Author Topic: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!  (Read 23770 times)

Offline Razorblade

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11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« on: December 10, 2005, 12:23:18 AM »
Apparently there is going to be a MASSIVE punch on between Leb's and Aussies at Cronulla Beach this Sunday!

Aparently this things been in the news and all but i haven't heard anything about it until before when i was talking to a mate, he said there are some SERIOUS racial problems up that way and now the "aussies are going to do something about it", his words!

Anyone know what im referring to?

This doesn't suprise me at all, these young Lebos, Turks and Iti's go around thinking their pooh doesn't stink and that they can treat women like pooh and get away with it!

All the political correctness, pro multiculturalism folk like to blame the aussies for ALL the trouble, yet its these Lebo's bashing lifesavers and raping girls!

The government won't do anything about the spate of multicultural problems this country is facing, and this is the sort of pooh that going to end up happening, aussies getting together to "take back the shire"!

Don't get me wrong, not all Lebo's, Turks, Greeks and Italians are like this, but the ones that are have absolutely NO respect for australian law or anyone elses rights!

I know from personal experience, going to a school full of turks and wogs for 4 years and having myself and mates threatened by "gangs" of wogs and turks and lebos simply because we didn't take their rubbish they were saying!

Think im going over the top, try getting chased through a bunch of streets and a park at 2-3am by a gang of these guys with baseball bats and even a shovel, all because i told this little 13yo try hard tough guy and his group of mates (they were gatecrashers) to pee off from my mates sisters 18th, then see what your opinion on them is!

Fact is multicultarism doesn't work, and the government needs to do something about it NOW, or things will get a lot worse!

Offline mightytiges

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Re: Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2005, 07:20:01 PM »
In all due respect Razor that little spiel above would do the likes of Alan Jones or Andrew Bolt proud. Take an isolated situation of testostorone filled meatheads on both sides looking for a fight as a reason to tell the world the end of the Australian way of life is nigh ::). One side bashing a lifesaver and the other sending out emails calling for "leb and wog bashing day" doesn't sound one sided to me. What a disgrace!

As an Aussie with Italian decent in me (and Scottish) I find that post above offensive :banghead. My mum's side of the family came to Oz in the 1920's to work hard and find a better life. They started up their own grocery small-business from scratch and would even give away food for free to desparate neighbours during the depression. My grandfather was interned during WWII by the Government for 2-3 years for just being an Italian even though he despised fascism but he held no grudges afterwards. When the post-war immigration was in full swing in the 1950's and 60's, Italians were labelled as knife-carrying wogs who threatened the Australian way of life. We've heard this crap all before >:(.

Fast forward to 2005 and yeah what a mess Australia is in because of mass immigration down the years. We wouldn't be the best country to live in without it. Look around the world and it's the isolated mono-culture countries that are left behind and are basket cases. Travel overseas and you'll see how lucky we really are. The amount of variety and choice we have is unbelievable. We are spoiled. The positives so outweigh the few negatives (nothing's perfect) that it's not funny. Might add I grew up in Footscray and Yarraville (and proud of it) so I'm not coming from a rosie-coloured viewpoint. It was a tough area but nevertheless it was a great place to live in. Shame high pollution levels from industries spoil it :(.

Criminal acts are performed by all races because race has nothing to do with it. Thugs are thugs and meatheads are meatheads. Their race is irrelevant. You would think there was no crime or gang warfare in Oz before 1960 the way some carry on. Maybe the authorities and community groups in Sydney haven't been doing their job here as IMHO Melbourne shows people of all cultures can live together and thrive if they want to.  

I have mates who are Anglo, Italian, Greek, Chinese, Indian and Bangladeshi. They are a mixture of aethist, christian, muslim, buddhist and hindu. If you focus at an individual level on what you have in common it's funny how differences become insignificant and you can talk about them openly and rationally. Most people all want the same things and just live their own lives in peace. We are all different (even those of the same race, gender and religion) so where do these whinges draw the line on difference?! Of course there always be a tiny minority who want it their way but that's why they are a tiny minority and will remain so. Their loss!

Anyone can focus on differences and use them to divide one group from another and create bitterness and hatred. Even when Australia had a mostly British-based population people would turn to violence over catholism vs protestantism or even Richmond vs Collingwood lol. It's sadly human nature to tribialise as it gives a sense of belonging and importance and for some losers it provides an opportunity to push others down to cover up ones own insecurities and limitations.      

From a proud Aussie, proud of his Italian and Scottish heritage  :cheers.
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Offline Razorblade

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Re: Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2005, 07:40:06 PM »
Im not getting into all the older immigrants going back 20+ years, a lot of them came here and like you said worked their asses off and made a decent living for themselves, its the guys who have come over here in the last 5-10 years which are causing the trouble.

I don't condone all the aussies getting together to "take back the shire", all im saying is is that its inevitable that something like this was going to happen and im not all to suprised about it.

The government has encouraged immigration and therefore has let that many stuffing europeans (and asians) in that we are now seeing the effects it is having on our country.

All these muslims, lebos, turks, asians etc ete DEMAND, not request, not ask, DEMAND that AUSTRALIANS change our laws and our ways of life and our culture to suit THEIR needs.

And the hippie, greenies, political correctness folk out there will label anyone who challenges these people or even multiculturalism in itself a racist, and im sick and tired of it!

Yet these people can go around in gangs and stab people, bash people, rape people and then claim theyre acting out against "persecution" by us aussies, or claim that the girls "deserved it", or "had no right to say no"!

