Author Topic: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon  (Read 11159 times)

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #45 on: April 25, 2013, 09:40:47 PM »
i haven't given facts, but asked questions about aspects of the official story that make no sense. a big difference

I make no claim as to what happened, but there are many things that dont add up, and like yourself, no one i have pointed them out to has gone close to giving a reasonable explanation.

IMO 2 things are right to have people asking questions.

Missing minutes on flight 93 black box. This is fact as many family members voiced their disapproval.

3rd tower that went down without getting hit.

I don't have the answers and neither does anyone here.

Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

Offline Penelope

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #46 on: April 25, 2013, 09:43:59 PM »
you have answers to the other questions i posted?
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are my ways higher than your ways,
And my thoughts than your thoughts."

Yahweh? or the great Clawski?

yaw rehto eht dellorcs ti fi daer ot reisae eb dluow tI

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #47 on: April 25, 2013, 09:56:18 PM »
you have answers to the other questions i posted?

I've told you I don't i wasnt there and neither were you

Clearly you have trouble understanding English.

Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

Offline Penelope

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #48 on: April 25, 2013, 10:03:34 PM »
 :lol i dont claim to have the answers, thats why i posed the questions. ::)

i thought you said there two things that are right to have people asking questions yet i asked more than two questions

so now i am confused. are there answers to these other questions ( and many more i didnt bother posting) or are they just not worth worrying about?
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are my ways higher than your ways,
And my thoughts than your thoughts."

Yahweh? or the great Clawski?

yaw rehto eht dellorcs ti fi daer ot reisae eb dluow tI

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #49 on: April 25, 2013, 10:12:37 PM »
Fair enough I misread your post. I apologise.

Those questions can never be answered unless someone was there or has inside knowledge.

In any major tragedy people will always have questions that can't be answered.

Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #50 on: April 28, 2014, 09:41:54 PM »
was it a hoax

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #51 on: April 28, 2014, 09:46:06 PM »
Hollywood producer claims Boston bombing was a "false flag attack"

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Crisis actors, smoke bombs, fake blood and literal "smoke and mirrors" were all part of what was the false flag terrorist attack called the Boston Marathon Bombing. To anyone who saw the pictures and footage of fake blood, make- up artists and smiling “victims”. It was obvious that something was not right. For those involved in filmmaking and in the know the discrepancies were obvious. We spoke to famous Hollywood filmmaker, producer and director Nathan Folks about why he is certain the Boston Marathon Bombing was a false flag terrorist attack.

