Author Topic: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron  (Read 239241 times)

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #540 on: December 12, 2015, 11:38:53 AM »
I'll play devils advocate here and say this. Why is her approaching Martin instead of the cops/management a bad thing? Maybe she had genuinely good intentions of giving him a heads up to pull his head in so someone else didn't end up going to the cops/managment and smearing his name. It was stupid no doubt seeing as Martin was drunk, but surely Martin has to be man enough to think "damn, maybe I am being a bit over the top" and just tone him self down. If he did that chances are no one would of heard a bleep out of this.

Stupid behaviour. Even if it was Mother Teresa bringing up a bottle of water, would anyone in their right mind after 3 shots go. 'Thank you'?

How can you expect a 24 year old, littered with tattoos, to take it well?

Oh good, its ok eveybody the real culprit has been idenitifed we can all relax and go about our business. It was the tattoos's!!!

OMFG!!!!!! :banghead :banghead :banghead
DIMMA - You will be held ACCOUNTABLE...

“We are really excited about what we have brought in. We have got great depth of players that can take us where we need to go. We are just putting some cream on the top at the moment,” he said.

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #541 on: December 12, 2015, 11:42:10 AM »
Go Tigers!

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #542 on: December 12, 2015, 11:48:12 AM »

WTF does the comment "littered with Tattoos" imply?
DIMMA - You will be held ACCOUNTABLE...

“We are really excited about what we have brought in. We have got great depth of players that can take us where we need to go. We are just putting some cream on the top at the moment,” he said.

Shaun Hampson is the No.1 man"

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #543 on: December 12, 2015, 12:07:41 PM »
Disadvantaged lower class background

Working class hero

Blue collar

Salt of the earth, type

Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #544 on: December 12, 2015, 01:16:14 PM »
TBH if my daughters came home and told me they asked a drunk man to be quiet I would have told them that that was a very stupid thing to do. Drunk people do not understand reason. There is no point confronting them as long as you have a choice not to. If a drunk person is disturbing you at your gathering then alert management and let them deal with the issue. If they refuse to do anything, my advice would be to leave. People who are drunk or are on drugs often do not know what they are doing. If my daughters did what that Ch7 producer did, I'd be horrified and upset with their stupidity. Imagine if this person was your usual unknown, you would never be able to do anything about it and you just don't know what they were really capable of. And that's the truth.

Imma call you out on that one, I think that's rubbish. You'd support your daughters to the absolute fullest, regardless of the circumstances, like many are calling for the club to do with dusty.

Just one quick point. Whilst I agree with the people needing street smarts, assessing situations, destressing scenarios and avoiding dangerous ones, isn't it a poor reflection on society that the drunk trouble maker walks away not realising the danger he's put everyone in by getting him/herserf that innibriated, whilst the bystanders are the ones who have to diffuse all the potential dangers. The perpetrator doesn't feel any negative effects other than a filthy hangover and a wry grin whilst the retelling of the previous nights events are exposed; the rest of us have to put up with the status quo simply because its the smarter way to do things.

wow. that is your most ridiculous post ever, which is saying something, from start to finish.

Nah, dusty is not feeling any repercussions at all. :wallywink

perhaps start thinking things through rather than just spouting any garbage that fits in your ideology?

Sorry Petunia but I think you missed the mark there. It was more of a general statement about drunks but he was basically saying IF this lady didn't call him out he could of got away without any repercussions. He never said Dusty wasn't feeling any repercussions.
Now whether she should have done it herself or let management/police know is a different story

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #545 on: December 12, 2015, 01:18:46 PM »
I'll play devils advocate here and say this. Why is her approaching Martin instead of the cops/management a bad thing? Maybe she had genuinely good intentions of giving him a heads up to pull his head in so someone else didn't end up going to the cops/managment and smearing his name. It was stupid no doubt seeing as Martin was drunk, but surely Martin has to be man enough to think "damn, maybe I am being a bit over the top" and just tone him self down. If he did that chances are no one would of heard a bleep out of this.

Stupid behaviour. Even if it was Mother Teresa bringing up a bottle of water, would anyone in their right mind after 3 shots go. 'Thank you'?

How can you expect a 24 year old, littered with tattoos, to take it well?

