Author Topic: World according to Bush  (Read 19794 times)

Offline Harry

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World according to Bush
« on: July 21, 2004, 02:06:12 PM »
Did anyone watch this documentary on SBS last night ?

Nothing new to me but it was very interesting and eye opening to anyone who was of the opinion that going to War in Iraq was the right thing to do.

Unbeleivable how in todays world, where we pride ourselves on being civilised, informed and compassionate, that a propaganda regime can brainwash the masses in the same manner that Nazi Germany did 50 years ago.

Lies, lies and more lies.

From Iraq having weapons of mass destruction to Iraq's involvement in September 11.

Yet the general public lapped it up !!

"It has to be true becaues CNN, CBS and FOX says it is "!!

How these hawks in the Whitehouse can manifest a plot that even Hollywood couldn't think of, and get away with it is just mind boggling.

Interesting how immediately after the September 11 attack Bush, Wolfowitz, Cheney and others decided to pin this on Iraq before even knowing what had happened, even before the CIA had given them any intelligence on the event.

If you think that the documentary is based on some left wing opinion, then think again.  All the accounts and information were given by current and former CIA personnel, political and media representatives.

Another interesting account in the documentary was when the Whitehouse employed the services of a former/current CIA agent (? I think he was, didn't quite catch his title) to go to Nigeria and inspect whether Nigeria had been dealing Uranium and other nuclear materials with Iraq.  His detailed report to the Whitehouse outlined that there had been no such dealings.  However in Bush's address to the nation prior to the war, a speach that is probably the most important in a Presidents reign, he blatantly lied and said that there had been dealing between Nigeria and Iraq in nuclear materials.

It was also interesting how the Whitehouse implemented a smear campign on Hanx Blix, the UN weapons inspector, after he breifed them and the world that Iraq had no weapons.

The best bit was when an old US government advisor absolutely blasted Bush and his administration at a government hearing, about the lies, the deception, and the arrogance.

Part II to this documentary will be next Tuesday on SBS at 8.30 pm.

Also another eye opening documentary on the whole Bush/Whitehouse/Iraq farce is "Farenheit 9/11" by Mike Moore that is out on cinemas at the moment I beleive.  You can also go to his website (I think it is - or something like that)

Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Powell, Howard, Downer, Blair etc. - all international criminals of the highest order.  Have all been directly responible for the slaughter of thousands of innocent Iraqi men, women and children.  If there is any justice in this world they must all join Milosevic and Hussein at the war crimes tribunal !!

Does anyone have half an idea on anything?


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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2004, 02:39:04 PM »
What else was of particular intrest was the fact that the BUSH admin is
being compared to Hitlers regime in regards o uits propaganda techniques.

Please God......Make him die !!!!

Offline Harry

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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2004, 04:19:32 PM »
Death is too good for him Ox.

He needs to grow a beard and hide in a hole.  And when they find him he needs some guy with white gloves to look inside his mouth with a flash light.

The most bewildering and most disgusting thing about it all is not the the lies and not the slaughtering of innocent people, but the fact that they will get away with it with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

Does anyone have half an idea on anything?


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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2004, 04:37:51 PM »
So true Harry Hedgecockopolous.

Where are all the pyschopathic snipers when there is a real job to do?

Bush should be put on trial for
1)Fraudulent actions - rigging the election.


Believe me H,the yanks as a whole do not like this idiot,especially given the fact more thajn half of the country are either Black,Hispanic or Jewish.

In a similar way o Frawley this guy has set the USA back 20 years in PR.

Offline Harry

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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2004, 04:48:19 PM »

And they wonder why 'anti-Americanism' is on the rise!

1) Which is the only country in the world to have dropped bombs on over twenty different countries since 1945?
2) Which is the only country to have used nuclear weapons?
3) Which country was responsible for a car bomb which killed 80 civilians in Beirut in 1985, in a botched assassination attempt, thereby making it the most lethal terrorist bombing in modern Middle East history?
4) Which country's illegal bombing of Libya in 1986 was described by the UN Legal Committee as a "classic case" of terrorism?
5) Which country rejected the order of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to terminate its "unlawful use of force" against Nicaragua in 1986, and then vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling on all states to observe international law?
6) Which country was accused by a UN-sponsored truth commission of providing "direct and indirect support" for "acts of genocide" against the Mayan Indians in Guatemala during the 1980s?
7) Which country unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in ecember 2001?
8) Which country renounced the efforts to negotiate a verification process for the Biological Weapons Convention and brought an international conference on the matter to a halt in July 2001?
9) Which country prevented the United Nations from curbing the gun trade at a small arms conference in July 2001?
10) Aside from Somalia, which is the only other country in the world to have refused to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?
11) Which is the only Western country which allows the death penalty to be applied to children?
12) Which is the only G7 country to have refused to sign the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, forbidding the use of landmines?
13) Which is the only G7 country to have voted against the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 1998?
14) Which was the only other country to join with Israel in opposing a 1987 General Assembly resolution condemning international terrorism?
15) Which country refuses to fully pay its debts to the United Nations yet reserves its right to veto United Nations resolutions?
Answer to all 15 questions:
The United States of America.