Hello, this is John Robles. I’m speaking with Mr. Nathan Folks, he is a well known US based film and TV director and producer. He is also one of the organizers of the Worldwide Wave of Action and a truth seeker.
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Robles: Hello Sir.
Folks: Hi, how are you?
Robles: I’m very well. How are you?
Folks: Very good.
Robles: That's nice to hear especially after everything you have been through. Now your story is going way-back. It started with the Boston Bombing. If you can tell our listeners a little bit about what you know about that "event" and what has happened to you since.
Folks: Back in 2013 I was watching the events unfold and as a producer, you can pinpoint very specific things that didn’t seem right. And I started to realize that we are watching yet another false flag event unfold. And as I started putting the pieces together I realized that we are up against an environment that is trying to create a fear factor in the media. And the fear factor is to keep us scared and to keep us in fear as long as they can.
And the events that I know to be true, including the "Boston hero" who was a person in my last film, “The prosecution of an American president” and his wife, I started to recognize that this was not an event that was at all 100% true.
Robles: What about this Boston hero? What role did he play?
Folks: He is actually a father that had lost a son in the Iraq War and he was part of our film and a part of the movement, you know, of exposing the truth about Iraq and talking about the things that the Bush Administration did during those years of his administration.
And I was blown away at the fact that he was essentially being used to act in this fake environment, this hyper-reality scene of a terrorism that never happened.
Robles: Now, can you tell us three things here if you could. You used the term "Hyper-Reality" what is that and how is it used? And what is a "Crisis Actor"? Many people may still not know what that is. And if you could, detail for the listeners, some of the things that you saw as far as screens being put up as for the false stages being set up where things were filmed and stuff?
Folks: I will start up by saying that if there was an injury or a death in the event that unfolded my heart goes out to those families. But from the people that I know that were involved, from the people that were in the scenes that we call Hyper-Reality Filmmaking, which is a very common thing you do in the military.
It’s where filmmakers, or people, create a hyper-reality scene so that the military can be well-adjusted to a real scene in Iraq or any other kind of war zone.
This is where these people are actually able to see and feel and help what they think is a real injured person whereas it is really just an amputee that is playing as a crisis actor, and (in this case) a crisis actor being someone that had lost their limbs but a makeup artist has been able to re-enact a bloody scene with "no leg blown off" and this hyper reality scene, so that when we are now on the ground, they actually see and feel like they are in a war zone.
And I’m watching this unfold on the streets of Boston and thinking, one: how were they able to get away with that? And two: watching the edits and the supposedly live television broadcasting we were seeing, it wasn’t "live" at all, it was edited.
Robles: How you know? What did you see? What were the clues you saw?
Folks: Well, there were a lot of things. In live footage you don’t see cuts. You know, cutting from one scene to another and in live footage you don’t have, especially now, this wasn’t in 2013 HD technology, this was in old technology from 2002, because it is grainer and you can’t see the edits as well.
As a filmmaker that what I would do if I was trying to reenact something like that and...
Robles: I’m sorry. Can you be more specific? I didn’t quite follow that. So it was made using old technology?
Folks: It’s using an older technology that is grainer. So you can’t see the very true HD quality and you are watching... If you look back at any old footage from early 2000 or even the 1990s, it is very grainy and when you are watching it on a new technology television with latest plasma and HD and any kind of new technology you can see that it was edited.
Robles: So television stations at that time, they were using modern technology?
Folks: They were definitely using modern technology last year. It’s just when you see pictures from 2013 that were in HD and then you look at clips and cuts of the footage from television, it is very obvious that it was used on purpose.
Robles: Can you tell us a little bit about some of the scenes. I’m sure a lot of people who were interested in what really happened, they saw some of the pictures, for example: the amputee with sticks, apparently sticking out of his legs or something, and blood that looked like paint, I mean, I have seen blood, I worked in a hospital, I know what blood looks like, it’s dark, it’s brownish red and this was this bright red paint. Can you tell us about that?
Folks: I think even more of an obvious situation is that: you get your legs blown off you are not going to be out in front of millions of people celebrating Boston at a hockey game or any type of arena. I think the emotional impact of losing your legs would probably keep you out of the public eye for at least a year. And that was the biggest obvious example to me, but as far as anyone that has been in the paramedics or nursing would know, that if you blow your legs off, you are not supposed to moved.
If someone’s falls here on Wilshire, just falls down, they tell you not to move, they are not supposed to move them. They could have broken a bone or a neck; their spine could be dislocated. You don’t move them and you certainly don’t put them in a wheelchair and run them down the road.
And it is just taking this to a whole different comical level that the fact that they think we all buy this, and that we are all going to sit here and watch it happen over and over again, you know, they have another thing coming. That’s why I joined forces with the Worldwide Wave of Action because you know; the truth has to come out. And people are not going to sit here and watch them make a mockery of ourselves.
Everybody around the world knows Boston Bombing was a joke; everyone in the US has been fed lies and lies after lies and it started in 9-11 and it hasn’t stopped.
Robles: Can you tell us... you sent me some pictures of these screens that you could actually see the road like "moving up", it was like a mirror or something. Can you tell us about those?
Folks: You mean as far as the 3D... the Green Screen that they used at the Boston Bombing?
Robles: Yeah, can you detail all that?
