Author Topic: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron  (Read 238994 times)

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #450 on: December 11, 2015, 01:43:01 PM »
Just heard dusty is a partner in the joint.
If true lmao

Oh boy
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #451 on: December 11, 2015, 01:49:52 PM »
Why because people dare to suggest his behaviour was stupid?  I will the let the investigation take its course to see to what degree the "allegations" are proved to be correct.

WP with the Police investigating the matter it will simply be a matter of whether they have sufficient evidence to lay charge/s against Dustin. Whether the allegations are made out is a matter for a Court to decide.  If Dustin's memory of the incident has been affected by his alcohol consumption then it calls into question the reliability of his evidence and makes it harder to attack the reliability of the complainant's evidence. I hope for Dustin's sake witnesses come forward to corroborate that he did not behave in the way alleged. It would be wise for Dustin to not make any statements about the matter to the media and if interviewed by the Police to consider exercising his right to silence. Some very serious criminal offences could be laid if the police pursue this matter including but not limited to threat to inflict a serious injury.

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #452 on: December 11, 2015, 01:58:27 PM »
Honestly everyone can get stuffed. Go support someone else. Absolutely pathetic Richmond support on this thread. All in the name of being politically correct.. stuff me.

Why because people dare to suggest his behaviour was stupid?  I will the let the investigation take its course to see to what degree the "allegations" are proved to be correct.

There is no disputing the fact he was out drunk; so drunk he's admitted he can't actually remembered what happened and he was involved in something. What exactly? Hopefully in the next few days we will have some idea

But he should be punished for being an idiot....

Should he be sacked? No; have never said that

But if it was a player that wasn't popular many on here would be calling for that players head.

If it was a player from another club, the majority on here would be tearing shreads off said opposition player, their club and demanding they be suspended

Look at the examples of players that Ox posted other day. eveything single one them highlight the obivous and that was the lack of action by the AFL and their respective clubs wasn't good enough - I am not disputing that for a minute

Take a trip on the Werribee train line, this happens every... single...  day and is recorded.. nothing is done about it.

And you know this how exactly? Stupid comment


Rosie Batty case and point, goes to police to report multiple child abuse examples. Nothing is done. Yet the media want to run with this story day after day.

And have you ever thought why? Answer's obvious I would have thought. Actually you've answered it yourself - because nothing was done, the system failed and an innocent kid got basehd with a cricket bat by his you have any idea how common this sort of stuff is

Have you ever sat across a table from someone nursing a black eye because their partner while plastered used them as a punching bag because they had; had a bad day?

Guess what I have 

That's why this is such an issue now because it isn't get swept under the carpet as much these days.

The one thing IMHO the media gets wrong is the focus, they appear to keep most of the focus on violence against women but it should be violence full stop. The shouldn't forget the children, the elderly or the men that get abused by their partners as well

You are all fools. Shame on you all for supporting the punishment of this. Politically correct yes it's the wrong thing, well good on you for being politically correct.

Sorry I am not a fool. And no I am not "politcally correct". What I am is anti violence agaisnt anyone, gender is not and will never relevant. And violence includes the verbal and it includes the physical.

I've whacked the media for the way this all came about and I've said it is was disgraceful.

Anyone taken a step back to give a stuff about Dustin Martin? Anyone want to think of why he acts the way he does, why he has a drinking problem? How is he feeling?

Yeahh actually i have that's why I was pleased to hear his Dad had flown down to Melb straight away.

Dusty is a good bloke when he doesn't get on the turps. But at 24 he needs to grow up and I don't think I am on the only person who'd be saying this

If he has a problem with the grog then he has to want to help himself, the club, you, me or anyone else can't do it for him. all we can do is support him and I'd do that no question

Don't tell me the woman is traumatised. Don't you dare tell me that.

Guess what I am not going to tell you that. I whacked her on day one when I asked why if she was so disgusted, upset with what took place she didn't go to the cops then. My concern isn't for her it is for our footy club

I stand by Dusty, made a mistake, get him counselling and actually fix the issue that has been ongoing for a long time instead of calling for his head and bloody jail time for Gods sake. RFC need to take responsibility in this. They've allowed Dusty to live an extravagant life and in all honesty has slightly worked but anyone could have seen that it was a huge risk. Just as it would have been to ban him from this lifestyle completely, he'd possibly have given the game away by now. Who knows. RFC can't was their hands of this.

