Can anybody tell me (in layman's terms ) the difference between routers and switches?

65, To complicate things you can actually get switches that route. They are called layer 3 switches.
But let me put it in simple terms...
Routing is the transferring of data between segregated or separated networks whereas a switch communicates data to computers and peripherals within each network.
For example, lets say you have a network at home on an IP address range of to
Now your network is private (or at least i am hoping so)
Lets say you have two computers connected to your internet modem, which is in all likelihood a combined switch/router/firewall. One computer has an IP address of and the other has an IP address of Now you want to transfer files from one computer to another. As they are both on your private network it uses "switching" to do so. Now lets say you want to go onto the internet to browse OER. The computer or server that OER is on has an IP address of That address is obviously not part of your home network so your computer goes looking for it and the first place you hit is what is called your "default gateway" or "router". This is actually your internet modem switch/router/firewall. From where I live, in order for me to get to OER, I have to travel through 13 routers or 13 different networks before I get there.
I could go on but I'll let you digest things first