Author Topic: Australian Politics thread [merged]  (Read 932329 times)


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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3825 on: November 11, 2016, 11:24:14 AM »
I applaud those who tipped this racist, sexist piece of scum as the winner.

As that looks like what's going to happen

Is it good for Australia? Nope

Does it further prove the lack pf quality leaders in politics? Yep

Does show how gulible and stupid people are when they get fed fear mongering propaganda that clealry want to hear, without actually been given any solid policies? Yep again

What does it say about the American people? Lots but i won't go there

So are you potting all American voters?

I kind of cant blame the Trump voters. This is the biggest middle finger to the establishment of all time.

Hillary was the cog which the media, wall street, the banks, oil companies, pharmaceuticals, shady overseas contributors etc etc all turned. They are all behind her.

Ironically the demographic that believe they have got left behind over the last 30 years - the middle and working class americans over 40 years of age finally have had enough of subsidising the upper 1% and what their polititians have delivered since Reagan.

That being said, what he also represents threatens to make the world a worse place than what it has been and would be under Clinton. And hes a lier like Clinton.

America will be very divided and that aint good.

I reckon Sanders could have possibly beaten Trump. Sanders would have delivered change but not risked the world economy, and got alot of those who wanted change from the establishment on board.

Another question now is, is this the end of political correctness and the SJW and the beginning of a new era of freedom to offend?

Interested in everyones thoughts.
What people fail to understand is that this is a response to the 'fifth column' change agents who for 50 years have undermined what was a seminal moment of time for western working and middle classes. We have the template but it doesn't include the welfare plantation, globalism, crony capitalism and cultural Marxism. Bernie Sanders as a change agent are you kidding! He would have brought about civil war. Alinsky adherents should thank their lucky stars that Trump won yesterday as their time was at hand one way or another. Trump is the kindest option.

Why do you think civil war is less likely now than under bernie?

The left has no guts....or guns. Nor do they have right (pun intended) on their side.

Russia and china won ww2

Strange comment  - I get you are a kraut so it may be a touchy issue least try to be somewhat sentient even if it hurts your brain stem to try.

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3826 on: November 11, 2016, 12:13:00 PM »
So it's specifically the american populace left that's "gutless"?

Cause as I said the Ruskis whipped your boys - happy Anzac Day too

I took some popcorn to the (recent, melbourne) anti fascist / neonazi biff and the left went alright in that 

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3827 on: November 11, 2016, 12:39:17 PM »
Day off hence the keystroke productivity. Just received great news! Trey Gowdy, a magnificent and fearless Constitutionalist is tipped to be Trumps Attorney General. This  proves that he is not in the hands of Neocons as he overlooked Guiliani. Nb.Trump was having conversations with those in the conservative underground for several years leading up to his entrance in the primaries. He despises the establishment on both sides of the political spectrum.

Rumour (and yes only a rumour) is that Guiliani is getting/wants defence.

Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3828 on: November 11, 2016, 12:53:22 PM »
Day off hence the keystroke productivity. Just received great news! Trey Gowdy, a magnificent and fearless Constitutionalist is tipped to be Trumps Attorney General. This  proves that he is not in the hands of Neocons as he overlooked Guiliani. Nb.Trump was having conversations with those in the conservative underground for several years leading up to his entrance in the primaries. He despises the establishment on both sides of the political spectrum.

Interesting times ahead.  Be ineresting to see how much he pokes the bear.
Does anyone have half an idea on anything?


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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3829 on: November 11, 2016, 04:43:40 PM »
So it's specifically the american populace left that's "gutless"?

Cause as I said the Ruskis whipped your boys - happy Anzac Day too

I took some popcorn to the (recent, melbourne) anti fascist / neonazi biff and the left went alright in that
How old are you? If you are young there is still hope - hit the books. Start with authors: Lysander Spooner and Milton Freidman. If you are over 25 and do not mind your manners you will be ignored - as we are in the 'interweb' environ. If we weren't............

BTW I saw that footage and not one of those belligerents could 'hold their hands up'. Weak as pi55 all of them. But it seems you were impressed, which is telling.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 05:08:27 PM by Ruanaidh »

Offline Chuck17

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3830 on: November 11, 2016, 04:47:21 PM »
So it's specifically the american populace left that's "gutless"?

Cause as I said the Ruskis whipped your boys - happy Anzac Day too

I took some popcorn to the (recent, melbourne) anti fascist / neonazi biff and the left went alright in that
How old are you?

If you went by the number of name changes he would be ancient


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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3831 on: November 11, 2016, 05:02:00 PM »
So it's specifically the american populace left that's "gutless"?

Cause as I said the Ruskis whipped your boys - happy Anzac Day too

I took some popcorn to the (recent, melbourne) anti fascist / neonazi biff and the left went alright in that
How old are you?

If you went by the number of name changes he would be ancient
Not him again. I have admiration for posters with the courage to keep their name - You're no longer on ignore Chuck. I'm feeling magnanimous following Trumps win and relieved after catching an elusive Tiger snake in my backyard.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 05:23:35 PM by Ruanaidh »

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3832 on: November 11, 2016, 06:37:51 PM »
Have to laugh at the anti-Trump riots in Portland....probably America's whitest of white, most middle-class city....says it all really...
"Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good...."

- Thomas Sowell

FJ is the only one that makes sense.


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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3833 on: November 11, 2016, 06:38:25 PM »
Day off hence the keystroke productivity. Just received great news! Trey Gowdy, a magnificent and fearless Constitutionalist is tipped to be Trumps Attorney General. This  proves that he is not in the hands of Neocons as he overlooked Guiliani. Nb.Trump was having conversations with those in the conservative underground for several years leading up to his entrance in the primaries. He despises the establishment on both sides of the political spectrum.

