Balm yes, Malthouse no. I just can't stand the arrogant prick!
Balme is my preference but you cant help but think if Dimma had either with him that result and maybe 2 more this year wouldve been avoided.
That was a rookie mistake what happened there Saturday, a mistake that should never have happened
A rookie mistake yes but not from the coaching staff! the more you watch that last 30 secs of the game the more you realize it was half a dozen players that had absolutely no idea. On the couch did a great analysis of it tonight, showed as the ball was centered toward Hunt the we're 4 players standing together right on the boundary from where the ball was kicked from! Basically 2 of those 4 left there man to half hartedly chase the ball but failed to to do SFA. The set up at the final bounce was also up he poo but but as Paul Roos said, the players would have simulated the exact scenario at training 1000 times, it should have been ingrained that in that situation you go man on man and push extra players behind the ball. The players should have had enough nous to have executed these moves themselves rather than having to be told. It wasn't Hardwicks fault that Tuch tried to chip short instead of going long to the boundary. It wasn't Hardwicks fault the Dopey Derickx dropped an easy chest mark. It wasn't Hardwicks fault that Rance failed to shut down Harbrows left side instead choosing to miss tackle him from the right side. It wasn't Hardwicks fault that we had 3 fumbles at the center bounce before lids fell over and coughed the ball up to Mckenzie. It wasnt Hardwicks fault that Racne went to ground and failed to get get enough of a fist on the ball to get it over the boundary line. It wasn't Hardwicks fault the 4 players failed to chase 2 men anywhere near hard enough to put enough pressure on them to cough the ball back up. Once Matera got out the back all 4 players basically stopped! This included Morris who if anyone I would have thought would have busted his gut to try and lay the smother!! And it certainly wasn't Hardwicks fault the Houli was caught ball watching while Hunt slipped 10 meters clear into the hole to take the mark the Derrickx Couldn't 30 second earlyer.
To blame Hardwick is drawing a long bow, to say Mick would have prevented all of the above is drawing a longer one