Stupid yes and she should have handled it different IMO. But people are hanging her out to dry and maybe, just maybe, she actually had the best of intentions for Dusty.
But nah #standbydusty #shesanidiotcow #hashtags

Offline Petey

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #546 on: December 12, 2015, 01:20:21 PM »
I'll play devils advocate here and say this. Why is her approaching Martin instead of the cops/management a bad thing? Maybe she had genuinely good intentions of giving him a heads up to pull his head in so someone else didn't end up going to the cops/managment and smearing his name. It was stupid no doubt seeing as Martin was drunk, but surely Martin has to be man enough to think "damn, maybe I am being a bit over the top" and just tone him self down. If he did that chances are no one would of heard a bleep out of this.

Stupid behaviour. Even if it was Mother Teresa bringing up a bottle of water, would anyone in their right mind after 3 shots go. 'Thank you'?

How can you expect a 24 year old, littered with tattoos, to take it well?

Stupid yes and she should have handled it different IMO. But people are hanging her out to dry and maybe, just maybe, she actually had the best of intentions for Dusty.
But nah #standbydusty #shesanidiotcow #hashtags

she your mrs or something? had the best interests for dusty?

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #547 on: December 12, 2015, 01:26:36 PM »
She's my daughter.

I don't know whether she did but it's funny seeing the backlash she's copped because Dusty was an idiot. Both are stupid and deserve a whack. Maybe next time the bloke she tells off will do it

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #548 on: December 12, 2015, 01:33:18 PM »
Give her my best

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #549 on: December 12, 2015, 01:51:01 PM »
The story so far :

*Woman is at restaurant and beckons a drunk over to her table to tell him to calm down.

*Drunk unsuspectingly obliges and is met with authoritative belligerence.

*Drunk reacts verbally.No physical contact is made.

*Woman makes official complaint to employer of drunk. (Victim)
(Would you bother if her worked at Coles)

*Woman then launches verbal attack on employer via willing media outlets
Claiming, "The investigation has been seriously flawed." (victim)

*Woman advises AFL by saying  - "The AFL need to overhaul their process so the focus is on a victim’s welfare and not the branding of the league.’’
(she certainly has recognised herself as a Victim)

*Woman accuses AFL and RFC of falsifying legal statements.

*Woman continues to elaborate on the 5 seconds in Question -
“I felt heavily leaned on to water down how threatened and intimidated I felt on the night,’’ she told a friend
Caracella and Balmey.

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #550 on: December 12, 2015, 02:17:12 PM »
Obviously his actions were stupid. Never the less his punishment should be alcohol and anger management councelling and maybe a donation. It's got nothing to do with football, it's about him as a person. That's it. Should be over there, but no, the media have articles day after day calling for his head. It's ridiculous


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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #551 on: December 12, 2015, 02:24:47 PM »
Obviously his actions were stupid. Never the less his punishment should be alcohol and anger management councelling and maybe a donation. It's got nothing to do with football, it's about him as a person. That's it. Should be over there, but no, the media have articles day after day calling for his head. It's ridiculous
Agree with that. I actually think a football ban sends the wrong message for him to develop as person. All it does is keep the (media) wolves at bay to suspend him from football.

However, I'm pretty filthy with him for allowing himself to be intoxicated in a public scenario, so a club sanction of some sort is necessary. Not good enough. :thumbsdown

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #552 on: December 12, 2015, 02:34:50 PM »
Its December.
He's in his early twenties.
He can get blotto for all I care.

We don't stuffn own these kids.
We're merely spectators.

Ps. stuff her
Caracella and Balmey.


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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #553 on: December 12, 2015, 02:38:56 PM »
I guess that's where we fundamentally disagree then. A representative of my football club being drunk in public doesn't sit well with me. Especially one of our high-profile (and rather ostentatious) players.

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Re: Martin Asked to Leave Restaurant / Apologises to Female Patron
« Reply #554 on: December 12, 2015, 02:49:42 PM »
Reality is, it's not your football club.
That's just a conditioned response on your behalf.
They give not a stuff about you nor I.
They don't ask us for our say on anything.
They just market the stuff out of everything, take our money and never experience success,so we should all enjoy the cast of losers for what and who they are.
Grab the popcorn,!
The game is finished.

Go Storm!!
Caracella and Balmey.