Author Topic: 2005 RFC Concise Financial Statements + Financial reports  (Read 1329 times)

Offline one-eyed

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2005 RFC Concise Financial Statements + Financial reports
« on: December 23, 2005, 01:11:44 AM »

2005 ($) .....   2004 ($)
Cash Assets    1,008,827   916,897
Receivables   971,484   792,148
Prepayments   139,057   104,021   
Inventories   140,070   97,311 
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS   2,259,438   1,910,377
Property, Plant and Equipment    5,545,476   5,655,097   
Intangibles   427,076   349,955   
TOTAL NON CURRENT ASSETS   5,972,552   6,005,052
TOTAL ASSETS   8,231,990   7,915,429   
Bank Overdraft   3,880,424   3,318,729
Payables   3,631,516   3,429,844   
Provisions   200,166   167,544      
Income Received in Advance   223,846   144,218      
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES   7,935,952   7,060,335
Interest Bearing Liabilities   1,000,000   1,375,000
Other   -   225,457      
TOTAL NON CURRENT LIABILITIES   1,000,000   1,600,457   
TOTAL LIABILITIES    8,935,952   8,660,792
NET ASSETS    (703,962)   (745,363)
Retained Earnings    (704,011)    (745,412)
Outside Equity Interest in Controlled Entities ....    49    49
TOTAL EQUITY    (703,962)    (745,363)

The above Statement of Financial Position should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes, discussion and analysis.


   2005 ($) ........   2004 ($)
Revenue from ordinary activities     23,481,022    22,222,087   
Employee benefits expenses    (11,877,168)    (11,818,644)   
Depreciation and amortisation expenses    (274,127)    (276,939)   
Marketing and promotional expenditure    (2,548,025)    (2,028,656)   
Materials purchases and match day hospitality....(1,384,244)(1,584,395)    
Administration expenditure   (585,535)   (535,530)   
Borrowing cost expense   (400,032)   (436,032)   
Property maintenance   (634,793)   (815,427)   
Football support expenditure   (2,082,080)    (2,545,705)   
Membership expenditure   (1,271,909)  (1,931,378)   
Property lease expenditure   (1,086,724)    (1,104,332)   
Other expenses from ordinary activities   (1,294,984)    (1,340,023)   
Net Profit / (Loss) 41,401   (2,194,974)    

The above Statement of Financial Performance should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes, discussion and analysis.

2005 ($).......    2004 ($)
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Receipts from Football Operations 6,528,520    6,216,874   
Receipts from Marketing Operations    11,576,804    9,897,737   
Receipts from Gaming and Social Operations    6,268,598    5,815,571    
Receipts from Other Operations    11,758   10,075   
Payments to Suppliers and Employees    (24,129,681)      (23,395,876)   
Interest Received    6,028    14,775   
Borrowing Costs    (400,032)    (436,032)   
Jack Dyer Foundation Contributions    195,723    259,414   
Net Cash Inflow / (Outflow) from Operating Activities....    57,718              (1,617,462)   
Cash Flows from Investing Activities       
Payment for Property, Plant and Equipment   (152,483)   (218,964)   
Net Cash Inflow / (Outflow) from Investing Activities   (152,483)   (218,964)   
Cash Flows from Financing Activities    
[Repayment] / Draw down of Secured Loan   -   (301,125)   
[Repayment] / Draw down of Unsecured boan   -   (250,000)   
Repayment of Borrowings   (375,000)   -   
Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Financing Activities   (375,000)    (551,125)   
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Held   (469,765)   (2,387,551)   
Cash at the Beginning of the Year   (2,401,832) (14,281)
CASH AT THE END OF THE YEAR   (2,871,597) (2,401,832)   

The above statement of cash flows should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes, discussion and analysis.

Income Tax
Income Tax has not been provided for in the accounts as the Company is an exempt sporting organisation in accordance with Section 50-45 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

Richmond Cricket Club Limited
The Richmond Football Club limited owns 51 % of the Richmond Cricket Club limited and includes any surplus or deficit of the cricket operations in its results. The operations of the Cricket Club are to hold the lease of the Punt Road Oval from the Melbourne City Council, and to be an accredited member of the Victorian Cricket Association.


