The AFL deserves blame sure, but doesn't Vickery Snr also deserve to share some? As our interchange steward shouldn't he of been aware of the rules and also been timing it to make sure it was correct?
He was told by the AFL steward it was OK to put Edwards on. It's not his fault. Nobody seems to know what the rule is.
To me it is easy. There should be a time ? 20 min, that a player is assessed for concussion. If he is not right by that time he cannot go back on. That means that if you are OK in 2 minutes, you can go back on after 2 minutes. The sub can only be used while the player is off getting assessed. To stop abuse of the rule, heavy team fines should be imposed if it is deemed that the player faked to get the sub on.
The current rule penalizes the team who lost the player too much and is unworkable.