Yes the Club need to take responsility for some of this but you miss a very important point and that is at 24 Dusty needs to start taking some responsibility for his actions. Get his priorities right.... he's allowed to go out have a good time. But going out and getting smashed when you are only back and getting into pre-season isn't exactly smart

You say (or I think what you meant was) the club can't wash their hands of this; well either can Dusty.

But yeah Willy and the rest of you cotton wool fools, lets sack him, lets hung him out to dry, sack Jack Riewoldt too for running away from media, sack them all. Lets enjoy another 30 years of absolute horse pee. At least at the end of the day we can all pat ourselves on the back for being 'politically correct'...

I have not seen one post from Willy saying he should be sacked, just like I haven't suggested it. For memory I can only remember seeing one post advocating sacking. I don't think saying he did the wrong thing and should be punished for it is hanging him out to dry. I reckon it is calling him out for what he did and thats an incredibly moronic thing.

Will repeat if it was number of other players on our list in this suituation you and so many others would want them out the door; so please don't get selective with applying standards.
Now here is where I get genuinely upset.  Violence happens to men and women every day all over the world.  NO violence was committed in this case.  The threat of violence is a claim.  We haven't been told if this was a verbal threat or a perceived threat due to body language or if it even happened. We know sweet FA and so we cannot judge.  This little campaign that is running at the moment is all well and good but I would still like to point out that it does not give anyone the right to paint all men with the one brush use one case to judge another.  Each case is a separate issue.  The media are also prone to being total poos when it comes to setting people up and trying to get a rise out of them,  take "today tonight" or the other idiot versions as an example where you have these bastards provoking every half wit, unfortunate, or anyone without the social graces to defend themselves without lashing out.  It is their stock in trade.  They dine out on sensationalism.  The other issue is that at Dustin's age, if he was violent to Women, a pattern would of emerged long before this.  This is just cynical opportunism.  Why would she pick a fight and then complain about the conflict?  It is bewildering.
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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #453 on: December 11, 2015, 02:04:24 PM »
They can charge him with murder and it wouldn't stick,
Just as none of the 'serious criminal of offences" won't.
Lmao at media mentioning the maximum sentence of ten years
BEFORE a charge has been made.
F k. N wanketes.
Caracella and Balmey.

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #454 on: December 11, 2015, 02:18:00 PM »
Now here is where I get genuinely upset.  Violence happens to men and women every day all over the world.  NO violence was committed in this case.  The threat of violence is a claim.  We haven't been told if this was a verbal threat or a perceived threat due to body language or if it even happened. We know sweet FA and so we cannot judge.  This little campaign that is running at the moment is all well and good but I would still like to point out that it does not give anyone the right to paint all men with the one brush use one case to judge another.  Each case is a separate issue.  The media are also prone to being total poos when it comes to setting people up and trying to get a rise out of them,  take "today tonight" or the other idiot versions as an example where you have these bastards provoking every half wit, unfortunate, or anyone without the social graces to defend themselves without lashing out.  It is their stock in trade.  They dine out on sensationalism.  The other issue is that at Dustin's age, if he was violent to Women, a pattern would of emerged long before this.  This is just cynical opportunism.  Why would she pick a fight and then complain about the conflict?  It is bewildering.

While understand your angst and the points you raise Owl

Couple of points if I may

Firstly, you said "Violence happens to men and women every day all over the world" and I absolutely agree with you and more importantly I am glad you said men & women, because this effects both genders... this seems to get lost far too much

Secondly, verbally lashing out at someone is a form of violence/abuse. Granted it is not physical but it is a form of violence none the less. I get that many people will say no it isn't but violence doesn't have to be physical. Clearly you and alot of folks on this forum don't see it that way and that's your choice

Although there appears to be conflicting reports surfacing now the cops are involved as to what was said, what were the physical actions were (if any) there doesn't appear to be any dispute at this time that he verbally abused the woman. Now we can argue, go around in circles to a degree and have our views on whether the woman deserved it or not but I don't think right now as it stands anyone is suggesting he didn't do that.. maybe I'm reading that wrong...

