Got sucked into grabbing Hardline a couple weeks ago to play with mates. 64 player conquest is a laggy mess full of the usual candidates like chopper whores and campers, but blood money is a great game type. I think the game handles better but imo doesn't feel like a fully fledged battlefield. Just feels short on weapon and vehicle variety. But at least ships with a half decent campaign and I already managed to plat it. Also platted Sleeping Dogs after I couldn't resist it on the PS store a few weeks back for 18 bones.
Currently giving Borderlands collection a workout but the star right now is definitely Bloodborne. Certainly an acquired taste but nearly game of the generation so far. Just counting down to Witcher 3 before the end of year rush of sports games. Will quite possibly give FIFA a miss this year, just not enough variation from year to year. I skipped nba2k15 for this reason, so looking forward to 16 since I haven't played since 14. Same goes for Madden too. EA dropped the ball (puck) on the last nhl so will steer real clear of the next one.