VIDEO: Here's vision of the speeches from the dinner the other night. exact total raised was $2,313,169.
The word of the day (or night) was "investment". Gale, March and Dimma all used it repeatedly in their speeches.
Benny Gale made mention that the days of throwing the coach the keys and expecting him to do it all are gone. We need to invest in our coaches so they can get the best out of our players. We know from the stats that success only comes with that investment.
Dimma pointed to the premiership cups on the stage and said "hell or high water we are going to get one of those". He also said we need the investment so Cotch, Dusty, Lids, etc ... don't suffer the same fate of Benny Gale, Wayne Campbell and Richo of not playing finals regularly. Dimma said he's amazed by what our players can do and that while they might not know it yet they can take the competition by storm over the next 3-4 years. He then adds the players can't do it without you (those in the audience) and you can't do it without the players.