B: Newman (26) - McGaune (22) - Moore (25)
HB: Polo (22) - Rance (19) - x
C: Tambling (22) - Deledio (22) - Cotchin (19)
HF: White (22) - Reiwoldt (20) - x
F: Nahas (21) - x - x
OB: Pattison (23) / Graham (22) - Coughlan (27) - Foley (23)
Tuck (27) - Vickery (18) - x - x
Only got about 1/2 the building blocks in place. 
ie. key forward/s
Schultz ?
Raines ?
Jacko ?
Thursfeild ?
Edwards ?
Morton ?
Collins ?
Post ?
Gilligan ?
Lots of kids... that need to show something at Coburg sometime soon
I think Morton will be very much part of the team, as will Jacko, Thursfield and very possibly Raines and Collins (on current form). So out of the 6 empty places you had in your team,from my perspective, we are really only missing a couple of key forwards....which I hope someone like Post, Vickery or the great underachiever - Schulz could step up and claim.
My question marks remain over most of the young list but particularly over players such as
Cogs and Tuck - (will they lack the required skill and pace we need and lose their place/role to players such as Thomson, Cotchin and Lids in years to come?)
Patto - where will be play particularly if Vickery, Browne and/or Putt step up quickly? I'm not convinced he has the pace or lateral movement to be a KPF.
Raines - can he play in any other way so he is not hemmed in and run down running from defense? Will Edwards become a better option off the HHF?
Hughes/Schulz/Putt/Gourdis/Vickery - Do we have any big forward that we can kick it to long? Will anyone standup!?
JON - Is he evr going to make it? Could he be our inside 50 man?
Still alot of questions to be answered and development to occur but as I said earlier, I can't see us gaining a great deal of quality from the next few drafts so we just have to hope that what we have lifts.... 
It seems we have a decent enough U23 group. Cotchin, Deledio, Rance, Reiwoldt, Foley
We can ony hope the next tier of those kids come good; Vickery, Edwards, JON, Graham, Raines and co. kick on.
We have to sort out the oldest 1/2 of the list, 24yoa-30yoa+ to see what we keep next year.
at this stage:
gone: Brown?, Johnson, Bowden, Simmonds, Pettifer, McMahon, King, Polak, Silvestr, Schulz?
Richo?, Tuck, Coughlan, Newman, Moore -> only senior player who should be on senior list '10 really.