Author Topic: Gary March and an election  (Read 2094 times)

Offline sugark

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Gary March and an election
« on: August 31, 2008, 12:53:15 PM »
I have it on very good authority that Gary March is making things extremely difficult for Terry Wallace.  March needs to make up his mind as to what it is he wants to be because he was voted onto the board for the running of the club not the football department.

Gary firmly believes that he knows more about football than Terry and obviously more than Greg Miller did, this current situation is fraught with danger....all the hard work that has been done to get to where we are today will all be brought undone in one foul swoop if this loose cannon is able to continue to have puppets around him on the board and we dont remove the balance of power away from him.

The lastest move is that Gary wants to take awaylist management from Terry! How can you hold someone responsible for the win/loss ratio of the club but yet take away the right to put together the list....this man is a recipe for disaster.

Gary has no more football nouse than me or you as a every day football follower and Richmond member, some will argue that he has no more business acumen either with his failed business past.

We need to put a stop to this and make sure that at the upcoming election we put 2 or 3 new people onto the board that will remove the balance of power away from March.

You dont see Costa and McGuire getting involved in the everyday football matters and nor should March, for that fact you dont see any other Presidents involving themselves in football matters.

Geelong have proven that to be a successful football club you need solidarity from top to bottom, you need an impregnable relationship between President, CEO, Football person and Coach, unfortunately March has conspired to ensure we dont have this currently.  Should Wallaces position become untennable as a result of March's input to football matters it will not only take the club backwards it will bring it to its knees.  What person in their right mind would want to come and coach Richmond when he knows the President wants to involve himself in all things football when he has no idea.  March has to either go or the balance of power needs to be taken away from him almost immeadiately.

So much good work has been done over the last 4 years that March cannot be allowed to bring it undone because he has a huge ego, egos and football club boards do not mix.

Whether you think Terry is the best person for the job is totally irrelevant here, what is relevant is that we have a loose cannon president that thinks he knows more about football than those that have experienced the highs and lows of it all there lives.

For the first time in a long time people want to be around Richmond, players love Terry and they want him to be around but let me tell you should March continue on trying to be a football person and interfering with those in the know then no one will want to be at Richmond.  March either needs to take his ego and nick off or step back and be President and President only, concern himself with all the off field matters that concern a club from day to day.

So I plead with you all that we need to make slight change at the election to ensure that we continue on the right track and take March's power away.


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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2008, 01:00:20 PM »
March - FHO~


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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2008, 01:25:07 PM »
Unfortunately, Sugar, the ordinary member doesn't know what's happening behind the scenes.
I've also seen supporter groups (president's men et al) really, really undermining the coach as well.
What is wrong with these people?
Are they supporters, are they there just for the corporate lunches, what?
They certainly don't sound like they're there for the club's well-being.

Do you know much about Free, Sugar?

I really think March was going along quite nicely until some pressure was put on him to get rid of Wallace.  Whether that pressure came in the form of, if you don't get rid of him, we'll get people on the board, or whatever.  I don't know, but it just sounds really crazy, that after such a great year of development instability raises its head again.  Not again, really all the way through Wallace's tenure.

Just crazy.

Offline HKTiger

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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2008, 03:57:38 PM »
The lastest move is that Gary wants to take awaylist management from Terry! How can you hold someone responsible for the win/loss ratio of the club but yet take away the right to put together the list....this man is a recipe for disaster.

Actually Craig Cameron was appointed as List and List Strategy manager to make sure that it was out of the coaches hands.  Unlike preceding years where a coach rated the list and topped up and look where that ended.  Given that this is the approach that 15 other clubs either have or are moving to, one would think that it's the right decision.

But hey why let facts that have been in place for 6 months get in the way of an emotive outburst.

Offline blaisee

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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2008, 04:49:43 PM »
list management should not be in the hands of the coach.

If that was the case then coaches in their last year would be allowed to make short term decisions to save their own hides, and to the detriment of the long term viability of the club. Coaches should coach and list managers should manage the list.

Wallace is a great coach, list management is not his skill set.

Offline jezza

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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2008, 05:15:39 PM »
list management should not be in the hands of the coach.

If that was the case then coaches in their last year would be allowed to make short term decisions to save their own hides, and to the detriment of the long term viability of the club. Coaches should coach and list managers should manage the list.

