Author Topic: Australian Politics thread [merged]  (Read 789201 times)

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #900 on: February 06, 2012, 12:21:50 PM »
Great to see Mike Willesse back last night. Finally a no nonsense interviewer who is not afraid to be direct. Just showed what a fool Gillard is thinking Rudd is no threat for the leadership.
I hope he gets to interview Abbott also for a bit of balance. That could be an interesting interview as unlike Gillard, Abbott will provide answers to questions. What the answers will be? Who knows these days.  ;D

Seriously tiga what did you expect her to say "Yes Mike I know he wants my job and I'm going to cut him off at the knees"  ;D.

But I do agree would like to see him interview Abbott though I don't think he will provide many answers to many questions; especially any that are remotely tough (I've got a couple for him). But we might get to see the re-appearance of Tony the Bobble Head Doll impersonation back on display and that would be fun  :thumbsup

It was great to see Mike Willesse last night & sober too  :rollin :lol :rollin
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 01:25:00 PM by WilliamPowell »
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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #901 on: February 07, 2012, 10:46:59 AM »
The carbon dioxide tax isn't even implemented yet but we are already seeing the effects on business.

This government and the greens are going to ruin this country.
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Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #902 on: February 07, 2012, 11:11:38 AM »
The carbon dioxide tax isn't even implemented yet but we are already seeing the effects on business.

This government and the greens are going to ruin this country.

Unfortunately, Mr Tigra; Terry McCrann is another journo that's hard to take seriously when it comes to his editorials regarding this govt. He is on par with Andrew Bolt regarding his bias.

I sometimes wonder if they stand around the coffee machine at the HUN and discuss who will write what and when  ;D
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #903 on: February 07, 2012, 11:15:22 AM »
Typical of all cheersquad members, a little one-eyed..........

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #904 on: February 07, 2012, 11:43:19 AM »
The carbon dioxide tax isn't even implemented yet but we are already seeing the effects on business.

This government and the greens are going to ruin this country.

Unfortunately, Mr Tigra; Terry McCrann is another journo that's hard to take seriously when it comes to his editorials regarding this govt. He is on par with Andrew Bolt regarding his bias.

I sometimes wonder if they stand around the coffee machine at the HUN and discuss who will write what and when  ;D
and where will I find unbiased commentary......the age? 

The question that's relevent here is "what difference will this tax make to the temperature of Australia?
And there's a more relevent question; "what difference will this tax have on businesses in this country?

Don't dismiss everything just because you don't agree with them. I've read countless articles from the governments cheif climate change guru Tim flannery, don't agree with it but still read it.
Especially since many of his predictions haven't eventuated.
Can you blame a guy getting paid thousands of dollars per year to work part time to spruke a government line so they can implement a stupid policy?
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Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #905 on: February 07, 2012, 01:07:37 PM »
Don't dismiss everything just because you don't agree with them. I've read countless articles from the governments cheif climate change guru Tim flannery, don't agree with it but still read it.
Especially since many of his predictions haven't eventuated.
Can you blame a guy getting paid thousands of dollars per year to work part time to spruke a government line so they can implement a stupid policy?

Who said I don't read it just dismiss it?

Similar to you and believe it or not I read it and in this case I dont agree with it.

But as I said McCrann is another journo who's writing's seem incredibly biased when it comes to this govt which sadly seems to be the "norm" with the HUN and it's sister publications.

I try and read all of Bolt's articles but usually stop when he starts repeating the same stuff over and over again

And yes you should give the Age a read - gives the view from the otherside.  ;D

Actually recently I reckon the most balanced political comments in the print media have come from Laurie Oakes and that's saying something because he's been known over the years for his bias. But the past 6-8 months his weekly servings in the HUN have been very balanced indeed  :o
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Offline mightytiges

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #906 on: February 08, 2012, 01:04:47 AM »
and where will I find unbiased commentary......the age? 
There are very few real journos out there now who just present facts as they are known and let the reader make up their own mind about issues. Most "journos" these days just pass off their politically biased opinion as 'fact' and cherry pick info to try and back it up. The old saying of don't believe everything you read in the papers is more apt now than ever.

The question that's relevent here is "what difference will this tax make to the temperature of Australia?

