k moore has put on some size but thats not the be all and end all. silvagni was never huge but one of the greatest defenders ever.
the kid has not had as much chance as many are stating. Geez, he is still young and as soon as his body matures watch out.
talk about injury prone, well i guess we should get rid of cogs too!
all those who say he has had too many chances, well what about tivendale, hall, hartigan ets etc
3 yrs ago most were calling for pettifers head, saying the same crap, that he has had too many chances bla bla bla. at the same time, most were saying hyde had enough chances and nothing to offer
moore has height, pace , good skills and can play at both ends........look out he will be as good if not better than thursfield. along with polak, they will become the best 3 tall defensive combo in the afl