A lot of denial going on last night.
They had Neeld on Footy Classified and he was still defending every decision made as being the correct one. Problem is you can't go out and recruit old fringe players from other clubs such as Rodan, Pedersen, etc and claim your rebuilding the rebuild via youth. Then Neeld tried defending the floggings on the scoreboard by saying they "deliberately decided not to put numbers behind the ball".
Then we had Garry Lyon saying Gerard Healy should lead the sub-committee to appoint the new coach as he's very knowledgable in the media

. Ummm Garry that's exactly why your club is in the mess it is. It's an old boys club with a 'messiah is going to come in and fix us' mentality. As Tiger supporters we can spot it because we use to be like that as a football club.