Rumour (and yes only a rumour) is that Guiliani is getting/wants defence.

Hope not


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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3834 on: November 11, 2016, 07:04:07 PM »
Have to laugh at the anti-Trump riots in Portland....America's whitest of white, most middle-class city....says it all really...
The whole left scenario is like a dysfunctional family writ large. Absentee or 'cucked' fathers...., self absorbed (and usually well-fattened) mothers and their offspring who are whiny, developmentally arrested, gender role confused caricatures of human beings. 
I sacrificed much to bring up 3 wonderfully manly boys. They copped crap from lesbian feminist teachers  and would be bullies (and gave it back two-fold) causing me to spend many hours in various Principles offices defending them. They are now young  adults and shine when they walk into rooms. I was pointing out to my youngest who is in VCE the other day the importance of Mavericks like Trump and he said that a growing number of his mates are bucking up against the leftist SJW narrative.....there is hope yet.

Offline Chuck17

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3835 on: November 11, 2016, 07:53:11 PM »
So it's specifically the american populace left that's "gutless"?

Cause as I said the Ruskis whipped your boys - happy Anzac Day too

I took some popcorn to the (recent, melbourne) anti fascist / neonazi biff and the left went alright in that
How old are you?

If you went by the number of name changes he would be ancient
Not him again. I have admiration for posters with the courage to keep their name - You're no longer on ignore Chuck. I'm feeling magnanimous following Trumps win and relieved after catching an elusive Tiger snake in my backyard.

Thank you, I am almost up to 10 000 posts of pure poo

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3836 on: November 11, 2016, 08:22:10 PM »
Day off hence the keystroke productivity. Just received great news! Trey Gowdy, a magnificent and fearless Constitutionalist is tipped to be Trumps Attorney General. This  proves that he is not in the hands of Neocons as he overlooked Guiliani. Nb.Trump was having conversations with those in the conservative underground for several years leading up to his entrance in the primaries. He despises the establishment on both sides of the political spectrum.

Rumour (and yes only a rumour) is that Guiliani is getting/wants defence.

Hope not

stuffn hope so.  :clapping
Caracella and Balmey.


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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3837 on: November 12, 2016, 10:23:13 AM »
The dip in the stock markets around the world as a initial response to the Dow Jones falling is a direct response to Trump being elected....right? right! But a more forensic look by Bloomberg Economics has showed that stocks that dived were entirely from the pockets of the super rich crony capitalists such as Carlos Slim and Saudi Princes among others. Trump has achieved through his 'contract with America' in 24 hours what the 'Occupy' movement couldn't achieve through years of protest. In fact their support for larger Government intervention fostered the opposite. The left is a tool of the system. Nb. there has been a massive rebound in the Dow Jones over the last 24 hours reflecting the confidence generally in the economy regarding Trumps new taxation system.

Where is our Trump?


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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3838 on: November 12, 2016, 12:21:13 PM »
A lot of serious reflection needs to come about amongst the left. A mantra I very much consider myself a part of is going about things in completely the wrong way. How about holding a mirror up to ourselves, asking how we lost to an utterly unlosable election. And I say we despite obviously not being part of the US constituency.

When Obama took office in 2008 he had as strong a mandate as anyone has had to take on the political elite - flush out those responsible for the GFC and act accordingly. From my understanding of how it came about - many people should have been convicted, or the system should have been checked harder at the very least. Instead we had many responsible winding up working for and involved in the Obama administration.

As most of you guys have been quick to identify, Hilary was the embodyment of everything hurting the middle america who voted Obama in. Initially it appeared a complete anomaly that Trump could win despite Clinton having such a tremendous lead at the polls. After a second look, it was obvious she was going to lose. But we get our american media from the democrat hubs of NY and Cali - strongholds of the democratic left. Its a filtered and bias replication of whats actually happening. Social media played a huge and thusfar understated role in this boilover. We read only what we want to read. Algorithms feed us only what we already have read and consumed. Facebook doesn't challenge us. The left has gone unchecked and unchallenged for 8 years because of this. Because I follow politics closely I was very intune with the primaries and Trump smashed it in the Mid west Industrial belt: Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Hilary was totally belted by Sanders through the same area. The EC votes through these states almost literally decided the election. And honestly, as a hard left idealist I found Trump totally inspiring. "If you take the manufacturing down to Mexico - I'm going to slap a 35% tarriff on what you send back."

I love listening to guys like Yiannopoulis. Not because I agree with much (if any) of what he has to say, but because he challenges my position on things like feminism. I've changed my position accordingly. I don't believe things like the issues of domestic violence belong in the feminist movement. They're too important and feminism is totally decisive. But Milo holding that mirror up to myself has forced me to justify my position. We need to stop dismissing people like this on the outset, listen to what they have to say and then rationalise our positions - the right wing filter, if you will. Im so sick and tired of scrolling through facebook at the moment and reading about how "America just proved its not ready for a female president" and how people are protesting through the streets screaming "Not my Pres". For gods sake, take a look at yourselves. Ask how we lost this election and get better instead of whinging. Its not going to be that bad, it really isn't. Trump will probably be impeached or assasinated anyway. Hell, the last anti-establishment president was killed because he was too damn good (guess which one I'm talking about  ;)).

I could go on, that's probably enough for now.


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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #3839 on: November 12, 2016, 03:36:48 PM »
Commodity markets going 'through the roof' due to Trumps stated commitment to infrastructure spending- which is great for Australia (iron ore tax receipts). I just hope Turnbull (who I despise) retires Gilliard/Rudd debt and doesn't participate in pseudo left 'spendathons'.