This thread is rubbish.
You blokes from the west should spend 5 minutes at a scum match before you think any WA crowd is the worst in the country. Spend 1 min with a bunch of feral saints supporters and you might have an idea what it might have been like near the animal cage.
I've been to games in Darwin, Subiaco, games against Port and Adelaide too and those from South Australia bring anyone from WA to shame as at least they understand the game to a better extent.
If you ask me its far too British & South African in the west, a bunch of band wagoners that are fairly new to the game and have no idea of either the rules or the tradition of the game. More than likely that wanker that hit the girl was no doubt more likely a stinking Pom.
Facts are when it comes to ferel supporters you can't go past the feral colliwobblers because it's in there nature to be feral and we all accept it as the norm.