I reckon its the best thing for the club to finish second last and gain priority picks. I despise the system, but as long as you avoid the spoon there is little difference for me between 15th and say, being eliminted in the preliminary final.
How about this system:
* No priority picks.
* Picks are grouped into sets of two such that they add up to the same number... e.g. 1st and 2nd round picks: {1, 32}, {2, 31}, {3, 30}..... {16, 17}...... 3rd and 4th round round: {33, 64}, {34, 63}..... {48, 49} ... etc
* The team that finishes last gets to choose which pair of picks they want from each round, the team that finishes second last gets to choose second etc... therefore the team that finishes last gets some advantage, but is not overcompensated for being spineless, uncoordonated hacks.