So why hasn't some of the profit from the last seven years been used to reduce the $4.5 million debt?
The club gets the debt by a succession of loss-making years and when they make a profit it gets spent.
Sorry Redan that is incorrect
The bulk of the debt relates to borrowings made to fund the admin building & pool years ago, the losses had minimal impact on the debt level
Also, making a profit doesn't necessarily equal cash
FWIW last year (2010) without the FTF they paid of $500k of debt on the back of a $2mil profit
OK so after the statement that I was incorrect, I went and had a look at the 2004 report.
We took a loss of $2.194M in 2004 after a loss in 2003 of $882K.
Liabilities went from $6.856M to $8.66M with the main item, Bank Overdraft going from $829K to $3.318M.
Total Assets went down from $8.3M in 2003 to $7.9M in 2004.
Our net assets went from $1.45M in 2013 to -$745K in 2014, which is why the Auditors used the AFL guarantee to excuse us of "Trading while Insolvent".
Figures over the dark years according to the 2004 Financials and current Treasurers report (in $'000)
Net Assets Profit/Loss
2003 1,449 (882)
2004 (745) (2.194)
2005 (704) 41
2006 (183) 949
My question is: if we incurred a Bank Overdraft to fund buildings (assets) why did our net assets go down in 2004 and continue to be negative for the next two years?
These figures from 2004 raise the question of how our overdraft went from $3M in 2004 to $4.5M in 2010? Is this where the buildings were funded from?
If so, I wouldn't call a third the "bulk" of the debt and on the figures I've quoted I don't think I'm incorrect.