Great, another win.... 
I think on surface that this post would be considered idiotic at just about any other club.
Richmond, and any supporters who want to think this are probably entitled to have this view in light of the many,many false dawns that have preceded the Hardwick era.
Hardwick and the club cannot expect anything more than this view from even the most ardent supporter.
It's not Hardwick or B Gales fault but they were employed on the back on the legacy and so, like my wife's ex boyfriends, have to buy into the baggage that is the failed, dismal, tortured past of our clubs last 30 years.
But in saying that, let me say this!
I'm big on mini milestones in football and to beat the Swans (again no fluke now) and the Crows (over there) after several poundings over the past several years - is a milestone.
I'd almost take those 2 wins over beating power and GC had we played and beaten them instead of crows and swans - beating the bogy sides tells us something about this so called crap list.
The Saints draw also sits in there somewhere as some sort move forward.
So, for me that kinda overrides the cheap win comment.
I thought 7-9 wins at the start of the year, if we have a close loss and finish 12tg, if not and finish 9 th, stuff it a starving man doesn't knock back home brand crackers