Author Topic: Australian Politics thread [merged]  (Read 941424 times)

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5220 on: June 27, 2020, 09:47:33 AM »
The only thing I will say about the lost above is:

Every state had BLM protests, every state. No state could stop them. And multiple pollies across Aust supported them. I've asked many times if anyone can tell me how the police were supposed to fine 40k people? As yet no one has come forward with that answer

Regarding,  people refusing to be tested. This is Australia wide not just in Victoria. Sadly, you cannot force anyone to be tested. Decent folks will do it because it is the right thing. Those who refuse .... well call them what you like

That is all
« Last Edit: June 27, 2020, 02:03:36 PM by WilliamPowell »
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

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Offline Rampsation

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5221 on: June 27, 2020, 09:58:13 AM »
Fining the clowns would have been easy. Send in 1000 cops and each cop coukd issue 3 or 4 fines each. Anyone resisting should have been charged with resisting arrest and assault if they wanted to punch on with the cops. The only reason the cops werent issuing fines was because the imbeciles at the protests were all lefty dole bludgers who vote labor and the government didnt want to issue fines to the supporters of the left.

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5222 on: June 27, 2020, 01:50:57 PM »
Fining the clowns would have been easy. Send in 1000 cops and each cop coukd issue 3 or 4 fines each. Anyone resisting should have been charged with resisting arrest and assault if they wanted to punch on with the cops. The only reason the cops werent issuing fines was because the imbeciles at the protests were all lefty dole bludgers who vote labor and the government didnt want to issue fines to the supporters of the left.

You do realise in Australia it is not illegal to protest? So whether we agree with it or not even with social distancing rules (key word is rules not law) people were legally allowed to protest. I don't agree with it but I was reading about it via legal blog by a constitutional expert that the cops were limited by what they could do

And are you that naive to know why they didn't do what you are suggesting? The ratbag element said prior they were deliberately going to the protest to try and provoke police so the could generate footage of "police brutality"

For the record so things cannot be twisted to suit a narrative. I support the cause but under no circumstances did I support the protest. It should not have gone ahead in these times

That is all
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5223 on: June 27, 2020, 02:02:18 PM »

Can you and WP concede I was right. It is about race and ethnicity. Surely the Government's reaction proves this?


Based on

1) what I saw on the news on Thursday evening from the good folk of Broadmeadows simply refusing to do the right thing because they don't care about anyone but themselves. Which is what I've  witnessed first hand when I go out walking. And you if you dare say anything to people asking them to the right thing you get abused.

2) and more than anything what I have witnessed at my own workplace in the last 3 weeks. Where despite the protocols by the business being very clear = slightest symptoms stay home and get tested we have people rocking up to work day after day and then getting sent home. Worst offenders? White anglo males.

That is all.
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

Offline 1965

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5224 on: June 28, 2020, 06:44:02 AM »

More evidence the Feds got it so wrong.

The crucial role multicultural media plays in conveying information about COVID-19 to Australians who speak a language other than English at home has been recognised by the government as it scrambles to respond to a second spike in cases in Victoria.

SBS last week reported it had received a phone call from the Department of Health wanting to utilise its in-language radio broadcasts to ensure the government’s coronavirus health and safety messages were getting across.

Some of the communities it is looking to target include those of African heritage, particularly the South Sudanese-born Australians, it also mentioned Indian, Cambodian, Indonesian and Sinhalese language groups, also Arabic, Turkish, Vietnamese, Italian and Mandarin language speakers were areas of concern where they wanted to ensure the COVID-19 safety messages were getting through,” SBS journalist Abby Dinham reported.
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline Rampsation

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5225 on: June 28, 2020, 09:25:03 AM »
Your kidding yourself everyone knows about covid 19 everyone. These people have a disrespect for the law and the wider community. You could invest millions in ads it wont make a difference because these deadbeat communities dont care about anyone else.

Offline 1965

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5226 on: June 28, 2020, 09:48:51 AM »
Your kidding yourself everyone knows about covid 19 everyone. These people have a disrespect for the law and the wider community. You could invest millions in ads it wont make a difference because these deadbeat communities dont care about anyone else.

The evidence suggests otherwise.
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline Rampsation

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5227 on: June 28, 2020, 10:01:25 AM »
What evidence lol. SBS are just a propaganda tool for alot of these communities. They are doing the wrong thing. They know they are doing the wrong thing and they dont give a stuff about it. Anyone who breaches
The rules now in victoria should get fined the full amount. Then youll see these deadbeats complying.

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5228 on: June 29, 2020, 09:38:15 AM »
Andrew Bolt: Why Daniel Andrews got it wrong

For months “Dictator Dan”, ordered all Victorians to follow over-the-top restrictions to stop COVID-19. Yet our nitwit government got tough on everything except the one basic thing that counts most and has become the example on exactly how not to fight this virus, writes Andrew Bolt.

Victoria's bungling of coronavirus 'going to cost the country big time'
The Victorian government bungled its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, it played the “little dictator” with ludicrous bans, and committed a number of fundamental errors th...

Pay attention millennials, this isn’t bullying, it’s life

COVID-19 reaction a scary insight on rubbish climate modelling

Law profession is basically the NRL with wigs

Victoria’s virus laws have been the most insanely tough. Yet Victorians are now Australia’s lepers, banned from South Australia and crowd events in NSW.

Please, watch Victoria to see exactly not how we must fight this virus or any other.

For months Premier Daniel Andrews polished his image as “Dictator Dan”, ordering all Victorians to stay in their homes to stop the virus.

