Author Topic: Rudd Resigns  (Read 11761 times)

Offline Tigeritis™©®

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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #30 on: February 23, 2012, 06:40:44 AM »
Watching steven conroy on the today show this morning I realised just how much they hate Rudd. He didn't hold back at all on what he thought of him.

This party truly is in disarray. It's completely hopeless.

I can't wait for an election.   

As bad as it is for them there's only one thing worse than the labor party at the moment ....
....The greens
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Online WilliamPowell

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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #31 on: February 23, 2012, 07:01:34 AM »

The 'public' aren't particularly fans of Abbott either. Gillard would be behind at the moment but it's not election time yet.
Hopefully once this Rudd muck is out of the way, politics in this country can get back to being about policy.
Tony has some work to do on that front.

This is true, that's why when the polls come out for "Preferred PM" they are always close and in more often than not Gillard is ahead. That says alot about what people think of Abbott

I will admit I lost all respect for Rudd back in 2010, firstly, at that fateful day at the National Press Club when Laurie Oakes started asking questions about what happened in the meeting between Rudd/Gillard.. someone leaked that info to Oakes and seeing there were only 2 people in the room a the time  :whistle ;D and the way he has since tried to undermine the party he is suppsoedly so passionate about ....

That's why I enjoyed reading Swan's comments.. finally someone in the ALP having the guts to say publicly what the vast majority know & believe

And BTW does Abbott have a policy  ;D
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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2012, 07:46:07 AM »

And BTW does Abbott have a policy  ;D
Of course he does, the usual one to get the racists firing, and that's to turn the boats back and feed the asylum seekers to the sharks lol
Real policies?  No, not a cracker
A bit like Baillieu in Victoria, what a dud government this is turning out to be

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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2012, 08:22:19 AM »

The 'public' aren't particularly fans of Abbott either. Gillard would be behind at the moment but it's not election time yet.
Hopefully once this Rudd muck is out of the way, politics in this country can get back to being about policy.
Tony has some work to do on that front.

This is true, that's why when the polls come out for "Preferred PM" they are always close and in more often than not Gillard is ahead. That says alot about what people think of Abbott

I will admit I lost all respect for Rudd back in 2010, firstly, at that fateful day at the National Press Club when Laurie Oakes started asking questions about what happened in the meeting between Rudd/Gillard.. someone leaked that info to Oakes and seeing there were only 2 people in the room a the time  :whistle ;D and the way he has since tried to undermine the party he is suppsoedly so passionate about ....

That's why I enjoyed reading Swan's comments.. finally someone in the ALP having the guts to say publicly what the vast majority know & believe

And BTW does Abbott have a policy  ;D

Rudd and Laurie are a couple.

By stuff wouldn't it be good if Turnbull was leader of the opposition right now :thumbsup

Offline Tigeritis™©®

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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #34 on: February 23, 2012, 08:26:18 AM »
Bill shorten will lead labor to the next election, lock it in.
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Offline Penelope

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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #35 on: February 23, 2012, 08:59:28 AM »
I would be very surprised if there is a change of leadership.

The independents have a deal in place with gillard, and at least one has stated that this is not transferrable, so a change of leader could see a change of government.

If this did happen, it would leave the libs with not only a minority government, something that his very difficult to govern with, as we have seen, but also not controlling the senate.

Most probably this would lead to the libs governing towards a double dissolution.

who knows what effect this would have on the economy at a time when we are just managing to avoid the worlds economic turmoil.

even if the independants backed a no confidence vote, causing another election, the libs still may govern for a double dissolution when they win so we could have two elections within a matter of months.
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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #36 on: February 23, 2012, 09:22:15 AM »
As others have said here, I think Turnbull would be a much better Liberal Leader than Abbott despite the fact that anyone could lead the Libs to victory over the current shambles that is the Labor Party.

If Rudd does not stand up and be counted, it will be political suicide.

The only reason why Rudd resigned was so he could drop to the backbench and start lobbying for numbers.

Something he could not openly do on the front bench.

