Taking into consideration the above points it's fair to say that, on the balance of all probability Wallace's position is safe for the duration of his contract. However, I might add that there is a point where following along a certain line of think can become more destructive than constructive. There is a time and a place for pretty much all types of decisions one can't blind themselves to ALL probable options because of the percieved and real mistakes of the past.
Richmond's position in respect to its contractural arrangements is admirable but it must realise it is a two way street and that the other side of the contract has a responsibility too.
Dont chain yourself into a line of think that you can't escape from.
Agree with all of that Rodger.
If RFC is still living under that threat, after all this time, then they’re naïve, and have progressed nowhere.
The circumstances that prevailed in the past don’t have to haunt us for ever and a day, because, hopefully, things progress over time.
The reason coach sacking didn’t work in the past was because those running things didn’t understand the harm they were doing to the club by making one person responsible for all its problems.
There was no science to it; it was just an easy way to release the pressure from the outside.
So, as long as each individual is now accountable for their role, and not just the coach, then it shouldn’t be the issue it once was. And if it was, then this club has learned absolutely nothing.
What will determine whether a prospective coach would take on RFC, in the future, would have little to do with past history.
For whatever reason, the trend now seems to be towards ‘rookie’ coaches, rather than recycling coaches that have already coached at AFL level. The major reason for that is perhaps because ‘old’ thinking doesn’t cut it in today’s footy.
Clubs now have so many assistants and resources in the background, that we wouldn’t even know about, which doesn’t matter, but the main reason a prospective coach will now select one club over another perhaps has more to do with the resources he will have available to him, if he is to coach a particular club.
Without those resources, and the ability to embrace today’s techniques, most coaches wouldn’t survive, regardless of any past record; e.g. Denis Pagan.