No poo shirls I'm with ya but what actions can speak louder than words during the off-season? Putting the witches hats out in record time?
It's a quiet part of the year, use the media, every other club is.
Do you know how far our membership is behind Essendon, who had a stuffing poo house year, and how much they are up on this time last year without any actions to back it up? Bandwagoners for sure, but they've been in the paper just about every bloody day since Hird took over. Do you think the Bombers care if it's all faff? They care about the bottom line.
stuff, i think we're even behind Melbourne in memberships. I'll take every bit of positive media spin we can get, and i'm sure the club will too.
It's not like Dimma & Gale are out there beating the drum saying we are locked and loaded and a shake for the flag. Get some perspective.