The concise financial report relates to the consolidated entity consisting of Richmond Football Club Limited and the entity it controlled at the end of, and during, the year ended 31 October, 2005. The concise financial report cannot be expected to provide as full an  understanding of the financial performance, financial position and financing and investing activities of the Richmond Football Club Limited and its controlled entity as the full financial report. The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous year.

1. Basis of preparation of financial statements

(a) Economic Dependency
The Richmond Football Club Limited is economically dependent on the ongoing financial assistance of the Australian Football League ("AFL"). This ongoing assistance provided by the AFL is in the form of a Redirection Order of up to $4.40 million to the ANZ Bank as security for the current borrowing facilities. The Redirection Order provided is not an advance of funds, however is an acknowledgement to our financiers that the annual distributions will be received in the ordinary course of operations. The amount of the Redirection Order equates to 12 months of AFL  distributions. A guarantee has also been provided by the AFL to the ANZ Bank of up to $800,000 for future distributions from the AFL in relation to the sale of Waverley Park. Again, this guarantee is not an advance of funds but an acknowledgement of distributions that will be received over the next three years.

(b) Going Concern
The financial report has been prepared on the basis of the Company continuing as a going concern. The Company currently has a deficiency in net assets and current assets in comparison to it [sic] current liabilities. Despite this, the Company's directors consider the going concern assumption to be an appropriate basis for the preparation of the financial report as the AFL has committed to the economic support disclosed above in note 1(a) and has stated a commitment to support the Richmond Football Club and its ongoing support for a 16 team competition. The AFL support does not however represent a guarantee or indemnity over the operations of the Club beyond the guarantees already provided. The AFL  will impose conditions on additional economic support that the Club will be required to meet. Based on these circumstances, the financial report does not include any of the adjustments that may be necessary Should the Company be unable to continue as a going concern.

2. Segment Information
The Company operates in the sporting and leisure industry in Australia and its predominant activity is to field a football team in the Australian Football League.

3. Dividends
The Articles of Association specifically prohibitis the payment of any dividends to any members.

4. Revenue

   2005 ($).......   2004 ($)
Revenue from the Operating Activities:
Football     6,528,520   6,214,833
Sponsorship & Marketing   10,833,045   9,835,088
Gaming and Social   5,906,990   5,808,985   
Interest   6,028   14,775   
Jack Dyer Foundation   195,749   338,331   
Other   10,690   10,075   
Total Revenue   23,481,022   22,222,087

Offline Captain__Blood

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Re: 2005 RFC Concise Financial Statements
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2005, 01:15:43 AM »

Offline one-eyed

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President's report on finances
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2005, 01:24:33 AM »
President's Report

2005 RFC Annual Report
Gary March


As set out in detail in the Treasurer's Report, there has been a marked improvement in the trading activities of the Club over the past 12 months. For the first time in three years, the Club has made a profit. The net profit is $41,401 and represents an improvement of $2.23 million on the 2004 resuIt.

This result has come about by improvements across the entire business operations. In the Board's view, this improvement is not only sustainable but with hard work and dedication by all involved can be further improved to reduce the debt position of the Club.

We are continuing to reduce the debt related to the administration and swimming pool building. This repayment is funded by donations made to the Jack Dyer Foundation and distributions from the AFL relating to the sale of Waverley Park. It will be repaid in full by the conclusion of the 2007 season.

The challenge faced by the Club is to be able to generate significant profits from its trading activities to repay the $4m overdraft debt within the next 4 -5 years. The Board believes that this is achievable if Richmond is granted an appropriate commercial stadium deal with the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

The single biggest influence on the ability of Richmond to be able to payoff its debts and run a fully-funded football department in the future is the stadia deal with the MCG and Telstra Dome. Members may be surprised to learn that the West Coast Eagles and Brisbane generate over $1.5m per annum more from their stadium than that which is received by Richmond through the MCG and Telstra Dome.