And there's a more relevent question; "what difference will this tax have on businesses in this country?
Strawman's argument/question the first one. It will be a eventual global carbon pricing scheme(s) that will provide the main environmental impact. The carbox tax and even moreso the ETS from 2015 is mostly an economic reform. Its purpose is to gradually over time (40+ years) reduce our own emissions and to move the Australian economy away from its heavy reliance on fossil fuels for all its energy needs (which we need to do) while maintaining economic growth. At the moment 80%+ of our energy needs comes from fossil fuels. Doing nothing except twiddling our thumbs while waiting for the full-scale global carbon pricing scheme to come into play and while the rest of the world moves towards new/alternative "cleaner" energy technology would be economic suicide for Australia. Good luck expecting businesses in this country, especially our exporters, to survive into the future when in time they are further and further competitively priced out of the global marketplace because 80% of the energy required to produce Australian goods and services still comes from old-school fossil fuels using by then out of date technology. If you don't move along with progress then you'll be left behind and much poorer for it.

ps. the increasing retainment of thermal/heat energy due to man increasing CO2 levels and artifically enhancing the greenhouse effect is the basic issue. Thermal energy is a physical quantity while temperature isn't (temperature is just the measurement of heat). More thermal energy means the Earth's climate system has more energy to play with. Sure in time (trending over decades) the mean global surface temperature rises (ie. global warming) but it also means the possibility of the extremes of climate (hot/cold/dry/wet) becoming more intense and more frequent. That is not only an environmental issue but it is also an economic one. Increasing unbounded economic risk = increasing unbounded $$$ costs to society. 'Doing nothing' and ignoring an significant issue of risk also has its major economic consequences.   
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Offline mightytiges

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #907 on: February 08, 2012, 05:53:47 AM »
anyone watching Bolt report on 10.

Does anyone else feel embarrassed that we are being led by such an incompetent party and leader in Gillard.

What a circus, i just cant believe we actually pay these guys
Who in their right mind would rely on Andrew Bolt for their news  :rollin. Of course he will trash anything Labor and call it the worst government ever - he's a hardline conservative  :sleep. He represents all that is wrong with the modern media where real journalism has been replaced by opinionated political cheerleaders who are more one-eyed about their side of politics than a footy fan is about their team.

If people want to bag Gillard and the Federal Government then that's their right but to call it the "worst ever in Australia history" is ridiculous. Of course the Liberal crowd suffer amnesia when it comes to remembering the Fraser goverment of double digit unemployment, 21% interest rates, high inflation to the point Howard as treasurer was advocating wage freezing and an Australian economy driven into the ground and stalled due to zero economic reform. Everyone knows the high Aussie dollar is hurting non-mining exporters, manufacturing, tourism industry and retail (high A$ making internet shopping even cheaper). That will continue while the mining boom and high global commodity prices stays continues irrespective of who is in government. Eliminating penalty rates sure won't alter the situation expect reduce the take-home pay of workers.

One thing I think we can all agree on daniel is we are over-governed with three tiers of government and virtually all pollies these days come via the Arts/Law uni degree conveyor belt. No wonder they all think and act the same. Just look at here in Victoria where Baillieu was against myki, the desal plant, regional rail link and a host of other projects when in opposition on top of promising nurses and co. significant wage rises during the last election campaign yet once in government he's done a 180 on every one of these. Every pollie lies to gain/stay in power.

I dont need Andrew Bolt to tell me Labour party is a complete farce right now, they do it all on their own.

As for Fraser well who cares that was 30 years ago lets talk about the performance now.

Have you honestly looked at Gillard's performance in isolation forgetting about your loyalty to Labour? I asked my father recently re: Carbon Tax if it were Liberal who introduced this tax would you in support of it? his response yes i would.
hahahahaha what a load of crap. You vote for the party not the policy

I have voted Labour all my life, my father even works at the poll booths but since they brought in Gillard that was the end for me.

Is Abbott any better?  No, in some ways worse with his work choices rubbish he may bring back to life but he is still a better option that what we currently have.

Too right about good ol ted backflipped on everything which is why i scratch my head that these blokes are paid top $$$ for doing SFA. His just another puppett.

Cant wait for Swan tomorrow after tomorrows RBA announcement if it goes as planned.

"Its un Australian to not pass on the full 25 pts, shop around make the banks pay"

I mean this is the kind of rubbish we are paying these 3 levels of government to say. Robby Doyle judging which buskers get gigs in the CBD.

