Leadership is displayed by ability and we don't have enough players or "leaders" with ability. Our 3 main on-ballers - Johnson, Tuck and Coughlan are just not good enough full stop. Too slow, not skillful enough and not smart enough. Don't know how, where and when to run to support, don't know how to create, don't know how to play modern fluent fast moving footy. They were killed by West, Cross, Giansiracusa etc. Their support team in Krakouer, Hyde and Rodan are VFL standard at best.
We severley need some classy skillful SMART on-ballers on our list and quickly. Players that know how to run, support, deliver and think on their feet.
It makes it virtually impossible if the engine is average, and the 6 mentioned above basically make up our engine. Without 6-8 classy runners rotating through the middle, onto the wings/flanks and off and on the bench you are going nowhere, and it makes no difference who's standing in your forward and backlines.
Compare our engine to the bulldogs - West, Cross, Giansiracusa, Cooney, Griffen, Gilbee, Johnson, Eagleton,.....throw in Murphy, Mcmahon for good measure. Is it any wonder we got hammered ??