No respect for australians as people, no respect for australian law, no respect for anything besides themselves and their "groups".

So like i said, its not all the older ones that have been here for decades, its their kids and the new group that have come over in the last decade which are causing all the trouble!

What happens tomorrow will be very interesting at Cronulla, either the coppers and the council will finally stand up to these lebos and teach them that their poo isnt welcome here, or we can sit back and let them bask lifesavers and sexually harass girls without consequences!


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Re: Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2005, 07:43:53 PM »
Australia is great for its multiculturalism - is what makes us so great IMO - and the fact that generally we have been able to have a relatively undivided society free of stuff like this show it does work.

Some Aussie girls have had a pretty hard time up there by a minority of low lives - don't taint the whole nationality with the deeds of a few, Razor.  Every nationality has its dregs of society.

Offline Razorblade

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Re: Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2005, 07:54:07 PM »
I wouldn't say its only the "deeds of a few"!

Were not talking about a dozen rebels, were talking about entire cultures and races of people who see fit to do whatever they want without consideration to anyone else!


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Re: Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2005, 08:03:54 PM »
Were not talking about a dozen rebels, were talking about entire cultures and races of people who see fit to do whatever they want without consideration to anyone else!
Don't think we're gonna have a rational debate based on that statement of "entire cultures and races" doign what they please.  That's totally irrational and off the planet, Razor. 

Offline Razorblade

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11th December 2005
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2005, 05:10:34 PM »
Hopefully this day is marked down in history as the day us Aussies finally said enough's enough!

Couldn't be prouder to be an Australian today!


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Re: 11th December 2005
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2005, 05:17:48 PM »
Sorry Razor, but am i missing something about todays events?  :-\

i am assuming that you are referring to your earlier post Razor, maybe i should watch the news

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2005, 05:41:46 PM »
Watch the start of the 6pm news, you'll see what i mean!


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Re: 11th December 2005
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2005, 08:04:26 PM »
What i seen on the news was only brief, but it is pretty ordinary to just run around and belt anyone who looks like a "Leb"

i agree with everyone's comments that all of the different nationalities and cultures that have been bought here have developed the country to the fantastic place that it has become.

My only beef is when people come to live here, could be from any country or culture and they refuse to learn how to speak English or embrae the country for what it is. Sure people have different beliefs and dont always think our way is great. The thing that really annoys me is the people who try and change our culture to theirs.

I work in Local Government for the Hume City Council and our population is the most diverse probably in all of Australia. Sure we provide different services to accomodate peoples needs but sometimes things get out of hand. I am sure most people remember the big stuff up when one of our communication people told the media that we were no longer going to serve Ham sandwidges at council meetings and functions due to our large mueslim community. That made us a laughing stock.

I welcome anyone to enjoy the country that we live in, but just wish they would embrace our culture to a degree.


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Re: 11th December 2005
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2005, 08:29:06 PM »
My only beef is when people come to live here, could be from any country or culture and they refuse to learn how to speak English or embrae the country for what it is. Sure people have different beliefs and dont always think our way is great. The thing that really annoys me is the people who try and change our culture to theirs.
Many of them can't even read and write in their own languages - many (especially the older) didn't even go to school in their own countries.  For them to learn how to speak and write English would be virtually impossible.  An ex boyfriend of mine's mum couldn't even sign her name.  And as far as our culture, it's people like my ex's mum who probably feels secure with the people she knows rather than us.  Not really that simple to say they should adopt our language and culture.  Put it the other way, would you give up your Australian identity if you went to another country.  I damn well wouldn't.  I'd probably try and learn the language, not to assimilate, but just to cope with daily life.

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2005, 08:38:42 PM »
It doesn't stop of our language, its our law, our rights as people, our culture, they have NO respect for anything besides themselves and their way of life!

It's about time people stood up and made a stance!


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Re: 11th December 2005
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2005, 08:47:33 PM »
It doesn't stop of our language, its our law, our rights as people, our culture, they have NO respect for anything besides themselves and their way of life!

It's about time people stood up and made a stance!

Why do you make generalisations?  Be specific - what nationalities don't conform to our way of life? Stance against what, who?  Please explain  ::)


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Re: 11th December 2005
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2005, 08:56:44 PM »
Put it the other way, would you give up your Australian identity if you went to another country.  I damn well wouldn't.  I'd probably try and learn the language, not to assimilate, but just to cope with daily life.

I would definately still call myself an Aussie if i went to another country. In saying that, i would also learn to read and write in their language and also try and involve myself in the traditional way of living for their culture.

I would also RESPECT their culture and way of living, unlike many that call Australia home.

An example of what makes me upset is up in NSW, cant remember the name of the town but it has a high population of Vietnamese people. They are complaining and partition the local council to have the parking signs written in their language so that they dont get so many parking fines. These are people who have obtained an Australian licence, what a joke. If you are given an Australian licence then you should be required to be able to read and english so that you can obide by our road rules.

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2005, 09:02:51 PM »
The main offenders are Lebanese, Asians, Wogs and Turks.

Making a stand against them and their total disrespect to aussies, our law, culture, rights etc etc

They believe they are above the law, that they have the god given right to hunt and bash people in gangs, sexually harass and assault women, rape women and disrespect police and the government has had YEARS to do something about it, and they have caved in to the Political Correctness folk everytime.

Yet not only do the government (state and federal) do nothing to stop all of this, they make it worse allowing more and more of these people into our country and let them do as they please WITHOUT apprisal!

This won't be the last time something like this will happen trust me, and until the governments and police do something about these people, the kind of stuff that happened today will only continue!