Isn't there only a few bands of compo
1 middle first round (following your pick)
2 end first round
3 middle second round (following your pick)
4 end second round
5 third round
Whitey's contract length and $$$ should return a second rounder of some description on its own
McGuane likely bottom rung
We could bundle them and get the pick straight after the one we traded
The compo has 5 bands and they are:
• 1st round (following your pick)
• end of 1st round
• 2nd round (following your pick)
• end of 2nd round
• 3rd round (following your pick)
Not necessarily in the middle of the rounds, as it is tied to your finishing position. So for Hawthorn, their compo for Buddy will be a 1st round pick, but as they are Premiers it is effectively an end of 1st round pick anyway.
I'm not going to get my hopes up, but an end of 2nd round for the both would be a great result. If we get a 2nd round one (following our pick that was traded) then we have won the lottery.