Author Topic: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS  (Read 566789 times)

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1860 on: August 24, 2013, 04:34:44 AM »


Fairfax have been so smooth

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Then its made of sh#t" Dont Argue - 2/8/2018

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1861 on: August 24, 2013, 05:35:49 AM »
Wheatley still trying to make out this is ASADA's fault by focusing on just AOD-9604 ::).

As Essendon's supplements saga drags on it is time for ASADA to come clean on its investigation ...

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1862 on: August 24, 2013, 05:47:29 AM »
Essendon are History if McKenzie has this on a tape recorder. One of the best journos in the business. Good bye bombers. It was nice knowing yas.  :lol
Re-reading this, McKenzie set up Dank beautifully in that interview.

First he gets Dank to admit Thymosin Beta-4 was used and that it enhanced Essendon's performance:
NM: Thymosin Beta 4 – why was that used in Essendon players given there is an opinion from a doctor or researcher and other scientists that its effects are uncertain?

SD: That's not totally true Nick because, with all due respect, right, there is good data – very good data – that supports Thymosin Beta 4 in the immune system.

NM: Did you see any indications in Essendon players that it actually helped them?

SD: Well apart from the fact they won 11 out of their first 14 ...

Then again gets Dank to admit Thymosin Beta-4 was given to Essendon players and what dosage was used:

NM: How often were Essendon players taking Thymosin Beta 4?

SD: [Explains the dosage level but asks that this be not published].

Then hits Dank about Thymosin Beta-4 being a banned substance:

NM: ASADA has just released on its website that Thymosin Beta 4 is prohibited in all routes and out of competition.

SD: Well, that must have just only come in this year and I will get someone to speak to ASADA about that. That's just mind-blowing.

NM: Thymosin Beta 4, they must have just banned that.

SD: I think they've only just put that in to back up their case.

Online WilliamPowell

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1863 on: August 24, 2013, 08:25:11 AM »
And the truth will set you free!

 :jump :veryhappy

Guarantee you McKenzie still has that interview on tape, so would ASADA I would think seeing the article says the interview was used by ASADA for their report
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Offline tigs2011

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1864 on: August 24, 2013, 11:42:27 AM »
 :lol Dank, what a moron.  :clapping :clapping

Hellenic Tiger

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1865 on: August 24, 2013, 12:53:06 PM »
:lol Dank, what a moron.  :clapping :clapping

As Dank keeps saying in his cameos at home let it all come out in the courts. :stupid

Wonder if the cameos with boxes and "going to work" will continue. ;D

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1866 on: August 24, 2013, 01:06:17 PM »
Essendon are History if McKenzie has this on a tape recorder. One of the best journos in the business. Good bye bombers. It was nice knowing yas.  :lol
This is fair evidence.
How could the players NOT be sanctioned?

Conveniently the bombers have no record of what each player took and that's in an AFL environment that players are monitored with training, diet and performance.
The mind boggling thing is that so many delusional Essendrug fans actually still believe their club and their goldenboy savior.

Personally I like the fact the players might escape penalty. But I won't be satisfied if the club doesn't get a BIG penalty for this fiasco. And the most important thing and its a must......

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1867 on: August 24, 2013, 01:20:42 PM »
Once this is over I don't think Hird could show his face at the club at least whilst the careers of current Essendon players are in progress at the very least.
Hird has lost all credibility from the public and football community. No-one would want to hear anything from him regarding footy. He will just retreat into private life with his JB Weir pals and do something with them to pay the bills.

More recently we saw a doco on RFC and the lost years. As big as GR was for us it showed also that some of his characteristics and vulnerabilities ultimately destroyed us too, something similar can now be said of Hird where his vulnerability in character in wanting to stay ahead of everyone and cheating his way to do this will certainly destroy the fabric of his club for many years to come given there will be a Hird and non Hird camp at board level, parents who will want to absolute assurances from a club that they are doing the right thing by the kids, kids who may want to walk from the club given what has transpired.

Pending the severity of punishments and comings and goings of playing roster based both on players voluntarily seeking to play elsewhere or WADA punishments Essendon may effectively be a GC/GWS scenario minus the money, minus the draft picks, minus the players, minus the board and only having a very tarnished and disgraced reputation of a foundation VFL/AFL member.

Just remember Essendon we were on the dark side of the moon first see you in about 40 years.
Oh and thanks for the memories and the humour you have provided.
See ya malakes.

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1868 on: August 24, 2013, 02:50:40 PM »
Big Macster! The Biiiiiiig Maccanator!

MacDaddy Yesssss!!!

 :clapping :clapping :clapping :clapping :clapping

 :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow

Caracella and Balmey.

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1869 on: August 24, 2013, 03:35:12 PM »
i cant see how players can escape penalty now. Unbelievable.

it will open up a can of worms in future cases if they do.

Its safe to say we are seeing the death of a football club for years to come and to be honest it couldnt have happened to a better organization.


Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1870 on: August 24, 2013, 03:43:08 PM »
Cotchin Brownlow
Caracella and Balmey.

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1871 on: August 24, 2013, 03:47:26 PM »
I'm confused by something if anyone can enlighten me it'll be much appreciated.

If Andrew Demetriou really did call Evans to warn him about the potential problems that Essendon might face, why would Hird or Essendon or essendon supporters be angry with him for doing it?

Sorry for my ignorance here but I fail to understand the angst if someone is trying to warn you of impending danger. 
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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1872 on: August 24, 2013, 04:17:27 PM »
I'm confused by something if anyone can enlighten me it'll be much appreciated.

If Andrew Demetriou really did call Evans to warn him about the potential problems that Essendon might face, why would Hird or Essendon or essendon supporters be angry with him for doing it?

Sorry for my ignorance here but I fail to understand the angst if someone is trying to warn you of impending danger.

When you can't fight the charge fight the charger

 Efc entire position is ridiculous. In what manner would they most like to have been informed the authorities know they are drug cheating?

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1873 on: August 24, 2013, 04:49:42 PM »
I'm confused by something if anyone can enlighten me it'll be much appreciated.

If Andrew Demetriou really did call Evans to warn him about the potential problems that Essendon might face, why would Hird or Essendon or essendon supporters be angry with him for doing it?

Sorry for my ignorance here but I fail to understand the angst if someone is trying to warn you of impending danger.

Lagging rat, is all Hird is.
Glad to watch him play all his bent cards and in doing so, revealing his true colors.
*cue Cyndi Lauper*
Caracella and Balmey.

Online WilliamPowell

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #1874 on: August 24, 2013, 05:47:19 PM »
Thought about this while driving home listening to 3AW just after midday.

Really wish this was going to go to a hearing, an open hearing because for mine there is only one question that needs to be asked and the EFC need to answer and they wont want to. Forget asking about did they give the players. Just need to ask then one thing

Why did you (the EFC and the 4 individuals) allow it?

Fine to say you wrote a letter, fine to say in a meeting you said stop it but after that you did nothing so why did you allow it?

Reckon we all know the answer and that is because what Mr Ego wanted Mr Ego which in this case is why they are guilty of something worse than what they gave their players.

They are guilty of failing their players, in their duty of care, their ignoring their players welfare, their clear responsibility to their players. The fact they cannot tell the players what they received is damning

And for that they have to receive the harshest penalties in the history of the game.
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)