Author Topic: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading  (Read 102689 times)

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #60 on: October 24, 2013, 11:33:31 AM »
Got any proof?

Do you feel white human impact has positively impacted the environment in this country of 200 yeas?

Offline Smokey

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #61 on: October 24, 2013, 01:17:26 PM »
Got any proof?

Do you feel white human impact has positively impacted the environment in this country of 200 yeas?

2 separate issues Bents and that's why I get so angry with the climate change industry sucking the money out of the global economy at a rate far faster than it can afford, and to the detriment of far greater world issues such as poverty, third world economies and the environment.

Climate change is not caused by humans, it has been happening since we had the Big Bang and will continue to do so until the next Big Bang.  The planet has gone through a number of major climatic events in its history, far greater than the normal seasonal moves we see today and it will continue to do so in spite of what Gore and his leeching cronies scare people into believing.  The environment however, is impacted hugely by the human race and that's where we should be focusing our efforts and spending money - saving endangered wildlife, stopping pollution, harvesting land and sea in a sustainable way, not getting wealthy countries to line the pockets of those who suckle on the teet of the climate change industry.

The amount of carbon produced by humans is such a minute amount in the air that it has no discernible impact on the climate and to tax us for that is just an underhand way for governments and the world climate change industry (for that's all it is - a profit making industry for the elite) to rob us of money.  The world is not warming at a rate that will cause climate change, the sea ice in the world is not declining (in some areas it's increasing to record levels), the planet is actually greening itself more, and there is no significant change up or down in the number or type of catastrophic climatic events such as cyclones, fires, floods etc.  The climate has always changed and will always change regardless of what we do but what is happening at present is that some entrepreneurial types such as Al Gore have seized on their minute slice of time on earth to promote a campaign of fear that lines their collective pockets just nicely thank you.

And the lemmings continue to march.............

Offline Smokey

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #62 on: October 24, 2013, 01:19:02 PM »

I would suggest it took all of that moron's half brain to come up with that.  Of course Captain Obvious, the only flaw in that thieving flogbag's point is that the globe isn't warming by anywhere enough to make a fire-causing difference to soil and vegetation but the reluctance of governments to now back burn in high risk areas (which has been driven in large by f-wit parties like the Greens and fuelled by vested interest individuals like Gore) will make bushfires more pervasive and dangerous.  Cliff, meet lemming.


Sorry '65, I have completely missed the point you are trying to make here?

Offline 1965

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #63 on: October 24, 2013, 01:54:01 PM »

2 separate issues Bents and that's why I get so angry with the climate change industry sucking the money out of the global economy at a rate far faster than it can afford, and to the detriment of far greater world issues such as poverty, third world economies and the environment.

Climate change is not caused by humans, it has been happening since we had the Big Bang and will continue to do so until the next Big Bang.  The planet has gone through a number of major climatic events in its history, far greater than the normal seasonal moves we see today and it will continue to do so in spite of what Gore and his leeching cronies scare people into believing.  The environment however, is impacted hugely by the human race and that's where we should be focusing our efforts and spending money - saving endangered wildlife, stopping pollution, harvesting land and sea in a sustainable way, not getting wealthy countries to line the pockets of those who suckle on the teet of the climate change industry.

You are a fool if you believe that climate change is not caused by humans.

Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline tiga

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #64 on: October 24, 2013, 02:33:28 PM »
Apparently Betsy the cow is ripping them off on the hour and she is along with the rest of her kind are serious contributors to global warming. When asked as to why she was deliberately contributing to Global warming, she simply replied..."Moo".

Can't take that quote out of context ABC.  :lol

Al Gore's next book will be titled, "An inconvenient Moo."  :P

Offline 1965

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #65 on: October 24, 2013, 03:27:17 PM »
Apparently Betsy the cow is ripping them off on the hour and she is along with the rest of her kind are serious contributors to global warming. When asked as to why she was deliberately contributing to Global warming, she simply replied..."Moo".

Can't take that quote out of context ABC.  :lol

Al Gore's next book will be titled, "An inconvenient Moo."  :P

It would certainly help.