Does anyone have half an idea on anything?

Offline JohnF

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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2004, 05:12:12 PM »
Well said Harry the SBS watching HedgeHog.

I think its no surprise that the biggest carnts on earth are also ruling it. Has it ever been different?

Having said that, we are all responsible for what they have done becuase we've kept quiet, turned a blind eye or been selective in what we believe. And the lifestyle we have secured has been on the back of all that schit that they have done.


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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2004, 05:26:10 PM »
Well said Harry the SBS watching HedgeHog.

I think its no surprise that the biggest carnts on earth are also ruling it. Has it ever been different?

Having said that, we are all responsible for what they have done becuase we've kept quiet, turned a blind eye or been selective in what we believe. And the lifestyle we have secured has been on the back of all that schit that they have done.

The guy really is quite clever !!!!


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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2004, 05:26:25 PM »
Well said Harry the SBS watching HedgeHog.

I think its no surprise that the biggest carnts on earth are also ruling it. Has it ever been different?

Having said that, we are all responsible for what they have done becuase we've kept quiet, turned a blind eye or been selective in what we believe. And the lifestyle we have secured has been on the back of all that schit that they have done.

The guy really is quite clever !!!!

Offline Harry

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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2004, 05:46:35 PM »

Having said that, we are all responsible for what they have done becuase we've kept quiet, turned a blind eye or been selective in what we believe. And the lifestyle we have secured has been on the back of all that schit that they have done.

Aaaaah yes JohnFilosopher.......very valid points.

Why should we care ?  We lead a cosy life and we don't really need to know whats happening thousands of miles away.  Unless we tune into SBS at 6.30 pm we won't know how kids are being blown to bits.  Out of sight out of mind.

We're too pre-occupied about working 9-5 then coming home to watch big brother and Charmed. 

What are Iraqi limbs got to do with us ??

Yes, its a legitimate war because David Johnston and John Howard told me so.  That's good enough for what's on after Queer Eye ?

Doesn't matter now, the war happened over a year ago.  No use crying over spilt milk.

They've handed Iraq over to their people now so alls well that ends well.  No harm done. 

US puppets and thousands of US soldiers remain you say ?  Oh well they need some help to get things off the ground.  Everything will be OK.

Now whats on channel 9 ?
Does anyone have half an idea on anything?

Offline JohnF

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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2004, 06:01:37 PM »
lmfaooo sad isn't it....

We'd rather stay oblivious to anything that's harmful because its anathema to our hedonistic (head-up-our-asses)lifestyles.

The moment we are saturated with shows like queer-eye, big brother, charmed, adore people like Paris Hilton and have a culture which values penis extensions, plastic surgery, hair transplants and viagra, we really have to ask, WTF are we doing?


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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2004, 03:28:19 AM »
LMAOOOOOOOOOO@ A Pop culture that targets peoples weaknesses.

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO@ "Add 3 inches to your manhood - Ask me how" emails every 5 minutes.

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@Being able to buy Zannax,Valium,Ambien,Vicadin all online without prescriptions.

Actually writing a song at the moment called "American Therapy" about this.

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO@Living there and calling the Mexicans wogs.

Offline JohnF

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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2004, 03:40:36 AM »
lmfaooooo Ox. Sounds like a great idea for a song.

LMFAOOOOO@everything being cured chemically.

LMFAOOOOOOOO@inventing a tablet that makes your kid feel disciplined so that you don't have to force violence on him.

LMFAOOOOO@when human genetic engineering gets in full swing. "i'd like my son to have ten inches... I wouldn't want him to feel inadequate or anything...."


Offline Harry

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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2004, 11:14:29 AM »
Laffing boys.

LMAO at the west trying to pollute the rest of the world with their lifestyle

LMAO @ the western influenced TV programs soon to be introduced into the newly "liberated" Iraq -
- Queer eye for the Islamic Fundamentalist
- Big Mohamad
- Shiite Survivor
- Iraqi Idol
- Jerry Al-Spring-Ari
« Last Edit: July 22, 2004, 11:16:05 AM by Harry Hedgehog »
Does anyone have half an idea on anything?

Offline JohnF

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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2004, 06:58:59 PM »

some more shows:

Aerobics Iraq Style

Wheel of Misfortune

Backyard Aerial Blitz

Ricki Laq

Muhammad's Daughters

« Last Edit: July 22, 2004, 08:17:44 PM by JohnF »


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Re: World according to Bush
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2004, 02:34:03 AM »
froooooooooooling guys. :scream


Salik of the century.

Days of my Wives

The Young and the Headless

The price isnt right - YOU DIE

Just shoot me ! PLEASE!???

Law and Order - WMD

Kurd your enthusiasm.(import program)