Welcome everyone to One-Eyed Richmond's Tiger Forum Cheers from mightytiges and WilliamPowell.
The Big Weirdo
I'm getting a "vibe" that Mcbean will be playing this week.
Quote from: mat073 on June 20, 2013, 03:36:51 PMI'm getting a "vibe" that Mcbean will be playing this week.I hope you're right.
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....
Will this be a ticketed match?
The TigerArmy (AFL) @TheTigerArmyAFL twitter:"#AFLDogsTigers theres gunna be about 35,000 fans on Saturday night gunna be a sea of yellow and black #gotiges"
hhhaaarrgghhh hhhhaaarrggghhh hhhhaaaarrrggghh
Quote from: one-eyed on June 20, 2013, 10:08:07 PMThe TigerArmy (AFL) @TheTigerArmyAFL twitter:"#AFLDogsTigers theres gunna be about 35,000 fans on Saturday night gunna be a sea of yellow and black #gotiges"Don't think he has a clue about how much there will actually be. 40k is more likely imo
fairweather sooks