Author Topic: Qld politics [split from the membership thread]  (Read 8088 times)

Offline Smokey

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Re: Qld politics [split from the membership thread]
« Reply #60 on: March 26, 2012, 10:23:38 PM »
The Toyota Tarago has more seats in it that the ALP in QLD parliment. 

An interesting observation from Dr Turf on SEN.

Another one doing the rounds:

A plus is that at least Labor can now car pool.


Hellenic Tiger

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Re: Qld politics [split from the membership thread]
« Reply #61 on: March 26, 2012, 10:32:46 PM »
The QLD ALP wishes they were a 9 seater Toyota Tarago.
At the moment they are just your run of the mill 7 seater Kia Carnivale. :lol :rollin :lol

Offline Penelope

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Re: Qld politics [split from the membership thread]
« Reply #62 on: March 26, 2012, 10:40:16 PM »
and could possibly lose another due to voter backlash at having a by election just after an state election.

week as pee resigning.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are my ways higher than your ways,
And my thoughts than your thoughts."

Yahweh? or the great Clawski?

yaw rehto eht dellorcs ti fi daer ot reisae eb dluow tI

Hellenic Tiger

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Re: Qld politics [split from the membership thread]
« Reply #63 on: March 26, 2012, 10:49:52 PM »
and could possibly lose another due to voter backlash at having a by election just after an state election.

week as pee resigning.

I know its weak as pee al but with the electorate voting in the way they did, she had no other option. Wouldn't you retire to your $150,000 per year super package for life after your stint in public office? It's not easy having to live with this sort of defeat. :lol :rollin :lol
Oh hang on wait $150,000 per year. :lol :rollin :lol

The ALP in QLD has been set back for the next two elections at a minimum at least. :help

How do you make up such a majority??? :help

Offline mightytiges

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Re: Qld politics [split from the membership thread]
« Reply #64 on: March 27, 2012, 01:33:36 AM »
it's similar up here MT.

for the first 20 years or so of self government the CLP was in power. they became arrogant and cronyism ran riot.

As the deomgraphics of the territory changed, the ALP won government and the CLP were sent to the wildness.

Three terms later and and wheel has turned a complete circle. The CLP will probably win the next election, in spite of of their ineptness.

The curious thing is that we don't have an upper house either.

I dont how it could possibly affect things, but it does make you wonder if it somehow creates a boom or bust in terms of the governing party.

also, up here the government itself is called the legislative council.
Cheers al. You may be right about one house leading to boom/bust terms. With no stalling/blocking of legislation by opposition parties in a proportional elected upper house you get things through uncontested so there's no need for compromised bills and deals to get legislation through the upper house. Initially everyone hates the outed party and you'd look like a strong active government in command and with strong public support. In time though you'll wear out your welcome, the tide will turn and you'll then cop all the blame.
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Re: Qld politics [split from the membership thread]
« Reply #65 on: March 27, 2012, 02:42:24 AM »
The ALP in QLD has been set back for the next two elections at a minimum at least. :help

How do you make up such a majority??? :help
By the next Qld election there's a strong likelihood that the Coalition will be in Government right across Australia (the exception may be Tassie). The swinging voter is fickle with short-term memories. They're increasing in number too IMO hence the rise in huge swings against governments of both sides over the past decade. Deep down the swinging voter has no love for either side and any anger is just targetted at the party in power. With one party in power everywhere (as Labor found out post-2007) then any public anger can't be deflected towards the other side especially over the long-term (in the short-term both sides when they gain power just blame the previous government for any mess). The irony for Gillard is she may get some help poll wise over the next 18 months to avert a whitewash with mostly Lib state governments especially if they end up like Victoria with do-nothing Ted allowing the Vic economy and jobs to sink :help.

There'll be a correction in Qld at the next state election. There always is no matter which side is in power (good for democracy as well to not have a weak non-existent opposition). Labor will regain those seats that usually vote ALP. Maybe end up with 20 or so seats. Still another easy win for the Coalition but Labor will then be able to add a fresh batch of MPs to the Qld parliament to rebuild (at least have a full shadow bench again). From there anything can happen in politics by the end of any government's 2nd-term. When Cain-Kirner Vic Government got dumped big time (and rightly so) it looked like Kennett would be in power forever. He romped home in the next election but within the next 3 years he was tossed out and Labor under Bracks won the then next election as a minority government by a landslide. Likewise Brumby didn't learn from Kennett's downfall and he got rolled as well. The swings and roundabouts of politics. Of course while in opposition if there's division as happened to Labor in the 50s/60s and to the Libs in the 80s then you can remain in opposition for well over a decade or more.

As for Anna Bligh - I don't care what party you belong to you shouldn't be allowed to quit just because your party lost a general election. Sure the majority of the state wanted you out but your electorate didn't. Kennett did the same thing in 1999 and the Libs lost the by-election in a seat Labor had never ever won before. It's the best way to really tick the electorate off - making them vote twice for the same thing in a month. Not to mention the cost to taxpayers. Both sides do it and either it should be disallowed (unless there's an illness/death) or to save on costs both sides agree constitutionally to allow the party that won that seat to replace the member automatically with another of the same party as they do in the federal Senate.   
All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be - Pink Floyd

Offline Owl

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Re: Qld politics [split from the membership thread]
« Reply #66 on: March 27, 2012, 05:55:24 PM »
They are going to be thin on the ground for experience, that is one of the things that may save the libs down here in Vic, a lot of low profile operators left after the tantrum vote last time, now they are all baying for Baillieu's head because he is a complete numpty but we're stuck with the billy hunt for the next few years.
What's the mob that bloated oily LNP haggis Palmer runs?  China First.  That's right, while he isn't paying taxes and flogging our resources off and getting fat as a house.  China First.  Sums it all up really.  Don't you worry bout that!  I bet he is a great bloke and would buy you a beer AAAY!
Lots of people name their swords......

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Re: Qld politics [split from the membership thread]
« Reply #67 on: March 27, 2012, 10:35:28 PM »
You been on the plastic sausages again Owl?