Author Topic: Miller threatens to quit  (Read 3844 times)

Offline mightytiges

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Miller threatens to quit
« on: July 27, 2004, 12:47:32 AM »
Miller threatens to quit
By Caroline Wilson
July 27, 2004

A Brendan Schwab-led revolution at Richmond could cost the club the services of football boss Greg Miller along with Terry Wallace, who is believed to be Miller's preferred choice of senior coach.

Miller has threatened as much in an emotional email forwarded two nights ago to rebel member Michael Pahoff and last night reiterated to The Age: "If a ticket of people are going to come in who I don't think can take the club forward, then I don't want to be a part of it."

Former vice-president Schwab launched his assault upon Clinton Casey, calling for a clean sweep of the board and for Miller to include former premiership players Bryan Wood and Peter Welsh in the process of selecting Danny Frawley's replacement.

Schwab hit back at claims he was destabilising the club by challenging now, saying: "The cause of the instability, of course, is that we have huge financial problems. If Clinton doesn't resign, it's ultimately a matter for the members."

Schwab said his board would set about a complete audit of the club's finances, along with a review of all the club's contracts "in conjunction with the AFL". "But the most urgent issue is the coaching issue."

Schwab said he had no problem with Wallace as a potential coach but that he wanted Wood and Welsh to be a part of the decision-making process along with Miller and his consultant David Parkin - whose home has been the stage for all the club's coaching interviews to date.

Wallace, who said on Sunday, "You really don't want to be in a situation where you are negotiating with one group and then find out down the track that that's not the group you are going to be working with", turned off his mobile telephone yesterday and did not appear on his regular 3AW spot last night.

While Casey confirmed he had received a call from Welsh, whom he would meet this week along with Schwab, he reiterated that he would not resign and that he would continue to support Miller, whom he said should sue Pahoff for leaking a private email.

But Miller did not appear overly concerned at Pahoff's breach of his private correspondence in which the former Kangaroos powerbroker strongly hinted that he had identified the new Tigers coach. Casey described Pahoff, who has offered to take over the club's recruiting, as "delusional."

While Pahoff's 100 signatures are in no way linked to the Schwab challenge, Miller has used the Pahoff challenge to subtly threaten the withdrawal of Wallace, who has not yet officially been offered the job.

". . . Should this continue," Miller wrote, "we will miss out on the best coach again . . . The best wants a fair go at the very key first three months. He will not join a club involved in a brawl. He will not join if I throw up my hands and resign."

Rodney Eade, who also has been interviewed by the Tigers, has made no such provisos regarding the club's political situation.

Upon learning of the Schwab challenge late yesterday, Miller added: "I work for Clinton Casey and I support him and I want to be a part of something that's going to be successful. I haven't had a close look at the new ticket and maybe once I do, I won't want to be a part of it. Maybe they won't want me."

Wood and Welsh have joined former Tiger director and treasurer Michael Humphris, company director Trevor Barrot, Transport Accident Commission executive Colin Radford and Royal Bank of Scotland Asia-Pacific region managing director Robert Edgley on Schwab's seven-man ticket, which will try to take control of the club in a matter of weeks.

Schwab's challenge has been mounted with the strong support of recently retired ruckman and Schwab said he would go into an election with two further alternative directors as a nine-person ticket. "We want to give others the opportunity of joining us."

Schwab said that while both he and Welsh accepted some responsibility for the club's poor performance in recent years, "I can say with a very clear conscience that I only decided to stand down when I had exhausted my ability to change the club from within".

He confirmed that one major issue for both directors had been Casey's refusal to consult the board upon key issues, including the outsourcing of the club's marketing work to Elite Sports Properties and the details of Miller's financial arrangement with the club.

Schwab said he would not accept Casey's compromise offer to stand for election next January because of the crucial nature of setting club budgets between September and January. "We have to stop the bleeding now," said Schwab. "Waiting until January would mean a setback of not six months but 18 months."
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Offline mightytiges

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Greg Miller's email to Michael Pahoff
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2004, 12:51:27 AM »
Greg Miller's email to Michael Pahoff
July 27, 2004

Dear Michael,

I am writing this in my office at 10pm on Sunday night. I have just spent the day in Tasmania and was genuinely excited at what our future may be.

I come back to Punt Road tonight frustrated knowing that your actions have the potential to seriously undermine so much.

As an outsider looking in for many years, Richmond always appeared as a sleeping giant who simply could not get their act together off the field.

It appeared to be managed by the media or by minority group pressures.

When I was asked to join the Administration by Clinton, I had a strong desire to try and change the image or, indeed, fix the problem if it was a reality.