My point wasn't to defend Gillard per se daniel but to respond to posts that ridiculously claimed this was the worst Australian government ever. I think it's fair to argue that the Fraser government has that title in the bag given it failed disasterously on every fundamental economic indicator with Whitlam next in line. In any case my criticisms of the Federal government (current and past) are different to most people and if I was PM lol I would be disliked very quickly as I would abolish most middle class welfare. We don't pay taxes so that people who earn more can get handouts worth thousands of dollars. I'd rather my taxes being pumped into infrastructure such as major rail and road projects which benefit the majority of the population and that leaves a lasting legacy. It'll never happen though as it would be politically unpopular as most people who receive these handouts now expect them as a entitlement :nopity. I'm also no fan of either side's policies on asylum seekers as it's all just done to appease the losers in our society who always whinge about new immigrants and need some scapegoat to vent their spleen about  :sleep.

Btw I supported the idea of a consumption tax as the old sales/wholesales tax system was overcomplicated with its various arbritary different tax scales. The gun buyback scheme was a good idea.
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Offline mightytiges

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #908 on: February 08, 2012, 06:52:12 AM »
what I agree with is that we are over-governed.
You mention the high interest rates during the Fraser government but fail to mention interest rates during Paul Keatings tenure.
You mention state politics but fail to mention that the state ALP stuffed up so bad on all those issues & wasted so much money that the Baillieu government are hamstrung by the stupid spending if the previous government. You fail to mention that the Cain/Kerner state ALP were so on the nose that even Tassie was laughing at us. Kennett came in, made the hard decisions and brought the state back from a -A rating to the most livable city in the world.
Cain government was a dud as they gambled on the 80s boom continuing on and on for Victoria and got financially hammered when it crashed. Baillieu however inherited a strong Victorian economy and Labor ran 11 straight budget surpluses. No excuses for Ted. His government has had 18 months to change things if he wanted to but instead they have sat back and done nothing backflipping on every pre-election promise. He's lagging badly in the polls 45-55 which is saying something as Labor is hardly flavour of the month right now at Federal level. In any case they are state governments and the discussion was about the worst Australian government. A Government that has kept Australia out of recession despite a global financial crisis is hardly the worst. As for spend spend spend - most of that was on the stimulus measures to kept us out of recession and even so our debt levels are low relative to our GDP. The Libs can't one hand advocate bipartisan support for the stimilus measures that kept us out of recession if now they claim we shouldn't have gone into debt. You can't have it both ways. As for Hawke and Keating they came in and made the tough decisions and reforms to fix the mess the country was left in by Fraser and Howard. Sure they weren't perfect misreading the boom/bust cycle as many did but the resilient and flexible Australian economy we have now was set up by them. Howard admitted in 1996 he inherited a strong economy (and yes he and Costello left a strong one as well). Inflation was finally under control by the early 90s after high inflation levels had plagued Australia from the late 60s through to the 80s and that had brought down three governments (McMahon, Whitlam and Fraser).

Facts are that this current federal government was left with a giant amount of money in the bank but the ALP can't help themselves and spend spend spend. They come up with ideas sometimes good but fail to implement those ideas effeciently.
Pink batts.
Building the education revolution.
Cash for clunkers.
Carbon dioxide tax just to name a few. 
......and What will be the biggest waste of money; The broadband network.

All governments have made bad calls from time to time but this current federal government will top them all in idiocy. 

I'll give you pink batts and cash for clunkers. Actually the pink batts brought up another issue in the findings which was never followed up in the media. IIRC one the deaths occurred in a roof that had been left electricially live for 10 years. It had been a death trap left in waiting. Now how many potential cases like this are still out there?  :help.  The education one was mostly a success. Something like up to 97% successful in fact. It was the remaining 3% where there were delays  and costly overruns (mostly in Vic surprise surprise with our public service  ::) ). The carbon tax isn't even in yet while the NBN is updating our telecommunications/internet infrastructure to which Abbott and one his Sydney-based shockjock cheerleaders showed they didn't have a clue about a few weeks back  :wallywink. Abbott is at his weakest when he has to discuss an issue beyond his usual one-line slogans and cliches.
All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be - Pink Floyd


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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #909 on: February 08, 2012, 07:55:50 PM »
I repeat for the 1 millionth time that climate change in the context in which the greenies paint climate change is nothing more than a scam. Where are all the greenies now with the earth is getting warmer garbage with half or Europe under snow and large tracts of Australia flooded. The climate has been changing since the begining of time, sometimes its hot sometimes its cold, sometimes it doesnt rain for a while and then you get floods. Thats how it works. So I repeat for the last time Climate Change in the context of how the greenies paint it is nothing but a dishonest scam that socialist governments are backing because they wanna carbon tax their communities. ITS ALL A RORT!

