I hope the Cats get through and the Dogs cause an upset.
My only saving grace if there is one if the Pies win the flag is that I am hoping in 5 years they are still hanging onto players much in the same way they did after their 1990 flag and by then they will be nowhere for another 10 or so years after Mick is seen as the messiah and has left Nathan Buckley to make all the hard decisions whist he sits back and says hey I'm the coaches coach and I won a flag what do you want from me $$$$$$$$.
By 2018 the Lexus Centre could be in decay interms of on field and this time noone feel sorry for them when they win the spoon.
As for the Saints they are the most pathetic footy club in the league and I hope that stays that way. A flag for them would be a kick in the teeth from those ferals who think it is their right to have a flag as much as it is the Skunks right when they have only 1 flag in over a century and a decade. How smug would we feel if sometime over the next half dozen years we win one and after their dominance over us since 2003 we can throw it back in their faces and restore the order we had when I was growing up in the early 80's.
Dogs yep are pathetic like the Saints but I have more sympathy for them so I guess I won't be too disappointed if they cause two upsets and win the most unlikeliest of flags. If not then their premiership window is closed and back to being the scraggers and causing an upset a season amongst your half dozen or so hard fought wins. Back to reality........
Like so many of you Go Cats. Three in four seasons.
Then you can start sliding down the ladder and back to being those country bumpkins from Sleepy Hollow and back to carrying handbags again......