I posted the other day and the silence was deafening to be honest but I asked the following

"How would people feel if it was their partner, parents, kids who came home and told you that this had happened to them. Don't think there is too many of us who would say you should have minded your own business, laughed it off or said you deserved it "bitch"."

I get that I am in the minority here but I still think his actions on the night were stupid

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Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #455 on: December 11, 2015, 02:35:10 PM »

I will raise my kids not to approach anyone who is drunk especially on a saturday night. I will then ask they dont watch their every move then feel you need to say something.

Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #456 on: December 11, 2015, 02:40:29 PM »
When was the last time you were on a train in a lower socio economic area?

I take it your are referring to my comment about Werribee station?

I live out that way so I am well aware of the problems, what goes on.

Actually had a family member involved in an incident a couple of weeks ago but I wont go into the details as I am sure people will just say as she & her son weren't physically harmed it's nothing and they probably deserved it. She reported it to the cops by the way

My "Stupid comment" was in relation the bit I've got highlighted in bold

"Take a trip on the Werribee train line, this happens every... single...  day and is recorded.. nothing is done about it."

Your moral crusade is quite touching but let's keep in mind , as far as I know dusty not smashed anyone with a cricket bat. You are flying off an a non relevant tangent. He's a bloke that didn touch a lady. As much as you'd like it to be symbolic of societies long standing issues.

My moral crusade? Please.... I don't think believing that treating people with respect and not advocating violence is a moral crusade. I didn't bring up Rosie Battie - others have. I was responding to that. Why did Pope bring her into his post? Using your logic Pope was "flying off on a non relevant tangent". Unless of course "non relevant tangents" don't apply if one is defending and praising Dusty's behaviour
For mine the footy club can worry about footy and the police can worry about police things. They are people not superheros. As flawed and you or has been pontes out there are dozens or worst acts, by fellow afl people that seemingly go very lightly punished

And I said(if you bothered to actually read what I wrote) that I believe that the actions taken against other players (you know ox's long list) highlights how badly and poorly the AFL & their Clubs handled those situations. They got off lightly

"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #457 on: December 11, 2015, 02:43:48 PM »
Violence indeed happens to both genders.

The most common is male violence against other men.

Interestingly i was told the other day that the highest rate of domestic violence was female against female. I didnt believe it but i found studies which have indicated this.

Point being, as humans a certain proportion of the population are poo people irrespective of gender and other categories. It's an issue which crosses all parts of society.
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Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #458 on: December 11, 2015, 02:49:39 PM »

I will raise my kids not to approach anyone who is drunk especially on a saturday night. I will then ask they dont watch their every move then feel you need to say something.

gee how comforting...

So if your wife came home after a night out with some friends and told you some drunken yobo had been carrying on like a goose and she asked them to keep it down and they came over abused her, threatened her you'd tell her she should have minded her own business and she deserved it?

Or if your someone from your family was the train home and some drug head just out of the blue picked them out and started abusing and threatening them for no reason and they told you about it would you say they deserve that too?

Violence indeed happens to both genders.

The most common is male violence against other men.

Interestingly i was told the other day that the highest rate of domestic violence was female against female. I didnt believe it but i found studies which have indicated this.

Point being, as humans a certain proportion of the population are poo people irrespective of gender and other categories. It's an issue which crosses all parts of society.

Good point Dooks, I heard about those numbers myself. Can say I wasn't surprised by the male on male stat but the female against female did surprise me

Your last sentence nails it for mine
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #459 on: December 11, 2015, 02:56:05 PM »
"Secondly, verbally lashing out at someone is a form of violence/abuse. Granted it is not physical but it is a form of violence none the less. I get that many people will say no it isn't but violence doesn't have to be physical. Clearly you and alot of folks on this forum don't see it that way and that's your choice "

The MCG is home to how many acts of violence per week, then?
Caracella and Balmey.

