sheesh winning meaningless games every yr with below standard players is what hurt. people arguing weather it was the mel game or the ess game that cost us. does it matter. we were playing a shedload of players who were not going to be part of our long term and proceeded to win games that cost us valuable draft picks. this was as plain as the nose on your taking kids and playing them would have meant a proper bottoming out much like we are doing now.
if we had played kids as a priority since the end of 06 and bit the bullet and resigned ourselves to few wins for 3 or so yrs the picks available to us thru pps would read something like this.
8 26 42 58 63. i say the end of 06 because wallace wanted a couple of seasons to see if he could make finals with the players he had. at the end of 06 we should have been in full on tank mode.its also worth noting if we had gone full on youth and started tanking we had older players who had some value which would have enabled us to trade into picks.
07 we needed to utilise 2 18 19 35 51 67 83 and psd 1 on a quality player or kid. thats 8 plus rookies we could have easily turned over 10 or 12 some of us were calling for this.
08 our picks should have gone 1 4 20 36 52 68 84. psd 1. plus rookies.
09 most likely would have still netted a pp it would have gone 1 3 19 35 51 67 71 plus psd 1 plus rookies.