Does the AFL Tasmania board have to approve an AFL club playing at Bellerive?
If yes, I think that would be a decision Gale would have to remove himself from being part of without having to step down from the board.
I think they would have to OK it and that would be the AFL Tassie board doing it.
I'm not seeing evidence that there is a conflict of interest right now. I can see that there could be one down the track, depending on how far the possibility of Richmond playing games at Bellerive goes. I'd think that would be the time for something to be done about it, not now as a just in case.
In a way at the moment it's all about perception to large degree
My personal view is that even at this early stage there is a perceived conflict and at the very least Benny needs to say "I've removed myself from any discussion that the board has had about the RFC".
And if it gets to next the stage of the RFC actually getting close to getting a deal done then he must stand down form the board. Excusing himself wouldn't cut it in my mind; from a business ethics standpoint it is a massive conflict
The other way at looking at it is because there is a perception of there being a conflict then perhaps it is in the best interest of the RFC for Benny to stand down so to ensure the likes of the Norf Melbs of this world and all the media hypocites can't say that our club has been favoured in any way