No Abbott isnt a scammer. He just did what he had to do to get the leadership of his party. The ALP on the otherhand are scamming the entire Australian population. Even Labor Members know it - theyre leaving in droves. .
I think you are missing the point Flagman and there are 2 points here
Firstly, facts are your man the honourable and honest Tone believes that Climate Change exists, he supported an ETS until he relised that disowning it and changing his mind on it was his ticket to the Lib leadership, so he did the honourable & honest thing and knifed his leader in the back to get the top job.
Point 2 is he as leader of the opposition of this country still believes Climate Change exists and it needs to be addressed.
You have said this:
the carbon tax and its climate change origins are nothing more than disgraceful scams. Its a scam and everyone knows it, its a scam because Kevvie boy and the good old Jules who wouldnt even know if her behind was on fire wasted billions on dodgy chinese insulation and school facilities that turned out to be portables lol. they wasted billions and have a huge hole in their budget revenues so we will have to pay for climate change which infact doesnt exist. give us a break! Its a scam. Even the Nigerians would be proud!
You have stated categorically that Climate change is a scam, doesn't exist and anyone who believes it exist is a scammer
I have asked the question which you have so far refused to answer if Climate change is a scam and those that acknowledge it are scammers is your man Tone a scammer too?
Because he has said repeatedly that although is against the Carbon tax he believes in Climate change and the need to do something about it> So based on what you have said he must be a scammer which is clearly disgraceful under your criteria
Or are you saying that the only people here are scamming the people on the issue of Climate Change in Aust are the current govt and not your man Tony and his party?