Author Topic: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!  (Read 23773 times)

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #150 on: January 27, 2006, 05:08:08 PM »
When talking about tens of million of people 2% if a pretty big difference, and that is only for crimes that they are convicted of, you have no idea how much ethnic crime goes unpunished.

You do realise that arrests of Lebs over the retaliation attacks has ONLY happened because that footage was released and pretty much every white australian was up in arms about it!

If that footage had never been released, the police wouldn't of arrested the Leb criminals because there wouldn't be any public pressure.

Ever heard of equal opportunity?

It means that i have two people vying for one job, lets say a white guy and an asian guy.

The white guy can be far more qualified and have better references, but if you haven't hired an asian guy before you either have to hire him or you are taken to court for being a racist.

In America it is about a million times worse with blacks and to a lesser degree mexicans.

If you have people who want to work, have job vacancies yet bring in more immigrants you are only keeping the unemployment rate the same, if not increasing it when if you simply didn't bring in so many immigrants unemployment would be lower and so would poverty rates.

I won't even mention how the unemplyoment rate is higher in ethnic groups.

So your saying that since a bunch of white guys went around acting tough 30 YEARS AGO that we should let the ethnics do the same?

Unemployment levels are so low because all Labor did was open the gate and let every tom, dick and harry in and stuffed the economy up, atleast Howard isn't as bad as Labor was with bringing in immigration, his not the answer to the multicultural problem BUT unfortunately his the best option we've got, the lesser of two evils.

For every vietnamese who works hard there are plenty who don't, were talking %'s here and as far as % goes viets are only 2nd to the Lebs in crime and unemployment.

The major problem is there aren't many stats on these issues because to create statistics on these issues would be "racist".  ::)

Offline mightytiges

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #151 on: January 27, 2006, 06:57:36 PM »
When talking about tens of million of people 2% if a pretty big difference, and that is only for crimes that they are convicted of, you have no idea how much ethnic crime goes unpunished.

The population of ethnics in Oz is far lower than native-born so in terms of raw numbers 3% of a large population is far greater than 5% of a small population.

You do realise that arrests of Lebs over the retaliation attacks has ONLY happened because that footage was released and pretty much every white australian was up in arms about it!

If that footage had never been released, the police wouldn't of arrested the Leb criminals because there wouldn't be any public pressure.

All that matters is they were rightly charged. It's not the first crime that public pressure has rightly forced the authorities' hand.

Ever heard of equal opportunity?

If you have people who want to work, have job vacancies yet bring in more immigrants you are only keeping the unemployment rate the same, if not increasing it when if you simply didn't bring in so many immigrants unemployment would be lower and so would poverty rates.

Ever heard of skill shortages.

If we need people with certain skills and we don't produce them here ourselves then having zero immigration isn't going to solve skill shortage nor reduce unemployment.

I won't even mention how the unemplyoment rate is higher in ethnic groups.

In the short term yes but for skilled migrants the unemployment rate falls below the Australian average within 18-42 months. In fact English language skills appear more a factor in unemployment than ethnicity. Humanitarian migrants do have a high employment rate although it falls with time but are we such a uncompassionate country now that we don't give a stuff about those in the outside world.

So your saying that since a bunch of white guys went around acting tough 30 YEARS AGO that we should let the ethnics do the same?

Just saying that gangs have always existed. The "ethnics" didn't bring them into Oz. It's up to the law enforcers to deal with them. Plus the certain thugs on Cronulla beach who attacked anyone who they thought even looked middle-eastern/mitterranean weren't 30 years ago. They were just as bad as the thugs they were "protesting" about.  

Unemployment levels are so low because all Labor did was open the gate and let every tom, dick and harry in and stuffed the economy up, atleast Howard isn't as bad as Labor was with bringing in immigration, his not the answer to the multicultural problem BUT unfortunately his the best option we've got, the lesser of two evils.

When Howard was treasurer in the Fraser government the unemployment rate rose to 10%. Even under the spend-happy days of Whitlam it only reached 5-6%. This 10% unemployment is what the Hawke-Keating government inherited in 1983. The rate then fell to under 6% by 1989 then rose to 11% by 1992 when the world recession hit then fell to 8.5% by the time Howard became PM. With 14 years of consecutive growth in the Oz economy the unemployment rate has now fallen to 5%.

The opening up of the Oz economy and reform has more to do with employment levels than immigration. The trend in the US was similar over that period (although slightly lower). Look at how high the unemployment levels are in "Fortress Europe" and I would argue they are far less multicultural than us. Step outside the OCED and the picture is more bleak and these countries are more likely monocultural.  

For every vietnamese who works hard there are plenty who don't, were talking %'s here and as far as % goes viets are only 2nd to the Lebs in crime and unemployment.

The two highest ethnic-born groups in terms of crime according to those stats were Romanian and Russian.
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