Wallace is a great coach, list management is not his skill set.

Spot on. It never has been Terry's to manage so it can't be taken away from him, and for very good reason. Craig Cameron is the man now, let's see how he performs.


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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2008, 06:10:00 PM »
list management should not be in the hands of the coach.

If that was the case then coaches in their last year would be allowed to make short term decisions to save their own hides, and to the detriment of the long term viability of the club. Coaches should coach and list managers should manage the list.

Wallace is a great coach, list management is not his skill set.

Not sure that plough could be considered a "great coach" but i agree with most of what youve said.

Offline sugark

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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2008, 06:21:30 PM »
HKTiger, certainly not an emotive outburst...actually quite the opposite

List Management at every football club has the coaches footprint on it, clubs certainly have over recent years employed people as list managers but that work is done in consultation with the senior coach, March doesnt want Wallace to have any input into list management.

So you tell me how can you be held responsible for your role as senior coach if somebody else is putting together the list, it must be done together and in consultation.

HK if you are such an avid March fan then you tell me what other Presidents get on radio and make comments about players skills and there defensive mindsets and the like as the illustrious March did today on 3AW when commenting on players like Coughlan and Deledio.  

This bloke actually thinks he is a football guru, how can you get on national radio and tell everyone that he rated our year this year as a 5 out of 10.  We have progressed from the wooden spoon to 9th with 11 and a half wins.....he is just hellbent on causing trouble.

I come back to my original point that he is working his way to undoing what we all believe to be a really positive step for the first time in a long time.  How many clubs do you hear of that any players have physically challenged the president?  None because it doesnt happen at other clubs because at other clubs the presidents worry about being presidents and leave the football side of things to the football people.

This bloke is a loose cannon of the enth degree and should we allow him to continue on like this we will again be the laughing stock of the competition.

He needs to be told that he is the president of the club not the football manager nor is he the coach.

All I am saying is at election time we need to remove some of the yes man puppets like Matthies and O'Shaugnessy and have some spirited debate on the board rather than March just getting his own way like a spoilt little brat.

We have made serious inroads into sustained success, remembering it took Geelong 8 years and a solidarity of Coach, President and CEO like no other.  We dont need this failed businessman to undo all this work because he thinks he is a footballing guru when he is not.

Offline blaisee

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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2008, 07:04:24 PM »
HKTiger, certainly not an emotive outburst...actually quite the opposite

List Management at every football club has the coaches footprint on it, clubs certainly have over recent years employed people as list managers but that work is done in consultation with the senior coach, March doesnt want Wallace to have any input into list management.

So you tell me how can you be held responsible for your role as senior coach if somebody else is putting together the list, it must be done together and in consultation.

HK if you are such an avid March fan then you tell me what other Presidents get on radio and make comments about players skills and there defensive mindsets and the like as the illustrious March did today on 3AW when commenting on players like Coughlan and Deledio.  

This bloke actually thinks he is a football guru, how can you get on national radio and tell everyone that he rated our year this year as a 5 out of 10.  We have progressed from the wooden spoon to 9th with 11 and a half wins.....he is just hellbent on causing trouble.

I come back to my original point that he is working his way to undoing what we all believe to be a really positive step for the first time in a long time.  How many clubs do you hear of that any players have physically challenged the president?  None because it doesnt happen at other clubs because at other clubs the presidents worry about being presidents and leave the football side of things to the football people.

This bloke is a loose cannon of the enth degree and should we allow him to continue on like this we will again be the laughing stock of the competition.

He needs to be told that he is the president of the club not the football manager nor is he the coach.

All I am saying is at election time we need to remove some of the yes man puppets like Matthies and O'Shaugnessy and have some spirited debate on the board rather than March just getting his own way like a spoilt little brat.

We have made serious inroads into sustained success, remembering it took Geelong 8 years and a solidarity of Coach, President and CEO like no other.  We dont need this failed businessman to undo all this work because he thinks he is a footballing guru when he is not.

sounds likeyou have a problem with the president being the president and the coach being the coach.

Many positions inbetween, all the ultimate responsibility of the president.

