Lets try again - there is a lot of potential upside to this recruitment and no downside.
If he's a dude then we have lost absolutely nothing.
This is a good news story not another opportunity to take a pot shot
But unfortunately, like it or not, agree with it or not, the Club by their actions this season have created the angst/anger that is directed at everything they do.
I find that sad. It would be like someone always applauding the club for ever thing they do because they had years of success.
People need to take a breath and judge each action based on its merit rather than paint everything with the same brush.
Its all about persepective - I enjoyed last weeks win but all others can say is why didn't we do that earlier in the season! Move on! If you spend your whole time focusing on ever negative then why even follow the club?! It's obviously causing you more pain than happiness so step away. If all you can do is highlight the perceived failures, losses or flaws in the club then its time you need to evaluate if its all worth it.
No one is ever going to be 100% happy with the club but if you see something to celebrate, even if it is based on potential or hope, commend it. There hasn't been much joy emulating from Richmond this year so something like this where we have nothing to lose but plenty to gain - I say be happy!