Let's take Benny Gale as one example.
A wonderful administrator and has done a great job bringing solidarity to the club.
Remarkable job given our history.
Making money, building great infrastructure for the club and playing group to be set up for success.
But can he make a truly tough call?
The solidarity he has built might be a rod for his back. At some point the results need to takeover the blind faith - look at Qantas. Alan Joyce had an unbelievable backing of his board but he eventually delivered results commensurate with that faith. Remember how resolute the Qantas board was when Joyce had pilots, flight attendants, shareholders, media nailing him to the cross a few years ago?
I'd say Benny is enjoying faith across the board but this year must be a pivotal year - particularly if the season goes belly up.
Either he needs to make some tough calls on his off field team or his board need to do the same to him. Or the members will to be board.
Faith doesn't come at any cost.