Author Topic: Should we believe in the Tigers or will our expectations be crushed again?  (Read 7608 times)

Offline 🏅Dooks

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While Matty Lloyd on 3aw was surprisingly forgiving about the loss, the past week has sadly gone to the way of the usual script:

I am actually feeling pretty good about today at the moment.

Yep, we lost and we didn't play well.

But I am backing our boys to turn this around, win the next two and approach the finals ready to put our best foot forward.

A Richmond supporter feeling good after that loss?
"Sliding doors moment.
If Damian Barrett had a brain
Then its made of sh#t" Dont Argue - 2/8/2018

Offline Chuck17

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Hopefully that was a wake up call and we will take better intensity into the finals

Offline Diocletian

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Hopefully a wake up call to Halfstep that we can't go into finals yet again with the likes of Houli, Bellis & Grigg all in the side.... if.......:help
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 07:53:36 PM by Diocletian »
"Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good...."

- Thomas Sowell

FJ is the only one that makes sense.

Offline Barry Oh

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We'll finish 4th.

Lose to Adelaide by the length of the Flemington Strait in week 1.

Week 2 Sydney will outgun us easily at the MCG as we are as soft as melted butter.

Then we'll have 6 months off to reflect and stoke the fire for 2018.

Which we all know if it includes a final win will be purely coincidental and a stroke of good fortune.

Richmond is a latin word for no hopers.

Offline Tigeritis™©®

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The club that keeps giving.

Offline Chuck17

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Probably the loss we had to have leading into the finals

Offline (•))(©™

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I think we all know the answer to that
Caracella and Balmey.

Offline (•))(©™

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Worst thing is - The belief just isn't there.
Caracella and Balmey.

Offline Tigeritis™©®

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I don't believe and won't believe.

 This bunch of fairy-floss pansies couldn't scare a mouse. This is the same mob that lost a final to a bunch of cheats. Couldn't beat a mentally week demons in Tommy Hafeys tribute game. Couldn't win a final in three years.
These limp-wristed panty wearers are imposters. Have no balls. Don't have heart.

Seriously how can anyone trust this bunch of imposters.
The club that keeps giving.

Offline Slipper

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While Matty Lloyd on 3aw was surprisingly forgiving about the loss, the past week has sadly gone to the way of the usual script:

I am actually feeling pretty good about today at the moment.

Yep, we lost and we didn't play well.

But I am backing our boys to turn this around, win the next two and approach the finals ready to put our best foot forward.

A Richmond supporter feeling good after that loss?

Yeah, poor choice of words. Comfortable maybe, certainly not gutted or devastated.

I don't really subscribe to the 'loss you had to have' or 'wake up call' theories, but I do think this performance will be a motivator for this team.

If we had won today, I have a nasty feeling that the team would really have been drinking its own bathwater, but on what? Beating a limp Hawthorn missing Hodge and a half strength Cats team albeit on their home turf. GC and Brisbane in the weeks prior to that.

The fact that we lost today to this Cats team (that is, undermanned) underscores that we are a fair way from a true premiership contender based on our performances for the last month. Hopefully it will dampen some of the media driven hysteria around us being a finals force and will allow the team to concentrate on the task at hand, maybe even fly under the radar for a bit.

Because when we play our first final, all of these players are going to find out what pressure to perform really is, especially on the back of losing our last 3 finals. And I want to see us as well prepared as possible for that test.

I believe in Balme and what he brings to our club, an astute footy mind not scared of hard calls and not prepared to sugar coat it. I want a warts and all examination under finals pressure, and I want the team ready for it, not peeing in their own pockets.

And if this loss doesn't motivate the team, we all know what the result will be because we have seen it before.

Offline Chuck17

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I think this loss was an important step in our teams development

Offline MintOnLamb

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  • You have to think anyway, so why not think big? DT
Lost on team selection, we never learn

Offline YellowandBlackBlood

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Lost on team selection, we never learn
OER. Calling it as it is since 2004.

Offline the claw

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so we lost no surprise.
we failed to kick more than 12 goals against a top half team again  no surprise,
against better sides the set up is both a blessing because of pressure  but also a curse we dont kick scores hence we are always open to defeat.nothing has changed and it is probably too late to try something different  where we get the best of both worlds  pressure and offence not just one
Need to bring more than just pressure in big games.

Offline the claw

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so what has really changed martin and cotchin were servicable but didnt dominate what happens.

so many passengers again yes again, every week we have too many non contributers and others who only go in spurts.we have just one fwd who regularly kicks more than one goal a game and when the better players dont dominate few if any others manage to step up and fill the void.

Castagna soldo, Butler and C Ellis may as welll ot played. others like McIntosh Edwards Grigg rioli  did some good things but went missing for big chunlks again. Houli and B Ellis fmd they epitimise all that is wrong at the club yeah they get plenty of ball but they have hearts as big as peas you just know they will fold when you most need em to stand up.

When we win these things and more all get brushed under the carpet , when we lose they come out for all to see. they have never gone away they have always been there.