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #460 on: December 11, 2015, 02:56:57 PM »
Martin was forced into a confrontation with a moron.
He said the wrong thing because he's a idiot.
She's a bitch and she can go stuff herself
Caracella and Balmey.

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #461 on: December 11, 2015, 02:58:37 PM »
Players need to have their lawyers in the crowd so they can allege they were subjected to verbal violence.

That's what we need.

The world will be so cool then.
Caracella and Balmey.

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #462 on: December 11, 2015, 02:59:28 PM »
Now here is where I get genuinely upset.  Violence happens to men and women every day all over the world.  NO violence was committed in this case.  The threat of violence is a claim.  We haven't been told if this was a verbal threat or a perceived threat due to body language or if it even happened. We know sweet FA and so we cannot judge.  This little campaign that is running at the moment is all well and good but I would still like to point out that it does not give anyone the right to paint all men with the one brush use one case to judge another.  Each case is a separate issue.  The media are also prone to being total poos when it comes to setting people up and trying to get a rise out of them,  take "today tonight" or the other idiot versions as an example where you have these bastards provoking every half wit, unfortunate, or anyone without the social graces to defend themselves without lashing out.  It is their stock in trade.  They dine out on sensationalism.  The other issue is that at Dustin's age, if he was violent to Women, a pattern would of emerged long before this.  This is just cynical opportunism.  Why would she pick a fight and then complain about the conflict?  It is bewildering.

While understand your angst and the points you raise Owl

Couple of points if I may

Firstly, you said "Violence happens to men and women every day all over the world" and I absolutely agree with you and more importantly I am glad you said men & women, because this effects both genders... this seems to get lost far too much

Secondly, verbally lashing out at someone is a form of violence/abuse. Granted it is not physical but it is a form of violence none the less. I get that many people will say no it isn't but violence doesn't have to be physical. Clearly you and alot of folks on this forum don't see it that way and that's your choice

Although there appears to be conflicting reports surfacing now the cops are involved as to what was said, what were the physical actions were (if any) there doesn't appear to be any dispute at this time that he verbally abused the woman. Now we can argue, go around in circles to a degree and have our views on whether the woman deserved it or not but I don't think right now as it stands anyone is suggesting he didn't do that.. maybe I'm reading that wrong...

I posted the other day and the silence was deafening to be honest but I asked the following

"How would people feel if it was their partner, parents, kids who came home and told you that this had happened to them. Don't think there is too many of us who would say you should have minded your own business, laughed it off or said you deserved it "bitch"."

I get that I am in the minority here but I still think his actions on the night were stupid

of course they were stupid

Big difference between stupid and criminal

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #463 on: December 11, 2015, 03:00:04 PM »
Wow Dusty been doing a bit of drinking & some mental abusing  :snidegrin Doubt the cops will charge him, Maybe give him a little advice. Fine by the club & that be done & dusted  ;D Be stupid to suspend him in any way or form as their has been alot worse happen in the AFL & nothing was done. My Advise is  ;D If you are loaded & loaded in the pockets. Their will be plenty keeping a eye on you to make a few quick bucks on your mistakes & a few moments of media glory. Don't go out when your drunk if your a star.  :snidegrin  :santa


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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #464 on: December 11, 2015, 03:11:12 PM »

"How would people feel if it was their partner, parents, kids who came home and told you that this had happened to them. Don't think there is too many of us who would say you should have minded your own business, laughed it off or said you deserved it "bitch"."

I get that I am in the minority here but I still think his actions on the night were stupid
TBH if my daughters came home and told me they asked a drunk man to be quiet I would have told them that that was a very stupid thing to do. Drunk people do not understand reason. There is no point confronting them as long as you have a choice not to. If a drunk person is disturbing you at your gathering then alert management and let them deal with the issue. If they refuse to do anything, my advice would be to leave. People who are drunk or are on drugs often do not know what they are doing. If my daughters did what that Ch7 producer did, I'd be horrified and upset with their stupidity. Imagine if this person was your usual unknown, you would never be able to do anything about it and you just don't know what they were really capable of. And that's the truth.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 04:51:11 PM by WilliamPowell »
OER. Calling it as it is since 2004.