At my first Board meetings, I explained ... the importance of solidarity, stability and the framework that I had learned as a necessary ingredient for success. I honestly felt I had the experience, knowledge and, I guess, personality to force through a change in thinking at Tigerland.

How wrong have I been? The club is the laughing stock of the supporters of all other AFL clubs, the media and even, to an extent, the AFL hierarchy.

Our members, as loyal and resilient as they are, are embarrassed and frustrated.

The deep-seated culture of being spooked by the media, minority groups that they have the right to rule and the egos of past players and Board members (both past and present) is so entrenched, only a chairman of John F. Kennedy ilk could fix it!

I almost feel like giving up. I've not earned my stripes, nor am I Chairman. My pleas to you or calls for unity are washed away by those who think they know better or naively think they are helping the cause.

It is fundamentally wrong to use just 100 signatures to put the club back in the headlines for the next two or so months. It is most damaging to the immediate needs of the club and only perpetuates the very culture that has thwarted any chance that the Tigers may have had for the past 20-odd years.

The vast majority of the silent members, family members, do not want this untimely brawl (and it will become this once lawyers, past players, current administration etc inevitably are involved).

The loud minority that contribute to website chats do not necessarily represent the views of Mum, Dad, the Tiger cub, or the Southern stand supporter who just want stability and good news.

I can assure you that, should this continue, we will miss out on the best coach again. This wouldn't be Clinton's fault – that's something that our whole membership base may point the finger at you for.

I have conducted numerous interviews and looked at this vital decision in depth.

The best (candidate) wants a fair go at the very key first three months. He will not join a club involved in a brawl. He will not join if I throw up my hands and resign.

Michael, if you truly love the Tigers, I implore you to not use this inequitable power that you have acquired to once again bring this club to its knees.

Use your expertise and love of the club as you did last year.

Your analytical view of the TAC Cup, is a science that can be beneficial. Join me in getting our playing list better, join me on the Club’s new Football sub-committee and leave the politics to the process of the AGM.

You have one vote, and for all your good intentions, that's how it should be.


Greg Miller
All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be - Pink Floyd


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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2004, 01:12:58 AM »
This is unbelievable,the worst possible scenario possible to top of a dismal semi-decade.

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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2004, 01:28:08 AM »
O-OH, my petition is inconsequential now. I know, I'll be recruiting manager. :help

I have this horrible premonition.
The best available coach will be scared off and Miller will shoot through in which case so many members will be peeed off they will vote Casey back in.
Much as we are now but minus the one person who has the credentials and faith of the supporters to take us forward.
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Offline mightytiges

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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2004, 01:53:34 AM »
Tigers laughing stock with plea for peace
27 July 2004   
Herald Sun
Mark Stevens

"It was a last-ditch effort to have him see reason. I was surprised it was put in the public arena," Miller said.

Queried about the possibility of resigning, Miller last night said: "I don't want to go out on a limb and say that yet because there's people there that have put faith in me at the moment."

Asked about the best candidate baulking at the coaching job, Miller replied: "I wouldn't think any candidate would."

Miller said he decided to pen the letter late on Sunday night after watching the Tigers' youngsters play for Coburg against Tasmania in Launceston.

"I've seen the young kids come into this footy club in the last two years and there's a lot of talent there – I want them to be in an environment where they know who their coach, president and footy director is for the next 10 years," Miller said.

Miller said he had little knowledge of the Schwab team mounting an attack.

"I can't comment on the group. I am worried about the timing of it all," he said.

"Once again there'll be a brawl of some sort and Richmond's in the papers for all the wrong reasons."

Although political fighting is leaving Miller dejected, he said he felt he still had a responsibility to the members to stick with it.

Miller arrived at Punt Rd hoping to wake up a "sleeping giant" that could not get its act together off the field.

But the job is becoming increasingly tougher, with many of the problems out of his control.

"I honestly felt I had the experience, knowledge and, I guess, personality to force through a change in thinking at Tigerland . . . how wrong have I been?" Miller said in the letter.

"The deep-seated culture of being spooked by the media, minority groups that (think) they have the right to rule and the egos of past players and board members (both past and present) is so entrenched, only a chairman of John F. Kennedy ilk could fix it! I almost feel like giving up."

Miller wrote he had conducted "numerous interviews" in a bid to find the best option to replace Danny Frawley.

"I can assure you that, should this (instability) continue, we will miss out on the best coach again," Miller said.