As a tenant at the MCG for over 40 years, the deal we have with the MCC is far inferior to that offered to both Collingwood and Melbourne. This financial imbalance amongst MCG tenant clubs cannot - and will not - continue under my Presidency. It will be the highest priority of the Board and management in 2006 to renegotiate a long-term arrangement with the MCG which generates significantly more income for the Club.

Offline one-eyed

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Re: 2005 RFC Concise Financial Statements + Financial reports
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2005, 02:10:35 AM »
Treasurer's Report

2005 RFC Annual Report
Garry Cameron

On behalf of the Board I am pleased to present the Club's financial report for the year ended 31 October 2005.

It is pleasing to report that the consolidated entity has recorded a profit of $41,401. This represents a $2.23 million turnaround in the Club's finances as presented in the table below.

Year  Result ($ '000)
2003   (882)
2004   (2195)
2005    41

The following table presents an overview of the Club's improved trading performance from 2004 to 2005.

2004 ($ '000) 2005 ($ '000) Improvement ($) Improvement  (%)
Football operations:
Revenue 15,592 17,063 1,471 9%
Expenditure (18,169) (17,445) 724 4%
Net Gaming revenue 105 326 221 210%
JDF Revenue (includes Waverley proceeds) 608 473 (135) (22%)
Net result before interest (1,864) 417 2,281 122%
Interest expense (331) (376) (45) (14%)
Net profit / (loss) (2,195) 41 2,236 102%

Highlights of the 2005 result as depicted above are as follows:

* The Club recorded a profit before interest of $417,000 which reflects a very healthy core business operation but the net profit is diminished by the servicing costs of the operating debt.

* Highest ever revenue recorded from football operations.

* Expenditure reduced by $724,000 from 2004.

* An improvement in gaming revenue of $210,000. This result reflects the careful management and diligent reviews that have been undertaken across all aspects of the operations of our licensed Clubs.

A summary of the key improvements between 2004 and 2005 is as follows:

   $000   CHANGE %
Increase in net membership revenue   660   35%
Increase in net sponsorship income   300   16%
Increase in net cotene Income   350   100%
Increase in net corporate hospitality income   250   250%
Improved revenue from licensed Clubs   210   200%
Reduction in expenditure & other net improvements   460   
TOTAL   2,230 

It is particularly pleasing to achieve this result given that a number of additional costs totaling $370,000 had to be absorbed which comprised additional election costs, injury payments and player milestone payments.

In last year's annual report we set out in some detail the objectives and principles that would guide our operations, particularly from a finance and governance perspective. These included:

* Recognition of the need for a significant improvement in the Club's financial performance;

* Significant (and sustained) cost reductions, particularly in those areas which were high in comparison to other Victorian Clubs;

* A restructuring of the organization to provide clearer lines of reporting and accountability;

* A restructuring of the Club's committee structure to provide improved Governance over the operation of the Club.

* Working closely with the AFL, other Clubs and key stakeholders within the industry to identify innovative solutions to common Issues.

The above objectives and principles have been strictly adhered to and have been instrumental in our financial improvement.

Importantly, these principles have again been reflected in the Club's plans for 2006. The Club has budgeted for a profit of $150,000 in 2006. In arriving at this figure we have used the following parameters:

* Using 4 year averages for match attendances despite being scheduled to play a number of "blockbuster" matches at a fully redeveloped MCG with capacity nearing 100,000;

* No prize money or bonus revenue has been budgeted. No increase in membership is budgeted;

* Growth in sponsorship revenue is based on state of actual negotiations for 2006 season; and Budgeting for minimal growth in match day hospitality despite a much improved fixture.

A number of risks still exist given the nature of the football industry - in particular in the areas of membership, match day attendances, player injuries and milestones but the board believes that the budget set includes an appropriate balancing of these risks.


Whilst the 2005 result represents a very positive step forward, there remains a significant amount of work to be completed. The balance sheet contained within our financial statements shows a net asset deficiency of $700,000 and highlights the level of debt which the Club continues to carry. The Board is certainly mindful of the Club's financial position and will guide the operations of the Club accordingly.

