than that.” He says, “Because we know where these trains are going.”

ANDREW DENTON: It’s easy to talk, great to sing, but I really respect the fact you give time. Bono, thank you.

BONO: Thank you.

Offline JohnF

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Re: Anyone hate Bono as much as I do lol
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2006, 01:11:21 PM »
Yeah totally agree Moi, blow bone-o.

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Anyone hate Bono as much as I do lol
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2006, 01:20:01 PM »
Actually the only question I'd have for Bono and his mates is this....

While you were attempting to sing at the Myer Music bowl the other night at the end poverty thing - I was wondering what 5 star luxury hotel in Melbounre you were staying at?


« Last Edit: November 23, 2006, 07:21:25 PM by WilliamPowell »
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

Offline julzqld

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Re: Anyone hate Bono as much as I do lol
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2006, 01:59:46 PM »
Didn't he get booed by the crowd because at the end of the concert he said "Thank you Sydney!"


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Re: Anyone hate Bono as much as I do lol
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2006, 04:25:12 PM »
i do now.
Always thought he was full of sh it anyway

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Re: Anyone hate Bono as much as I do lol
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2006, 07:25:16 PM »
Didn't he get booed by the crowd because at the end of the concert he said "Thank you Sydney!"

No 2 different concerts Julz.

Last Friday night there was some "end poverty" freebie concert at the Myer Music Bowl - Bono and The edge turned up and sang with the guy from Pearly Jam. Supposed to be a big surprise but wasn't because radio had been talking about it for days

Then at the actually U2 concert (that people had to pay oodles to go to) on either Saturday or Sunday night the bloke called the Edge said at the end of the show thank you Sydney; got booed and then tried to cover it by saying "thank you Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne".
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

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Re: Anyone hate Bono as much as I do lol
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2006, 07:57:23 AM »
who cares - celebrity is soooo overated - people need to get lives.

Thanks for posting that Moi, will get around to reading it all sometime (denton is very good).

Offline harry bosch

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Re: Anyone hate Bono as much as I do lol
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2006, 03:44:55 AM »
There were a few boos but all good natured playing along , the crowd were rapt with both shows..

I think the sydney comment was a joke anyway.

As for Bono even as a fan of the band i admit he can be a bit annoying at times...
Though just because he is rich and stays at expensive hotels i don't see how that invalidates his comments on poverty etc...

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Re: Anyone hate "Sir" Bono as much as I do lol
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2006, 02:36:38 AM »
Honorary knighthood for Bono
From correspondents in Dublin
December 24, 2006 12:30am
Article from: Reuters

IRISH rock star and rights campaigner Bono has been awarded an honorary British knighthood, the British embassy in Dublin said today.

"Her Majesty The Queen has appointed Bono to be an honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in recognition of his services to the music industry and for his humanitarian work," the embassy said.

Fellow Irish rocker Bob Geldof, also a high-profile rights campaigner, received the same award in 1986. Honorary knighthoods are awarded to non-British nationals.

A statement on the U2 website ( said Bono was "very flattered to be honoured, particularly if the honour ... opens doors for his longstanding campaigning work against extreme poverty in Africa."

British Prime Minister Tony Blair said he was delighted Bono had chosen to accept the award.

"I'll leave it to others far more knowledgeable than me to talk about U2's music. All I'll say is that, along with millions of others right across the world, I am a huge fan," he said in the letter, reprinted on the prime ministerial website.

Blair said he felt more qualified to talk about Bono's personal commitment to tackling global poverty and, in particular, to Africa. "I know from talking to you how much these causes matter to you."

The knighthood is the latest award for 46-year-old Bono. In 2003, he was given the Legion D'Honneur by President Jacques Chirac on behalf of the French government, for his contribution to music and his campaigning work.

Last year Bono was awarded the Time Person of the Year 2005, along with Bill and Melinda Gates, for his work promoting justice and equality.

The British embassy said Bono would receive the award from the British ambassador to Ireland in a ceremony in Dublin shortly after New Year's Day.

Bestowal of an honorary award does not confer the title, Sir, on the holder.,21985,20970819-5005961,00.html


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Re: Anyone hate Bono as much as I do lol
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2006, 10:45:43 AM »
If he paid some taxes, imagine what they'd give him then
His head is bigger than Eddie's  :wallywink