Gillard to her credit, pick up on his "cunning plan" and called the vote on Monday to force his hand early and under prepared.


Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #37 on: February 23, 2012, 10:44:59 AM »
And he is clever enough to make Abbott look like the fool that he is.


i didn't know you had to be clever to make abbott look like a fool  :lol

Tell that to the masses of morons that are going to vote for him


Maybe so 1965 but the way the ALP are going at the moment Elmer Fudd could be running for the Libs and he'd win in a landslide also. ALP are a sad state of affairs.


Whats going to be even more funnier than this, is watching the Libs completely destroy what little remaining heart beat the Labour party have left.

The next election is going to be one sweet day watching this dysfunctional group go down in history as the worse ever, never to be seen again for years to come.

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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #38 on: February 23, 2012, 10:58:00 AM »
Fair dinkum, Gillard almost put me in a coma for most of that. Good on the bloke that peeed her off towards the end :lol

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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #39 on: February 23, 2012, 11:09:34 AM »
And BTW does Abbott have a policy  ;D

'The opposite of whatever Labor says.'

'Details Tony?'

'We'll work that out when we're elected'

Online WilliamPowell

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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #40 on: February 23, 2012, 11:59:32 AM »
I would be very surprised if there is a change of leadership.

The independents have a deal in place with gillard, and at least one has stated that this is not transferrable, so a change of leader could see a change of government.

Correct and let's be honest a number of ALP members (and throw coalition MPs in as well) don't want an election before 2013 so they can qualify for "cushy" super entitlements you get if you serve more than 1 term, they want this minority govt to run it's full term  ;D

As for Rudd, he says in one breath he hasn't made a decision on what he is going to do and will make an annoucment Sunday and then in the next breath half a world away he's saying he may challenge

Then to top it off his wife is out giving "pressers" as well telling people they should be phoning their local members saying they want Rudd as leader... I mean seriously.....

A bit like Baillieu in Victoria, what a dud government this is turning out to be

I believe they are looking into it; it being what a policy actually is when they now they will inform their national colleagues  ;D

Watching steven conroy on the today show this morning I realised just how much they hate Rudd. He didn't hold back at all on what he thought of him.

Yes alot in the ALP blame Rudd for the last election result because of the way he "sabotaged" the 2010 campaign and by leaking things to certian journos he did...

I've always been of the opinion that the moment Oakes got hold of that leak about "that" meeting the ALP's campaign went down the gurgurlar

I can't wait for an election.   

Don't worry 2013 will come around quickly  :thumbsup
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #41 on: February 23, 2012, 12:15:18 PM »
And BTW does Abbott have a policy  ;D

'The opposite of whatever Labor says.'

'Details Tony?'

'We'll work that out when we're elected'

why should he say anything magic? Seriously would you?

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He just should sit back eat his popcorn and enjoy his free ride to the top of the mountain
Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #42 on: February 23, 2012, 12:19:11 PM »
And BTW does Abbott have a policy  ;D

'The opposite of whatever Labor says.'

'Details Tony?'

'We'll work that out when we're elected'

why should he say anything magic? Seriously would you?

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He just should sit back eat his popcorn and enjoy his free ride to the top of the mountain

No doubt it's worked for him up til now daniel but it's not election time.
He's been enjoying Labor's destabilisation from the front row.
It's been a free ride at the amusement park.

However I expect Rudd will get absolutely spanked on Monday as Labor colleagues recognise he is a big reason for many of the parties woes.
If Gillard is then able to get on with the job unhindered leading into the election, Tony will have to start putting some real policy together.

That can only be a good thing for the country whoever ends up elected..


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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #43 on: February 23, 2012, 12:52:25 PM »
Abbott this morning on MMM said we need an election. Eddie asked if they even had policies yet and all he could say was "....*pause*.. Reduce government spending."



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Re: Rudd Resigns
« Reply #44 on: February 23, 2012, 01:20:15 PM »
any party that puts an ugly,dumb slut in charge,fully deserve it