Danny frawley had fulll list control . We are still paying for it, 5 years later

Offline HKTiger

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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2008, 07:08:51 PM »
HKTiger, certainly not an emotive outburst...actually quite the opposite

List Management at every football club has the coaches footprint on it, clubs certainly have over recent years employed people as list managers but that work is done in consultation with the senior coach, March doesnt want Wallace to have any input into list management.

So you tell me how can you be held responsible for your role as senior coach if somebody else is putting together the list, it must be done together and in consultation.

HK if you are such an avid March fan then you tell me what other Presidents get on radio and make comments about players skills and there defensive mindsets and the like as the illustrious March did today on 3AW when commenting on players like Coughlan and Deledio.  

This bloke actually thinks he is a football guru, how can you get on national radio and tell everyone that he rated our year this year as a 5 out of 10.  We have progressed from the wooden spoon to 9th with 11 and a half wins.....he is just hellbent on causing trouble.

I come back to my original point that he is working his way to undoing what we all believe to be a really positive step for the first time in a long time.  How many clubs do you hear of that any players have physically challenged the president?  None because it doesnt happen at other clubs because at other clubs the presidents worry about being presidents and leave the football side of things to the football people.

This bloke is a loose cannon of the enth degree and should we allow him to continue on like this we will again be the laughing stock of the competition.

He needs to be told that he is the president of the club not the football manager nor is he the coach.

All I am saying is at election time we need to remove some of the yes man puppets like Matthies and O'Shaugnessy and have some spirited debate on the board rather than March just getting his own way like a spoilt little brat.

We have made serious inroads into sustained success, remembering it took Geelong 8 years and a solidarity of Coach, President and CEO like no other.  We dont need this failed businessman to undo all this work because he thinks he is a footballing guru when he is not.

List Management at every football club has the coaches footprint on it,  .. -   Actually the press coverage I read and glean is pretty much the opposite.  The coach has input but not the footprint.  The typical case in point where both Sheedy and Malthouse have lost control of that aspect of list management is due to their open love affair with "big behindd" midfileders.

March doesnt want Wallace to have any input into list management. ... -  Given that March is quoted on this site as having control of the PSD pick, I find this contradictatory.

HK if you are such an avid March ...  - Nowhere have I stated that I am an avid March fan (though I think he is doing a good job).  Thus you again emotively respond.  I.e. making your opinion a fact (especially an unsubstantiated opinion) is emotive.

This bloke actually thinks he is a football guru, ....  - Your opinion only.  You seem not like the fact that he comments on player issues.  It doesn't bother me.  Neither position makes him a football guru.  

We dont need this failed businessman to undo ...  - That's close to libel.  He is not a failed businessman.  I'd be very careful about your wording here.

All I am saying is at election time we need to remove some of the yes man puppets like Matthies and O'Shaugnessy and have some spirited debate on the board rather than March just getting his own way like a spoilt little brat.  ....- And you know this how ?  I have no evidence of this.  In fact I understand almost the reverse is true.  If you have evidence in support of your claim I suggest you provide it, else the entire statement is just an opinionated rant.  Guess what, emotive again.

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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2008, 07:10:04 PM »

All I am saying is at election time we need to remove some of the yes man puppets like Matthies and O'Shaugnessy and have some spirited debate on the board rather than March just getting his own way like a spoilt little brat.

Examples of your accusation about Matthies and O'Shannassy please.

As for the election, are you going to run? There won't be an election unless someone challenges.
It's 50 of one and half a dozen of the other - Don Scott


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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2008, 07:22:09 PM »
Sugar sounds like Jack in reverse
Both we don't need.
We don't need an election either for more of Jack's mates to get on board.
All of them should just mind their own business and let's just keep on doing what we're doing cos it's working  :thumbsup

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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2008, 07:38:08 PM »
How's it goin Jack  :rollin

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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2008, 03:51:09 AM »
Bumping this up given Mike's articles in the Herald-Sun today.


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Re: Gary March and an election
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2008, 04:30:04 AM »
Bumping this up given Mike's articles in the Herald-Sun today.
I'm as confused as ever.  Mike's article was good, but what can the supporter make of it.
As per usual, we're in the dark, not sure of what's really happening.
What Sugar says sounds pretty spot on, but do we want another election?
Up until Free landing on the board, everything was going well, the board supported the coach.
Something has changed it appears  :banghead