What I also loved today was that our best players were our kids and mid tier players.
I was wrapped with Batchelor and Conca's game and thought Nahas and Houli were terrific all game
with little input from DUsty and some other better credentialled blokes in the team.
Best win in years and the development of our boys is slowly starting to take shape as the results are starting
to take care of themselves and we are starting to get the confidence up thus making the win more significant
long term. I just feel real good being a RFC supporter. Being a fan at our games now you can feel the winds
of changing sweeping through leading us to better times ahead with more prosperity and success. There is
definentely now an air of expectation and that nauseating happy feeling in your stomach rather than the
resignation of failure we have been so used to. Kudos to Dimma Benny and the boys for believing in us and
turrning the place around.