He said Pahoff would "seriously undermine" the club if he forced an emergency general meeting.,8033,10255823%255E19771,00.html
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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2004, 06:25:10 AM »
Pahloff, you would have to be the most selfish ingrate I've ever heard of.
If we lose Miller as a result of your and your interfering friends ill-conceived, totally idiot actions, well may God help you.
I am so upset over this.
Miller was the best thing to happen to RFC in twenty years and you in one selfish move are going to destroy singlehandedly the greatest club going.
In essence, you're a ***** ****


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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2004, 07:39:06 AM »
Not only lose Miller but lose Wallace and Cloke.

Online WilliamPowell

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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2004, 08:29:44 AM »
One thing that seems to be gtting lost in all of this is the fact that Pahoff had the audacity and lack of intelligence to post on a public forum a private email he received from Greg Miller. Sorry people but IMHO that is wrong. I am not interested in which site it was posted on but why did he post it? To further feed his own ego it would seem but what would you expect from a selfish & egotistical person.

Our members, as loyal and resilient as they are, are embarrassed and frustrated.

Your not wrong Greg and now I reckon we are bloody angry.

I can assure you that, should this continue, we will miss out on the best coach again. This wouldn't be Clinton's fault – that's something that our whole membership base may point the finger at you for.

I have conducted numerous interviews and looked at this vital decision in depth.

The best (candidate) wants a fair go at the very key first three months. He will not join a club involved in a brawl. He will not join if I throw up my hands and resign.

If we lose the best coach then we might as well close the doors

Michael, if you truly love the Tigers, I implore you to not use this inequitable power that you have acquired to once again bring this club to its knees.

And there in lies the problem Greg - he doesn't give a stuff about the Tigers - if he did he would have stopped by now.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2004, 09:12:13 AM by WilliamPowell »
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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2004, 10:09:30 AM »
If Miller quits due to Casey being ousted then he can PO as far as i am concerned.

Why he has aligned himself so strongly with the disgrace that is clinton casey i will never know..

This tickert of Schwabs isn't exacly impressive i know but at the end of the day IF the members
of the RFC vote them in then whats the problem?

I agree with the criticism of Pahoff and now we have an ticket in the open i hope he disappears forever..

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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2004, 10:12:00 AM »
I think its time Pahoff took his American history book put it where the sun doesnt shine and joined the the Pink Magpies!  :banghead

Enough is enough! Cant we vote to revoke his membership?

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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2004, 10:30:05 AM »
What happens if the Casey group is replaced by the Schwab group via a members vote ?

Is Miller gonna take his ball and go home ?

If that's his attitude then good riddance I say.
Does anyone have half an idea on anything?

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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2004, 11:35:10 AM »
Schwab's challenge has been mounted with the strong support of recently retired ruckman and Schwab said he would go into an election with two further alternative directors as a nine-person ticket. "We want to give others the opportunity of joining us."

A recently retireed ruckman eh? But what a surprise no name

Schwab said that while both he and Welsh accepted some responsibility for the club's poor performance in recent years, "I can say with a very clear conscience that I only decided to stand down when I had exhausted my ability to change the club from within".

"Some responsibility" - how generous. So when are you going to tell the members why you quit.

Perhaps if you had attended a few more meetings in your time on the board - you may have gotten somewhere.

"We have to stop the bleeding now," said Schwab.

How do you intend to do it? Or is that too much to ask?

"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2004, 02:45:04 PM »
Miller if you want to walk.....walk. Dont serve up your threats and dont pump yourself up to be some big hero that you are the only reason Wallace/Eade is going to come.....

Schwab, dont just say things without coming all the way. Say why otherwise you are no better than the others.

Situation is this guys....had the board of the past 2 years been right, we would have never been here bc in season 04, Wallace/Eade would have been completing their first season as Richmond I blame the idiots of the past 2 season. That includes everyone.....

Funny how Brereton, Dunstall, Dicker, Casey and Miller are publicly saying how a board spill is no good for the club....thats because they are the people who are pooting themselves.

Lets throw it to the people....plain and simple. No more threats, no more half-stories.....just the truth.
Den uparxei Ellada xwris AEK.

Finally our new webage:

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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2004, 02:49:11 PM »
No more threats, no more half-stories.....just the truth.

Exactly om21 that is what we need mroe than anything - the truth
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

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Re: Miller threatens to quit
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2004, 03:51:36 PM »
If Miller quits due to Casey being ousted then he can PO as far as i am concerned.

Why he has aligned himself so strongly with the disgrace that is clinton casey i will never know..

Hear hear Mr Bosch. If Miller feelsw that he works for Casey and not the RFC, he can go. Follow Mark Brayshaw right onto Casey's payroll.

Miller is aligned to casey because only Casey knows what package Miller is on. No-one else on the board knows what the RFC is paying Miller.