if we give up our 2nd pick for Houli or the bloody sherminator i'll stuffing spew up!
I am deadset against sherman full stop. Just don't think he has good skills and would be exposed even more at a side like richmond, also for 450k per season thats a double whammy. He runs hard.... thats it, not good enough for mine.
Houli I haven't seen too much but his skills seem clean so i'm not deadset against it. However, I sill think that pick 29 for a 3rd round pick thats only played 20odd games in 4 years is paying overs, especially when thats our 2nd pick!.
Mundy is good but is being traded at an inflated rate. He is NOT elite and never will be. Is not worth 600k per season. I really hope these journos are having a lend bc I'd be really worried if any of these rumours are on the mark.