His restrictions were crazily over-the-top. He banned golf, fishing and camping — even out in the desert –— despite a study showing just one example in China of group transmission of the virus in the open air.

Many of those bans were finally eased, but Victoria remains the most militant state.

But now look: for two weeks it’s had many more new infections than the rest of the country put together. On Saturday, 41 new infections. On Sunday, 49.

(NSW on Sunday had just three, including two travellers in hotel quarantine.)

See, Victoria’s nitwit government got tough on everything except the one basic thing that counts most. It didn’t make sure that sick people were put in tight quarantine — and stayed there.

I’m no expert but could see the stupidity of being tough on things that didn’t count and soft on what did. Since April, I repeatedly warned “we should do more to quarantine the sick” and “do more to make sure the infected stay in quarantine”.

For political analysis and opinion like no other. Watch Jones & Credlin with Alan Jones 8pm Tuesdays, Sky News. For more

But check what this government did instead.

First, it got security guards — amateurs — to work at hotels where we quarantine travellers returning from overseas, many with infections.

These hotels were virus central. But now we’re told by the ACTU that these guards weren’t properly trained.

And surprise! Some caught the virus from the very people they were supposedly keeping in quarantine, and took it home with them.

Strike one. This government made the most fundamental error: not keeping the door shut.

But wait. It did this twice.

Those guards took the virus to some of the 10 hotspot suburbs in this outbreak — suburbs where up to 60 per cent of people were born overseas.

As Andrews admits, some infections in these suburbs were spread in turn by people who broke the lockdown rules. Some knew they were sick, yet still went to work. Others held big family parties to mark the end of Ramadan, which is one reason why just a few families were responsible for nearly half the new infections in the outbreak’s first week.

The government blames a lack of English for infected people not paying attention to the virus bans, even though health warnings were translated into 53 languages.

But leave aside who should take the blame for this dangerous multicultural disunity.

Strike two against this government is that it once more failed to do the basics. Again, it did not shut the door on this virus. Literally.

Instead, it ran an honour system of quarantine. It trusted people who got sick to stay at home and not have people drop in.

Sure, it eventually backed that up with some police checks, but that clearly failed. Last Monday, police stepped up those checks and found 13 people supposedly in home quarantine had gone out.

How can we run a loose honour system of quarantine when the cost of the virus spreading is so huge? This is bizarre.

It’s not like there aren’t examples to learn from. I’ve pointed before to Taiwan, which has a population about as big as ours, but had just seven people die from the virus. We’ve had 103.

In Taiwan, officials check anyone in quarantine with a daily phone call. If there’s no answer, police will be there within the hour. And phones are tracked, so that if someone in quarantine leaves home they get another call.

Add something else we now lack: Taiwan has a far more cohesive community, more likely to hear and heed government messages.

But Victoria? Check out its government’s final idiocy — its third strike. It let thousands of returning travellers out of quarantine without testing them first.

These Australians, many recently from countries such as India, refused to be tested, yet were let out anyway. Did this woke government not insist on tests for fear of appearing intolerant?

Now, I agree. Maybe the panic caused by Victoria’s outbreak is over the top. Just one Victorian has died of the virus in a month, and just one is in intensive care.

So this government is not just incompetent but hysterical, and the whole country is paying for it.

alp are imploding everywhere you look.
Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5229 on: June 29, 2020, 03:49:17 PM »
Scotty from Marketing is at it again with his "new" HomeBuilder scheme.

A good idea? It is if you are wealthy enough to afford a $150,000 extension or a $750,000 new house.

Does nothing for the people suffering on JobKeeper or JobSeeker.

Another stuff-up by Scotty from Marketing or was this the plan all along?

The Federal Government launched the HomeBuilder scheme on June 4, but just over three weeks later it is still not operational and there is no start date in sight.

Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5230 on: June 29, 2020, 05:36:20 PM »
Andrew Bolt: Why Daniel Andrews got it wrong

alp are imploding everywhere you look.

With respect Frankie,

Andrew Bolt is a biased journalist, always has been. He is a not anything remotely left, so therefore by extension he is anti ALP.

I won't even mention his constant defence of Pell and pointing the finger of blame at the victims because it is not relevant to this discussion

But more importantly, he ridiculed all things CIVID19 when we went into lockdown. Said it was an over reaction even when people were dying. But now it seems he has done a complete 360

So forgive me if I put very little credence in his opinion
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

Offline 1965

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5231 on: June 29, 2020, 05:52:35 PM »
Me too. (although it means I'm agreeing with WP)
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline Diocletian

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5232 on: June 29, 2020, 05:55:35 PM »
Yes we should only ever cite far-left media & the ALPBC like you do... :shh

"Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good...."

- Thomas Sowell

FJ is the only one that makes sense.

Offline 1965

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5233 on: June 29, 2020, 07:19:07 PM »
Scotty from Marketing is at it again with his "new" HomeBuilder scheme.

A good idea? It is if you are wealthy enough to afford a $150,000 extension or a $750,000 new house.

Does nothing for the people suffering on JobKeeper or JobSeeker.

Another stuff-up by Scotty from Marketing or was this the plan all along?

The Federal Government launched the HomeBuilder scheme on June 4, but just over three weeks later it is still not operational and there is no start date in sight.

No comments FJ?
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5234 on: June 29, 2020, 07:20:51 PM »
Yes we should only ever cite far-left media & the ALPBC like you do... :shh

aarg yes the good ol 2 way street. Doesn't go down well on here.

ask scomo and the sports rorts bashers who suddenly have a lapse of memory now that big dan and his mates have done far worse. :shh

Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.