Folks: From what I understand, they... it looks to me like they used a second street in order to re-enact the scene, over and over, to get it right and by using Green Screen they were able to show the buildings that were actually on Boylston Street and when you use a Green Screen it is a lot like Titanic. In the movie Titanic in 1997 we are watching the film and we are watching this boat sink and we are watching the water fill into the boat and we see people falling off the boat. That is obviously not happening in real life, we are watching it on Green Screen. They are putting a digital layer behind the screen of real action people. And we are watching a boat sink in the background and that is what they did in this example.
They just did it on television. We are watching green screen on television to re-enact a street scene that happened for real, but just a smoke bomb but when they re-enacted the people that were hurt they had to add the blood and the amputees and to put one the makeup.
You can see the person putting makeup on these people the entire scene; I call her "The Woman in Pink". She has literally got a makeup bag and she is going to each victim, she is not helping them! She is putting make up on them!
So I’m sorry, I’m not fooled and I’m not going to let everyone else be fooled. Someone has to speak out against it. And they can follow me, they can do whatever they want but at the end of the day the truth has to come out some time. They can’t get away with it anymore.
Robles: Now please tell us, you have been persecuted, you have been through hell, I can’t think of any other way to put it. If I can tell our listeners: you contacted me right after it happened and after that a lot of terrible things started happening to you. Can you tell us some of those things?
Folks: Well, obviously, you can’t prove anything because I was very sick. I have never been sick in my life, I have never been in the hospital, but in the days after this event and weeks after this event and me talking about it, I was in the hospital for a total of 22 days over the course of three months.
And they really couldn’t determine what it was and I couldn’t hold water, I couldn’t hold food, it was some type of poison.
I can’t say for sure that I was poisoned by someone but I can say that I had some type of poison that nearly killed me.
And it took me good 3 to 6 months to kind of rehabilitate and get back on my feet and I figured if they are trying to scare me off or they are trying to keep me down from speaking: then it was a good try but it didn’t work.
Robles: Could you tell us what has happened to some other people? There was one guy, he wrote an article, you said, questioning the reality of the Boston Bombing Marathon. And you told me about some other people who had gotten sick as well.
Folks: Yeah, there is a gentlemen that runs a website called “Natural News” and he was coming out with very similar examples that I was during that time. And just now finding out that they wrote an article about how he has gotten sick from the food, he talks about. And they took his article down and re-wrote it in the third person.
And I don’t know if he is even able to speak, but I do know that after finding some of these examples of people that were coming out at same time that I was, that they were sick and poisoned as well, makes me realize that something is going on.
Robles: When you were in the hospital you also told me some other people close to you... (Can you talk about that?) that there were some other people you knew that got sick.
Folks: Yeah, I don’t think I can go into any detail but there were several other people that had gotten sick, and that seems to be part of this coming out. Anyone that has come out about this, got sick or disappeared.
Robles: How many people have disappeared, since then?
Folks: Well, I can say that everybody that reacted to this Boston bombing, the millions and millions of people that came out on the websites, came out about the scene and about the situation, essentially were silenced because there wasn’t a word about it this year. And that just gives me more of a comforting notion that it has been silenced for someone who has gone out and done something to the people that did come out about it…
Robles: You said that Internet before we started, you said that your Internet shut down in the US, it is on lockdown or something...
Folks: I mean strange things like in one day I have a Verizon Wireless Internet and in one day over 200 GB was taken from my service, ran up 35 hundred dollar bill in a 24-hour period. And then when you contact Verizon saying that it is obviously not something that I did, they ignore me and say that I have to pay if I want my service back on. So not many people want to just pay $3,500 for no reason.
Obviously, I never turned my Internet back on. I have been working on different types of Internet on different phones but it was designed to create a situation that I would shutdown. It was a warning probably of some sort. It was so that I would stop speaking about things that I’m knowledgeable about.
Robles: You gave me a good example about Boston False Flag, if someone who did a search on Google. Can you tell us about this false bomb?
Folks: Yeah, it is just that nobody is speaking about the Boston bombing. There is nobody speaking about false flags. And in this country our web searches seem to be completely deleted. You know, during that time I downloaded everything I knew and everything I saw and I have it on hard drive and the fact that all of that is now gone and I have them on hard drive.
Robles: Everything is gone?
Folks: Somebody is trying to take it away, make it disappear. It was very bad; whoever was in charge of the Boston Bombing Campaign did a very lousy job. They need to consult with some real Hollywood producers if they are going to do anything like that again and maybe make sure that they don’t fool the nation in their process because this is absurd.
Robles: They are not very creative in doing the same thing again and again and again.
Folks: They keep getting away with it, they are getting used to be able to get with it and they are getting sloppy and eventually and as this Worldwide Wave of Action is able to expose the truth more and more, I think we are going to stop this evil that is now taking over the US and is trying to keep people in fear and using fear mongering techniques on our media.
CNN and FOX and all these media sources are not telling the truth anymore. They are more interested in talking more about artists like Justin Bieber and Lindsay Lohan going to jail than potential war in Crimea.
I mean, this is, don't even get me starting on that because I think we all know who is behind the taunting of that situation.
So it is just becoming obvious and even though people are not speaking about it because they are scared off or because they are scared to make a name and come out and talk about it.
This is our time to re-live the 60s, this is my generation's time to stand up and say “No more!”
And we are not going to sit here and be poisoned and be lied to and listen to this "essentially crap" that they are feeding us in our media, this is not going to happen anymore. We have to stand up and make a change.

