Author Topic: Essendon face AFL probe/Players found Guilty by CAS  (Read 697888 times)

Offline one-eyed

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3240 on: January 11, 2015, 04:57:59 AM »
Jimmy Hird's appeal looks like it won't be wrapped up until the end of January.

So the ASADA hearing, which resumes Monday, may be finished before Hird can try to stop it  :laugh:.

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3241 on: January 11, 2015, 02:01:03 PM »
 think they will get off myself but hoping WADA comes over the top and sends it the International Court of Sports Arbitration

Offline YellowandBlackBlood

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3242 on: January 11, 2015, 03:10:03 PM »
think they will get off myself but hoping WADA comes over the top and sends it the International Court of Sports Arbitration
If WADA didn't complain about the penalties to Cronulla, I doubt whether they'll bother "coming over the top" for a case based on circumstantial evidence that cannot convict at its own tribunal....... :whistle
OER. Calling it as it is since 2004.

Offline mightytiges

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3243 on: January 12, 2015, 12:08:32 PM »
ASADA is still presenting evidence today so this will go on for a long time yet. Interesting to see if there's any more leaks to the media despite it being a 'closed to the public' hearing. The pre-Christmas hearings leaked to the Australian that Essendon players were exchanging text messages about "Thymo" injections.
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Offline one-eyed

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3244 on: January 12, 2015, 05:51:45 PM »
THE AFL Anti-Doping Tribunal resumed on Monday, with ASADA calling a medical expert to give evidence in its case against 34 past and present Essendon players.
ASADA lawyer Malcolm Holmes, QC, called the specialist to give evidence on substances that are the subject of infraction notices. The witness was then cross-examined by counsel for the players.
The hearing, which is being held behind closed doors in the Victorian County Court, will continue on Tuesday.

Offline mightytiges

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3245 on: January 13, 2015, 03:06:40 PM »

Why would the players' lawyers being quizzing the medical specialist about the properties of a prohibited drug and why it's prohibited under the WADA code if they are claiming they never ever took it in the first place?  ::)

No surprise though Essendon is once again trying to get off their players off via a dodgy technicality  ::).
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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3246 on: January 13, 2015, 06:12:57 PM »
Sounds like typical law speak, MT.

 We didn't inject it, but even if we did, it wasn't what you claim it to be ..but, even if it was, it didn't have any performance enhacing effects ... But, even if it did, it shouldn't  be on the banned list anyway, because Australian experts don't know what they're talking about ...

Offline one-eyed

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3247 on: January 14, 2015, 06:47:01 PM »
ASADA has finished its opening submission.

ASADA turns to second expert in Essendon supplements hearing

  Jon Pierik
     The Age
    January 14, 2015 - 6:28PM

The Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority has finished its opening submission in a specially convened hearing, alleging Essendon players were injected with a banned drug during the club's 2012 supplements program.

ASADA's initial case concluded on Wednesday after its counsel, Malcolm Holmes QC, called a second medical specialist to give evidence.

Holmes had turned to an endocrinologist earlier in the week to give evidence.

University of Sydney endocrinologist David Handelsman was reportedly one of the medical experts called. Handelsman has been called by ASADA in other cases and is an expert in peptides and hormones. Experts say one of his briefs may have been to confirm the drug at the centre of the case, thymosin beta-4, was banned.

It is understood Peter Fricker, a former director of the Australian Institute of Sport who is on the Anti-Doping Rule Violation Panel, was also to be called by ASADA to give evidence.

Fricker, a highly respected sports physician, was to discuss his 2012 meetings with Stephen Dank, the engineer of the Bombers' supplements program. This evidence, in particular, was to centre on any alleged discussions of the peptide thymosin.

Fricker took no part in reviewing the Essendon case after declaring a conflict of interest before being appointed to ADRVP early last year.

While the 34 current and former Essendon players are alleged to have been administered the banned thymosin beta-4, the players are set to argue it was a legal form of thymosin, thymosin alpha-1 or thymodulin.

ASADA's opening submission took six days, although the duration of the argument could not be used as a guide in determining the strength of its case, according to former ASADA chief Richard Ings.

"No one can judge if the ASADA case is weak or strong based on how long it takes to present. Only the tribunal can judge based on its content," he said on Twitter.

ASADA is also taking aim at Dank, accusing him of more than 30 doping violations during his time at Essendon and also at Gold Coast. This includes allegations of trafficking, administering and possessing banned peptides.

The specially convened hearing, held in private before AFL anti-doping chairman David Jones, continues on Thursday.

Offline YellowandBlackBlood

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3248 on: January 17, 2015, 10:05:09 AM »
Thymosin alpha 1 and thymomodulin are completely different drugs.

So which one did they take?
OER. Calling it as it is since 2004.


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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3249 on: January 17, 2015, 11:00:20 AM »
No point asking the Dons what they took.they no records.


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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3250 on: January 17, 2015, 02:25:59 PM »
No point asking the Dons what they took.they no records.

But they can guarantee that they didn't take the illegal one


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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3251 on: January 17, 2015, 03:17:17 PM »
When you guys put it like that it really shows how ridiculous it is.

We don't know what we took,  but just trust us it wasn't banned k.

Offline YellowandBlackBlood

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3252 on: January 18, 2015, 12:38:41 AM »

It shows Alavi knows what he tests - so he lied!

It shows that TB4 is promoted due to its immune benefits just like Dank told Nick McKenzie in that infamous article:

Of course, 24 hours later he said he made a mistake and meant thymomodulin.
OER. Calling it as it is since 2004.


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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3253 on: January 18, 2015, 11:33:55 AM »
What I don't I understand is why authorities are prepared to listen to so many people who appear to change their stories endlessly.

Offline Yeahright

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Re: Essendon face AFL probe
« Reply #3254 on: January 18, 2015, 02:54:34 PM »
Thymosin alpha 1 and thymomodulin are completely different drugs.

So which one did they take?

They are both legal are they not? Sounds like they are saying "we didn't take the banned Thymosin, we took one of the two legal ones but I'm not sure which"