Sorry Mr RFCO but I think once again the club has got this wrong if the info is good enough to pass on the the papers then it should have been good enough to pass on to the members FIRST! Once again the club is made a laughing stock! As if we don't already have enough disgruntled members
In fairness to the Club TfT: I think the plan was for the members to get the info first, hence the plan of having the email out to members by 6.00am, unfortunately the HUN (again Ralphy) has gone early. It was mentioned there would be stuff int he papers later in the week not tomorrow
Personally I will be interested to read what people think of the whole thing once members get the email tomorrow and everything that will be in that
Look, I understand what the club was trying to do but it was Mr RFCO's response that "we don't own the papers" that got on my goat!
Sure you don't own the papers but you do control what they receive from the club! It's not the first time the HUN has ignored an embargo and surly after strike two the club can now tell them to get stuffed and give them what they want a day later.
I know not every member is part of a forum so the large majority Will get the surprise email, but surly in this day and age the club can cover all bases and make certain these embargoes aren't broken
Just for the record, I actually like the logo