Jack our game plan is run and carry. The problem is is when we have Bowden in the backline who plays in the completely opposite manner and actively leads the other players around him to slow it up, chip around, kick to unmanned players and wait for the opposition to move downfield to zone, flood or at best man-up.
Makes Bowden look great - he seems like a leader - commanding those around him and he gains plenty of possessions which appear silky smooth because he is able to despose of the ball under no pressure.
When he was not in the team or further up the ground all of a sudden he didn't seem so good and barely got hold of the ball. We also had players like Kingy breaking through the lines and catching the opposition off guard and while sometimes this plan came unstuck occasionally it gave our forwards much more of a chance of being one out with their direct opponents and for our midfielders to quickly link up via foot or hand to get it into the F50.
Bowden and Newman (when he is being influenced by Joel) is the reason why we appear to chip and slow the game down when in reality our game plan is to run and move the ball on quickly.
Unfortunately for TW Bowden had that 39 possession game that most media and fans raved about which will make it difficult to move out of the role until he is regularly exposed again such as what happened in the Carlton game.
So run, carry and pace - yes, old blockers/discenters such as Joel -no.
Time to make the tough calls Terry!