if Simmo goes on the LTI list rather than retire mid season then we can promote a player off the rookie list (I think thats correct) should of done the same last season when Kane Johnson retired !
Why? Who would we have promoted that would've/could've/should've played seniors?
just gives us the option if required
It doesn't gives us any extra options at all. Promoting someone for the sake of it is just a complete waste of money. If a player goes on the LTIL then we do not have to promote anyone. If a rookie plays well and puts his hand up for selection then we can do that when we intend to pick him, not a moment before. So I'll ask my question again - when Johnson retired last season which rookie should we have promoted so they could play seniors?
Edit:I just reread your post and my reply 632, and I may have misconstrued your meaning. By options, if you mean the opportunity to promote someone if we want to then yes, you are correct. My answer was more based around the reality of last year's situation and this year's. In both years we did/do not have any rookies anywhere near ready or worth promoting so I was responding to that scenario - we didn't have extra options because no-one will be able to take advantage of it. If a player gets injured and can't be replaced from within the current list then the LTIL option will be available anyway but we don't have anyone in that situation. The only chance we 'might' have had was if Browne was still a rookie and he could have replaced Simmonds - like for like - then we could justify a case for a retiree becoming 'injured', but last year and this year we had/have no-one in that position so that's why I'm saying it gives us no extra options. Remembering of course, that we get a chance in 2 weeks anyway and the only one remotely close to justifying a call-up is Gourdis so we only need that one spot.