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #910 on: February 08, 2012, 10:05:25 PM »
I repeat for the 1 millionth time that climate change in the context in which the greenies paint climate change is nothing more than a scam. Where are all the greenies now with the earth is getting warmer garbage with half or Europe under snow and large tracts of Australia flooded. The climate has been changing since the begining of time, sometimes its hot sometimes its cold, sometimes it doesnt rain for a while and then you get floods. Thats how it works. So I repeat for the last time Climate Change in the context of how the greenies paint it is nothing but a dishonest scam that socialist governments are backing because they wanna carbon tax their communities. ITS ALL A RORT!

That's right, they made it up just so they could introduce a nice new big tax.

Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....


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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #911 on: February 08, 2012, 10:17:23 PM »
I repeat for the 1 millionth time that climate change in the context in which the greenies paint climate change is nothing more than a scam. Where are all the greenies now with the earth is getting warmer garbage with half or Europe under snow and large tracts of Australia flooded. The climate has been changing since the begining of time, sometimes its hot sometimes its cold, sometimes it doesnt rain for a while and then you get floods. Thats how it works. So I repeat for the last time Climate Change in the context of how the greenies paint it is nothing but a dishonest scam that socialist governments are backing because they wanna carbon tax their communities. ITS ALL A RORT!

That's right, they made it up just so they could introduce a nice new big tax.


Where are all your Greenie mates with their it will never rain again theories. Haven't heard from them for a while now  :lol

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #912 on: February 08, 2012, 11:02:59 PM »
I repeat for the 1 millionth time that climate change in the context in which the greenies paint climate change is nothing more than a scam. Where are all the greenies now with the earth is getting warmer garbage with half or Europe under snow and large tracts of Australia flooded. The climate has been changing since the begining of time, sometimes its hot sometimes its cold, sometimes it doesnt rain for a while and then you get floods. Thats how it works. So I repeat for the last time Climate Change in the context of how the greenies paint it is nothing but a dishonest scam that socialist governments are backing because they wanna carbon tax their communities. ITS ALL A RORT!

That's right, they made it up just so they could introduce a nice new big tax.


Where are all your Greenie mates with their it will never rain again theories. Haven't heard from them for a while now  :lol


is there a worse political group going around. I highly doubt it.

The world is hot the world is cold.  Bunch of paranoid freaks

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #913 on: February 09, 2012, 05:25:38 PM »
I repeat for the 1 millionth time that climate change in the context in which the greenies paint climate change is nothing more than a scam. Where are all the greenies now with the earth is getting warmer garbage with half or Europe under snow and large tracts of Australia flooded. The climate has been changing since the begining of time, sometimes its hot sometimes it's cold, sometimes it doesnt rain for a while and then you get floods. Thats how it works. So I repeat for the last time Climate Change in the context of how the greenies paint it is nothing but a dishonest scam that socialist governments are backing because they wanna carbon tax their communities. ITS ALL A RORT!

agree.  :thumbsup
well done flags.  :cheers

I ask anyone to show empirical evidence that the world is warming.
From all the so called experts and their computer modelling they didn't expect all the rain & snow. Now that have to come up with another so called theory as to why the last decade has been so cold because the computers didn't tell them it was going to happen. 
And let's not mention maybe this sort of thing happens every so many years. It gets really hot & then it gets really cold like in the seventies when the scare then was another ice age was coming but Im sure they'll come up with an excuse for that too. 
I reckon these experts of global warming theory should unplug their computers & go back to the drawing board. But they mightn't get the government funding just ask Tim Flannery.
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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #914 on: February 09, 2012, 09:51:58 PM »
If you think Julia Gillard is struggling check this out.
Who isn't a fan of the thinking man's orange Tim Fleming?

Gerks 27/6/11

But you see, it's not me, it's not my family.
In your head, in your head they are fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are crying...