Nevertheless, the strength of the 2005 result is underlined by the fact that whilst the Club returned improved performances on the field, the team finished twelfth on the AFL ladder and was beaten in the first round of the pre-season competition.

Accordingly, the Board is firmly of the view that the financial result is certainly sustainable.
It is our view that from a financial perspective, the Club has laid a solid foundation from which we can build further in future years.

Offline mightytiges

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Re: 2005 RFC Concise Financial Statements + Financial reports
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2005, 04:52:32 PM »
I'm pleased with the risk management criteria. No wishful revenue is included as fact in predictions.

Bank Overdraft 3,880,424       3,318,729

A dumb question - why has our bank overdraft increased by 560k?  ??? Did we refinance or move monies around?

The challenge faced by the Club is to be able to generate significant profits from its trading activities to repay the $4m overdraft debt within the next 4 -5 years.

That's a big ask paying off a $1 million a year.

The single biggest influence on the ability of Richmond to be able to payoff its debts and run a fully-funded football department in the future is the stadia deal with the MCG and Telstra Dome. Members may be surprised to learn that the West Coast Eagles and Brisbane generate over $1.5m per annum more from their stadium than that which is received by Richmond through the MCG and Telstra Dome.

As a tenant at the MCG for over 40 years, the deal we have with the MCC is far inferior to that offered to both Collingwood and Melbourne. This financial imbalance amongst MCG tenant clubs cannot - and will not - continue under my Presidency. It will be the highest priority of the Board and management in 2006 to renegotiate a long-term arrangement with the MCG which generates significantly more income for the Club.

We've been taken for granted for years by the MCC >:(. We need some on-field success though and the crowds that come with it to put us in a bargaining position. Hopefully with the Northern stand now completed we can get a few 70,000 or even 80,000 crowds to our games as we did prior to the redevelopment. 
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Re: 2005 RFC Concise Financial Statements + Financial reports
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2005, 07:54:55 PM »
Bank Overdraft 3,880,424       3,318,729

A dumb question - why has our bank overdraft increased by 560k?  ??? Did we refinance or move monies around?

Could be a number of things - Cash Flow or they drew on the O/D to make the repayment that was due on the long term debt (the one that's reduced by $375K in non current liabilities). Could be a payment due (say a dvidend from the AFL) wasn't received by the 31/10/05 when the books were closed it but turned up in Nov (could be an AFL theme - things just turning up >:( :shh :banghead :rollin). It could be many things
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)


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Re: 2005 RFC Concise Financial Statements + Financial reports
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2005, 10:31:33 PM »
Hope everyone is well. stuff its hot!

Thanks for the financial reports, whats apparent is that alot of work is still needed- lots. The MCC have screwed us for years...but to be honest, we havent helped ourselves- on a number of fronts, weve been poo for a long time, our merchandise is crap, we havent continued to invest in non football business operations which could bring in revenue- for example- why cant Richmond do a deal with GE Capital and Visa and produce a credit card for our members and supporters, Why hasnt the club considered having some sort of relationship with an Insurance company- where the club earns commission on home and contents, car and all sorts of other insurances or even a small reinsurance operation, or a small travel agency to help tiger supporters arrange holidays and trips...i dont understand why our club hasnt done any of these things. Collingwood craps on us when it comes to marketing and finding non core revenues...Steve Wright seriously needs to look at 2 or 3 options...

Offline mightytiges

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Re: 2005 RFC Concise Financial Statements + Financial reports
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2005, 05:01:15 AM »
An email or AGM question Ramps  ;).

It helps the Pies that their president is the face of Ch 9 and he continually promotes the club and particularly the sponsors.

Could be a number of things - Cash Flow or they drew on the O/D to make the repayment that was due on the long term debt (the one that's reduced by $375K in non current liabilities). Could be a payment due (say a dvidend from the AFL) wasn't received by the 31/10/05 when the books were closed it but turned up in Nov (could be an AFL theme - things just turning up >:( :shh :banghead :rollin). It could be many things

Thanks WP  :cheers.
All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be - Pink Floyd