Let's shoot all the cows (bugger the Indians who worship/revere them)

Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline Penelope

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #66 on: October 24, 2013, 03:53:32 PM »
It's not a matter of if climate change is caused by humans, as climate change has always happened.
It's a matter of how much, or if at all, human activity has on the rate of climate change .

Two things to keep in mind when these sort of things are being discussed.

1. follow the money. if someone sprouting one side of the argument has a vested interest, then take what they say with a grain of salt.

2. Consensus. if someone resorts to telling you there is a consensus, chances are they are full of it.
as the late Michael Chrichton once said;

Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had.
Let's be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are my ways higher than your ways,
And my thoughts than your thoughts."

Yahweh? or the great Clawski?

yaw rehto eht dellorcs ti fi daer ot reisae eb dluow tI

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #67 on: October 24, 2013, 03:58:41 PM »
Smoke using big bang twice has compelled me to agree with his line of thinking

Offline Smokey

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #68 on: October 24, 2013, 05:33:10 PM »

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #69 on: October 24, 2013, 08:20:37 PM »
Look at Tar Sands Canada and argue humanity is not harming the planet

Mordor is real...

« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 08:48:17 PM by Bentleigh-esque »


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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #70 on: October 24, 2013, 08:23:22 PM »
Agreeing that warming has happened before. Geological records show that the level of carbon in the atmosphere has been as high as 2000ppm. Currently it's around 700ppm. We are fresh from an ice age so naturally sea ice is still gradually melting. There is no record of climate change debates and taxes from ancient cultures when the Mediterranean burst the bosphorous and poured into the black sea (except a story about a bloke and his boat that has been handed down a million times). It's natural and it happens. Though in the past the Earth's natural mechanisms kicked in. More CO2, more food for plants, less water consumption, higher yields and dedesertification. With human population boom due to things like cheating Darwinism and deforestation we're actually preventing the natural ways the Earth has regulated itself from turning into Venus.

Regarding Al's excellent quote, that would be lost on our PM. He believes that as long as we're around the Earth will be peachy because the bible tells him so. Anybody who has a foundation in faith should be unable to run for office. Nobody of faith is capable of rational debate.

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #71 on: October 24, 2013, 08:35:08 PM »
Do you right wing lunnies believe the sea is becoming unnaturally more acidic

Offline 1965

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #72 on: October 24, 2013, 09:27:05 PM »

I missed the fact that he made this comment on the BBC world radio.

What an absolute effing moron.

And I thought Tony was the biggest moron in the Liberal Party.

Greg Hunt uses Wikipedia research to dismiss links between climate change and bushfires
October 24, 2013 - 10:20AM

Esther Han, Judith Ireland

Environment Minister Greg Hunt has hosed down suggestions of a link between climate change and increased bushfire intensity, saying he had ''looked up what Wikipedia'' said and it was clear that bushfires in Australia were frequent events that had occurred during hotter months since before European settlement.
His comments come as scientists, environment groups and politicians have raised concerns, in the wake of massive bushfires in New South Wales, on whether the pattern of increasing extreme weather events was linked to climate change.

Read more:
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....


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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #73 on: October 24, 2013, 09:46:54 PM »
There is no link between climate and bushfires. Idiots going and lighting fires has nothing to do with the climate its got plenty to do with their upbringing and education where usually they have been molly coddled by left wing socialist nutjob  teachers and parents who are usually sucking the life out of the federal social security budget by claiming the dole and fleecing the commonwealth of child support payments for about 7 kids usually to 5 different fathers including some abos and other no hopers.

Offline 1965

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #74 on: October 24, 2013, 09:47:58 PM »
There is no link between climate and bushfires. Idiots going and lighting fires has nothing to do with the climate its got plenty to do with their upbringing and education where usually they have been molly coddled by left wing socialist nutjob  teachers and parents who are usually sucking the life out of the federal social security budget by claiming the dole and fleecing the commonwealth of child support payments for about 7 kids usually to 5 different fathers including some abos and other no hopers.

Yeah, good try.

Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....