Author Topic: GeoPolitics thread / Russians / future ramifications ...[merged]  (Read 5518 times)

Offline Stalin

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Re: GeoPolitics thread / Russians / future ramifications ...[merged]
« Reply #30 on: April 12, 2016, 11:45:12 AM »
More people protest about money / corruption in Washington, D.C. , and are arrested

Than the capacity of the jails:

Wen will Rome fall?

Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

Offline Stalin

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  • Close your mouth pls, we are not a codfish
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

Offline Stalin

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Re: Aussie dollar hits parity with Greenback
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2016, 10:42:03 PM »
Lord Rothschild has issued a stark warning to investors, saying that 2016 is likely to be a very difficult year for the world economy.

In his letter to investors, Rothschild warns, “not surprisingly, market conditions have deteriorated further…So much so that the wind is certainly not behind us; indeed we may well be in the eye of a storm.” On this basis, Rothschild highlights a “daunting litany of problems,” warning those who are optimistically sanguine about the US economy that “2016 is likely to turn out to be more difficult than the second half of 2015.”

Total financial collapse is going to happen before Dimma gets the sack for crying out loud

Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

Offline Stalin

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  • Close your mouth pls, we are not a codfish
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus