Author Topic: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS  (Read 565598 times)

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3810 on: January 15, 2016, 08:18:13 PM »
Put this in your diaries - ABC 24 Sunday night - James Hird at the Ethics Centre
Not sure what Ethics and James Hird have in common, but should be an interesting night.

Not sure of the time.

It's funny enough that the ABC have anything to do with ethics in the first place without lining up Hird as their star guest!

Better than waleed ahly
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3811 on: January 15, 2016, 08:36:34 PM »
Put this in your diaries - ABC 24 Sunday night - James Hird at the Ethics Centre
Not sure what Ethics and James Hird have in common, but should be an interesting night.

Not sure of the time.

It's funny enough that the ABC have anything to do with ethics in the first place without lining up Hird as their star guest!

yeah the brain starts to think that when your weekends consist of binging on Fox News and attending young liberal conventions
"Sliding doors moment.
If Damian Barrett had a brain
Then its made of sh#t" Dont Argue - 2/8/2018

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3812 on: January 15, 2016, 08:42:38 PM »
33$ a head. Fifty minute lie

Caracella and Balmey.

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3813 on: January 15, 2016, 09:05:15 PM »
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

Offline one-eyed

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3814 on: January 16, 2016, 05:00:16 AM »
Part 2 ....

Former Essendon coach James Hird opens up on AFL spin and how trust was broken

Herald Sun
January 16, 2016

James Hird details his anger and regret but also the mixture of pride and sympathy he feels toward his players in the second instalment of his exclusive insight into Essendon’s drugs saga.

DAVID Evans came to see me. He looked pale. He said: “The AFL believes our players have taken performance-enhancing drugs.”

I replied: “I don’t know what you are talking about.’’

I do not know why Evans said this or why he said the AFL held this view.

I asked him for more information and he just made reference to the AFL’s opinion.

About 8.30 that night I was having dinner with my kids for my birthday and I got a call from Evans, who said: “We’re in a lot of trouble.

“The AFL believes that we’ve taken performance-enhancing drugs. Get over here straight away.”

I went. Evans was there with chief executive Ian Robson, and Danny Corcoran. Dr Reid arrived later.

David said he’d been told by AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou that we were taking performance-enhancing drugs, and I said: “I don’t believe him, David. What source does he have?”

He said: “There’s a report coming out.’’ And that he had been told Demetriou had seen it. The rest of this story is well known. It has been played out through the courts, on the national and international stage, a stage upon which Essendon’s relationship with the AFL soured.

We felt they were making a bad situation worse. Fairness demands I emphasise this was not a problem of their making.

But fairness also demands proper process be followed, free of ill-informed but ever-present attempts at media manipulation.

For us, it felt like spin first and procedural fairness last.

Why else were the club and I pressured to take responsibility well before the AFL’s own tribunal would clear the players? Pressure to which I naively bowed.

If the AFL had concerns in 2012 about what was allegedly going on at Essendon, why didn’t they talk to the club?

They were aware tests were sent for analysis in 2012, which would return negative, yet the club was never informed. Not even the club doctor.

Why was the AFL making decisions regarding potential sanctions 16 days before the first ASADA interview was conducted, as revealed by documents discovered in the Federal Court case?

Why, as revealed by the same documents, did the AFL need to tell ASADA the way the AFL wanted ASADA’s interim report to be written? To “take bits out that compromise what we need”. And why did ASADA agree?

These were the questions we kept asking, and still ask.

And while the Court of Arbitration for Sport decision in the eyes of many may render these questions as mere “complaints”, I ask them because they are important.

After all, the CAS decision was based on evidence presented from the AFL and ASADA investigations.

For the AFL’s future, it has to be procedural fairness first and spin a long last.

In respect of my relationship with the players during this period, all I can do is thank them.

They supported me and I supported them. We helped each other through. I tried to be the best coach I could be and they tried to be the best players possible.

There was sheer joy at the AFL Tribunal’s decision on March 31 last year and now desolation after the CAS decision on Tuesday.

The players can take pride in how they conducted themselves under such pressure. This is one of many reasons why they deserve an explanation.

Another is that if, as a player, I had been exposed to circumstances of this kind, I would have fairly demanded of the coach an explanation.

My explanation to the players is that my own trust was broken. As a consequence, the environment I had promised to create for the players was compromised.

My promise to the players was broken. I apologise to the players and their families.

And I hope this article explains how this came to pass, mindful that in the present circumstances it will only offer cold comfort at best.

As both a former coach and player, I have many conflicting and deep emotions.

I feel deeply, deeply sorry for the players. I believe the players are innocent.

I feel guilt, shame, anger and regret all at once. I also have some pride at what the players achieved in the most difficult of circumstances and admiration for the resilience and strength they have shown through these years.

I took people at their word. As the senior coach I trusted what I was told was correct.

I trusted that the protocol was followed, that when I and others issued further instructions, they were followed. That’s why if I were to do things differently, it would be to trust less, to ask more questions, and demand more answers.

And I would have resisted the pressure from the AFL, who were desperate to put a high-profile head on a spike.

As for this week’s CAS decision, I firmly believe the players do not deserve this finding. Lindsay Tanner’s description of it as “manifestly unfair” is absolutely right.

They do not deserve to face a 12-month suspension. It’s a miscarriage of justice.

To 34 young men, as well as this explanation and apology, I add that you have nothing to be ashamed about and much to be proud of. Essendon will endure and be successful again. I have no doubt.

As a lifelong fan of and believer in the Essendon Football Club, I wish it all the very best on the hard road ahead.

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3815 on: January 16, 2016, 07:08:33 AM »

Highlights of the best Hird article written on the doping regime so far are below.

"If you are James Hird, you never see yourself as a perpetrator. You are just James, the white haired boy in the bubble.

You have no concept of the collateral damage you have caused in a three-year campaign that has brought your club, your players and your code to its knees"

"Unlike any other football personality in the history of sport in Australia at the centre of a major scandal, Hird feels no pain, no guilt. All he feels through extreme, almost super human vanity, is that someone else, everybody else has to carry the can for what happened at Essendon.

It is hardly worth considering who he has blamed because not one of them should have ever been placed in the position that they were by the man who was much, much more than the head coach.

Melbourne and the football club had ensured Hird existed in a world beyond normal human frailty. He was the closest thing to perfect anyone had ever seen at Essendon. The best player they had ever seen, the greatest human being they had produced, the perfect, mouth-watering answer to finding greatness for this side through coaching it.
Over these last two days, newspaper readers have been treated to a Hird diatribe of stunning delusion and blame laying. Here in Sydney, or Brisbane, or Adelaide, the rant has raised more questions than answers. It has underlined just how conceited Hird is and how ridiculously unrepentant he remains"

"James Hird is the most culpable of everyone at Essendon. He decided that a 4000 needle program was a good idea. The doctor, the strength and conditioning team, the 34 players, the administration and, of course, the ‘sports scientist’ Stephen Dank are all right up there when you play the blame game. So, too, assistant coaches and pharmacists. Hird hasn’t missed any of them on his way through.

But peel back the many layers of mistakes, incompetence, deceit and pure arrogance and you find James Hird, the guru, the club’s favourite son, the man everyone trusted to deliver results.

Hird knew there were needles, he was Dank’s friend (text messages underlined how close they were) and he knew some of his playing group had questioned the program. He encouraged the hiding, he did not question ASADA once when they came for any of their multiple testing days.

Hird was so obsessed with himself that he allowed the saga to last for three years. He did not take sage advice to cop a hit. He persisted with court action even though he was told it would fail. He slowly, insistently, tragically, brought a club to its knees"
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3816 on: January 16, 2016, 03:06:57 PM »

James Hird sighted in this area.
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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3817 on: January 16, 2016, 03:29:41 PM »
Seriously, just more proof that the guy is a narcissist :facepalm.

We all remember Jimmy saying that when he finally gets to have his say the truth will come out. Well he's finally had his say and provided just the same airy fairy excuses and blame-shifting. He refuses to see that by cheering on and authorising the supplement program he was and still is responsible for it. His claims of ignorance only just demonstrate his own utter failure of governance.

Interestingly, there's no harsh criticism of Dank and no mention of his emails with Dank. No explanation for the secrecy, the lack of records, the lack of responding to warnings, etc.... Just more of the same old "it wasn't my fault" crap!  ::)

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3818 on: January 16, 2016, 04:39:38 PM »
It also seems bizarre that he was firstly caught off guard when Evans let Hird know the AFL was investigation their supplements regime when he himself along with Dank and Robinson colluded to push boundarys. Didn't Dank himself inform Hird or at least the players that it was like standing right at the edge of a cliff without falling off? If you're going to incorporate that sort of mentality, and you know you'll be flirting with the rules, a mentality which YOU yourself veto'd, how can you then be so flabbergasted at news of an investigation and be totally and supremely confident you haven't done anything wrong and nothing will come of it.

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3819 on: January 16, 2016, 05:51:12 PM »
i must be missing something so let me know if i am but who GAF who told who now.

Question is and always will be are they guilty and the answer is YES. Listening to blobbo on 360, its like he has some dorothy dixer question thing going on  that gets asked all the time. Its like its been planted by the turd himself. He did it to gill the other night, and the article is more of his fluff trying to catch everyone else out, except the one man who should shoulder most of the blame

Blobbo is too busy sucking up to hirdy to understand the facts in this case.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 09:55:21 PM by WilliamPowell »
Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3820 on: January 16, 2016, 06:23:18 PM »
i must be missing something so let me know if i am but who GAF who told who now.

Question is and always will be are they guilty and the answer is YES. Listening to blobbo on 360, its like he has some dorothy dixer question thing going on  that gets asked all the time. Its like its been planted by the turd himself. He did it to gill the other night, and the article is more of his fluff trying to catch everyone else out, except the one man who should shoulder most of the blame

Blobbo is too busy sucking up to hirdy to understand the facts in this case.



they are drug cheats the details are boring
« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 09:55:39 PM by WilliamPowell »
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Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3821 on: January 16, 2016, 10:20:20 PM »
could the flogs contest the CAS decision? It wouldnt surprise me, but how can they in a victorian surpreme court which is a completely different jurisdiction.

Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

Offline one-eyed

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3822 on: January 17, 2016, 04:34:34 AM »
Player agent claims Essendon doctor spoke to Nathan Lovett-Murray in injections room

Michael Warner
Herald Sun
January 17, 2016

ASADA: What about Stephen Dank?

Lovett-Murray: He wasn’t there the first time but the second time Danks was there and also Dr Reid.

ASADA: Dr Reid.

LM: Yeah.

ASADA: So the treatment they did on the second time when Dr Reid and Steve Dank were present: was it the same type of treatment?

LM: Yep.

ASADA: How many needles did you get the second time?

LM: Oh, same — yeah, about 10.

ASADA: Do you know what they were putting into you?

LM: Oh, I can’t remember.


ASADA: That’s OK. And the fact that Dr Reid came with you on that second occasion, did that give you a bit more confidence about the process?

LM: Oh, he was only coming to have a look at it, but then sort of afterwards he said it was a load of rubbish.

ASADA: Did he?

LM: I wish he had told me that earlier.

ASADA: Twenty injections ago.

LM: Yeah.

Offline one-eyed

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS
« Reply #3823 on: January 17, 2016, 04:36:48 AM »
could the flogs contest the CAS decision? It wouldnt surprise me, but how can they in a victorian surpreme court which is a completely different jurisdiction.

APPEALS against the CAS decision to a Swiss court or the Supreme Court of Victoria are being considered
, but Jess said multi-million-dollar legal actions against Essendon and the AFL were guaranteed.

He has engaged Tony Nolan SC to assess whether Lovett-Murray also has claims against AFL commissioners and Essendon board members.

“We will explore every avenue and whether individuals have breached their duties as directors,” Jess said.

Asked why the AFL was at risk of litigation, Jess said: “In my mind the AFL is the primary culprit in creating this catastrophic outcome for the players.

“At every chain of command they have failed in their duty of care.”

Jess said a “warning” given to Bombers coach James Hird about the use of peptides by league integrity chief Brett Clothier in August 2011 should have triggered action.

“Clothier, at that point, under the mandate of the AFL, which is required at all times to ensure the welfare of players, was compelled to intervene, to test players, to test the supplements and engage in a monitoring system,” he said.

“None of that happened, which ultimately would have stopped the program.”

He predicted AFL chairman Mike Fitzpatrick would not survive fallout from the suspensions.

“The most galling aspect for me is that within this period of a complete dereliction of their responsibilities to the players, the AFL commission awarded its executive $7 million in bonuses, including payouts to Andrew Demetriou, who was a key architect of the failures,” Jess said
“It calls into question whether the commission is the proper body the code needs going forward.

“I don’t think the chairman (Fitzpatrick) — because of his intimate involvement in this fundamentally flawed investigation — has any option but to resign.”

As for Watson’s Brownlow, Jess said: “Not only should he keep it, but they should give him a public apology for allowing this happen”.

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Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus