What if aliens substituted our government with idiots, and we're all just part of a massive tv program to see how long it takes to figure it out?
What if we are all wacko but we are too unintelligent to know?
What if the first humans were super smart and the reason we are so dumb is because we are all inbred?
What if what we are living is so stuffed up because its an alternate reality to the real world?
What if we cant walk through mirrors only because our reflection is in the way?
What if every time we have déjà vu, its because we actually died and we have just reincarnated to the last save point?
What if all the animals talk the same language and were the odd ones out?
What if you are the only person that exists, and everyone else is a robot?
What if you are in the process of dying, and your life you live is simply flashing before your eyes?
What if in an alternate world, girls hump guys, poot tastes good and hamburgers eat people?