Surveillance vans parked outside of Folks' home.
This is John Robles, you were listening to an interview with Nathan Folks, he is a well-known US film and TV director and producer. He is also the organizer of the Worldwide Wave of Action. You can find the rest of this interview on our website Thank you very much for listening!
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Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #52 on: April 28, 2014, 11:10:57 PM »
There is much happening in relation to this case that is not reported in the mainstream media. I'd suggest those interested should check-out the following websites and make up their own minds:

An elucidating insight also exists in the contrasting official reaction to the Texas explosions:

u r smart

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #53 on: April 29, 2014, 02:04:34 PM »
Dzhokhar bombshell: FBI pressed Tamerlan to become informant

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In a recent court filing, accused Boston Marathon suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev indicated, through his defense team, that not only did the FBI have contacts with his brother, but it pressed him to become an "informant" on the Chechen and Muslim community.
The court filing does not give a date for the attempt, but cited sources who suggest that contact between the FBI and Tamerlan was ongoing for at least the three years prior to the bombing ("FBI pushed elder Tsarnaev to be informer, lawyers assert," Boston Globe.)
The filing takes place as an MIT police sergeant, Sgt. Clarence Henniger, said in an interview last month that local law enforcement "knew" that Tamerlan Tsarnaev's "house was under surveillance" before the FBI asked the public to help identify him in a press conference on April 18, 2013, when Boston FBI head Special Agent Richard Deslauriers told the assembled press:

U.S. report whines Russia didn't help FBI enough prior to Marathon
Russia withheld intel on Boston bombing suspect
What did Todashev, shot by FBI, know about the Boston bombing?
"the public will play a critical role in identifying and locating them. Somebody out there knows these individuals as friends, neighbors, co-workers, or family members of the suspects."
Sgt. Henniger is on the police force at MIT where MIT officer Sean Collier was found shot dead on the same night that the chase after the two brothers broke out, after a thus far anonymous man called the police saying he had been carjacked by the brothers.
Sgt. Henniger said:
"the word was out, regarding the suspects—we know how they looked like, and we knew that they lived in the city of Cambridge at one point...We knew that his house was under surveillance, and the Feds were all over the city of Cambridge…knowing that he, they lived there. So we were aware of that.”
Henniger later clarified that the officers sharing this knowledge were "assuming" that the surveillance was directed at the Tsarnaevs, but had no first-hand confirmation from the FBI. The FBI has since said that the surveillance involved an entirely different case.
It was revealed soon after the bombing and the capture of Dzhokhar, the younger brother, and the death of the older brother Tamerlan, that the FBI had interviewed Tamerlan multiple times in 2011, after a tip from Russian intelligence. The elder Tsarnaev brother was a Chechen national. CBS News reports that the FBI initially denied contacting Tamerlan.
The Boston Globe reports that in the filing, Dzhokhar's lawyers "suggested that Tamerlan Tsarnaev could have misinterpreted his interactions with the FBI as pressure from the agency." The court filing said that the interactions could have “increased his paranoia and distress.”
The AP reports that in the newly filed court papers, the defense team is asking for "records of all FBI contact with Tamerlan."
Former Fox News journalist Ben Swann, soon after the bombing, said that certain aspects of the attack, such as the apparent concurrent bomb drill which was taking place moments prior to the explosions, should lead to questions over whether the Boston bombing was an FBI entrapment scheme gone awry. The startling charge by the Tsarnaev defense team, that Tamerlan may have been pressed to become an informant, suggests that the FBI knew far more about the brothers, and had closer contacts, than it is admitting.
The court filing comes months after the mysterious death of one of Tamerlan's Chechen friends in Florida, Ibragim Todashev, who was killed during an FBI interview. The FBI says that, although unarmed, Todashev attacked, and was shot seven times including three shots in the back and one to the top of the head.

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Offline Diocletian

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #54 on: April 29, 2014, 03:52:13 PM »
More champagne comedy from Judge Tinfoil.....

"Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good...."

- Thomas Sowell

FJ is the only one that makes sense.

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #55 on: April 29, 2014, 03:55:22 PM »
which part godwin ?

Offline Diocletian

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #56 on: April 29, 2014, 03:57:03 PM »
I believe your user account is a has to be...
"Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good...."

- Thomas Sowell

FJ is the only one that makes sense.

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #57 on: April 29, 2014, 03:57:29 PM »

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #58 on: April 29, 2014, 03:59:46 PM »
I believe your user account is a has to be...

percentage wise - what are the chances of one / all sep11/bostonbombing/sandy hook were inside job




Offline Mr Magic

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Re: Bomb Explosions in Boston at the Marathon
« Reply #59 on: April 29, 2014, 04:00:53 PM »
So all these people in on this conspiracy have remained silent yet again?